oh my goodness i am on a role i got this idea from a picture i saw on goole to see it the like is on my profile

naruto: u really have to make a story about me

me and tobi: jelous

naruto: of you never


naruto: ARTER YOU... um achually nevermind

iruka: the boy learns quick

me: how did you get in here?

iruka: the door? its wide open

sasuke:(walks in) whats up

me: nuthin but the ceeling

tobi: SUP kid

sasuke: nuthin much

tobi: same

me why do i feel like i should be doing something

naruto: probabbly nuttin lets go get some ramen

everyone : yah

me: lets go guys

