Sorry for starting something new when I have so many other things I need to work on but I couldn't resist this idea.

Paring: ShiroxIchi

Ichigo Kurosaki could be called many things. Paranormal Magazines called him the top thrill seeker. Hunted places shows called him America's best ghost hunter. His father called him his number one son. His friends called him insane. He called himself stupid.

You see Ichigo spent his entire life since he was fifteen years old looking for something. He was never entirely sure what he was looking for. He knew there was something he had to find though. For some reason he knew that he should look in places that were supposedly haunted.

When he was fifteen he explored all of the haunted places in Japan, becoming widely known there as "the guy who's obsessed with ghosts." He had been able to see ghost ever since he could remember, but half the places that said they were haunted were never actually haunted.

When he figured out that what he was searching for was not in Japan he decided to go to America. He did not know why he chose America out of all the countries in the world but he knew that he had to go there. He quickly discovered that there were a lot more supposedly haunted places in America than in Japan. He also found out that the spirits there were much more dangerous. He had a nasty run in with one on his sixteenth birthday. A television camera crew had been taping him that day so he could be on a show called America's Most Haunted Places.

He had decided to explore a "haunted" hospital. He didn't remember all of the details about it but he knew that it was in Louisville, Kentucky. It had been a tuberculosis hospital in the 1920s. Five stories with a morgue and a long tunnel where they transported the dead out of the hospital. The top floor has been a mental ward.

Ichigo had decided to start his "tour" in the tunnel. He had not been with one of the guided tours because the television show gave him special access or something like that. That was the only reason he had agreed to being taped. What he did not like about being taped was the producers telling him to talk about what the energy feels like and what he sees. He figures talking about bad energy and good energy would be efficient.

The tunnel had been disturbing. It had been filled, not with ghosts, with echoes. He saw echoes of people walking along the tunnel, none of them acknowledged him. They just walked by, staring straight ahead with distant looks on their faces.

Ichigo had almost quit right then and there.

He had never quit before though so he kept going. He past many ghosts and echoes, none of them had wanted to talk. The whole time he bullshitted stuff to the cameras.

When he got to the fifth floor though he almost ran. He had heard stories about the nurse who had hung herself because she contracted TB but Ichigo thought they might have been lies. As soon as he stepped foot on that floor he was overwhelmed. His eyes were immediately drawn to room 502. Right in front of the doorway was the nurse swinging back and forth on the noose.

Ichigo knew the camera crew could not see it so he kept talking about energy while he stared at the limp form just hanging there clothed in white.

Then her eyes opened. She was a brunette, her eyes were a subtle blue. She looked perfectly normal except for the fact she was hanging from the ceiling by her neck. She stared right at Ichigo and started to scream. It made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. She was screaming at him, though he could not understand what she was saying. Her words were distorted, like she was underwater. Ichigo did catch the gist of it though. She was blaming him. For what he didn't know but he got of there as fast as possible.

Another bad run in had actually been on the streets Los Angeles. He had been going to get something to eat after he visited a "haunted" movie studio that had not been haunted at all. He had been wandering around aimlessly while keeping his eyes peeled for a restaurant that wasn't surrounded by paparazzi trying to get a picture of some stupid celebrity.

This guy walked up to him, he had been decked out in black leather. His hair was black, his eyes dark brown. He tried to grab Ichigo's shoulders but his hands and arms passed right through.

Ichigo looked him straight in the eyes, ignoring anyone who might be giving him strange looks. The guy then tried to punch him in the face, hands passing right through every time. Ichigo stood rooted to the spot. When the spirit figured out that he would not be able to touch Ichigo he started screaming obscenities at him. Then the spirit concentrated really hard and managed to land a hit on Ichigo's stomach. It hurt like a bitch. Ichigo doubled over clutching his stomach while glaring at his attacker.

Eventually the spirit just decided to disappear, without landing another hit. Ichigo was a little shaken up after that. Never had a spirit been able to touch him before. Usually he would let them try until they got bored, but never, in his entire sixteen years of life had a spirit been able to do that.

Don't even get Ichigo started on the time he went to Las Vegas. He just wouldn't go there.

On Ichigo's seventeenth birthday, however, is where we shall start this story.

Ichigo wondered if his friends were right, if he really was insane. They may call him that jokingly but he had a feeling there was truth in those words. What person who could see spirits would, in their right mind, go to a place where normal people saw apparitions almost everyday? Ichigo would.

St. Louis Cemetery Number One in New Orleans. It was founded in 1789 and is the oldest cemetery in New Orleans. The graves are above in tombs because flooding in the city would pull the bodies above ground.

So Ichigo, being the completely sane person he was, decided to go on his seventeenth birthday. He flew to New Orleans from where he was staying with his friend, Chad, In Texas. He was really excited for some reason, he felt as if he were close. Close to finding what he needed to find.

From the airport he hailed a cab. "St. Louis Cemetery Number One." Ichigo told the driver as he leaned back in the seat.

The driver looked at him in the mirror, "I ain't going near that cemetery." He sounded scared. Ichigo wondered why, sure there were a bunch of dead people and spirits, but the same goes for every city, not to mention graveyard. "I'll drop you off a block away though." Ichigo nodded, he was completely fine with walking.

He hadn't done much research about this place honestly. He saw it on television, on one of the shows he appeared on sometimes. Chad was into that kind of stuff and it was kind of how they met. Ichigo had been exploring a house there while Chad was on the tour and they started to talk, though Ichigo quickly discovered that Chad was a man of little words.

Ichigo told Chad about the little girl's spirit that resided in the house. Chad had been fascinated and ever since the two had been friends. So when Ichigo needed a place to stay Chad immediately offered.

When the cab reached its destination Ichigo paid the driver before stepping out of the cab. It was a beautiful day, the sky was blue with not a cloud in the sky, the sun was shining, but not too brightly. It was slightly chilly but Ichigo had a black hoodie on so he did not worry.

He arrived at the cemetery within a couple minutes. Before he entered though he couldn't take his eyes off the sign at the entrance.

Visitors are welcome but enter these premises at their own risk. No security nor guards are provided and the New Orleans Archdiocesan cemeteries disclaim responsibility for the personal safety of visitors and their property.

For the first time Ichigo wondered if he should be doing this. There were over 100,000 people buried there, what could he even be looking for? He could just leave and go back to Texas, or even Japan. He could visit his family and old friends. He didn't have to go in that cemetery.

But he did.

He had to. He didn't know why but he needed to go in the cemetery. Something else wanted him there, he was sure of it. He was being pulled towards it by some unnatural force.

His feet carried him past the entrance and he really wasn't very surprised by the amount of spirits in the cemetery. They were everywhere. Many of them were sitting on top of tombs, some were on the ground, while others were walking around. He couldn't tell who was alive and who wasn't. There was a group of spirits playing cards on a white marble tomb, a few little girls were playing jacks next to gray tomb. A small boy was climbing on a statue of a weeping woman. Ichigo figured those people were spirits. A large boa constrictor slithered past his feet.

He strode forward, his feet knew where he needed to go. He walked by a group of gossiping woman who pointed at him as he passed them. A woman in a white dress came up to him and asked him to take her to her husband but he ignored her, she wasn't what he was looking for.

He stopped at a black tomb that looked so out of place among all of the white ones. It just didn't seem to belong. It was made of marble, it glinted evilly at him in the sunlight. Ichigo wanted to go back, but his feet would no longer move.

There wasn't any special about the tomb except that it was black. There was no cross or anything to symbolize religion. There was no name either, just blank marble. Ichigo stood there, waiting fro something to happen. He just stood there staring at the tomb.

He did not know how long he was there but he vaguely remembered someone asking if he was okay. He told the he was fine but he wasn't so sure himself. Eventually the sun was setting. Ichigo found that he could move his feet again. He wasn't sure what exactly happened but he turned around, getting ready to walk out of the cemetery.

Then out of nowhere a hand appeared over his mouth.

"I didn't call you all the way over here just so you could leave without eve saying hello, did I?" A voice breathed in Ichigo's ear and then Ichigo was falling.

So? What do you think? Remember Faves/Alerts/Reviews are love!!

Peace Out!
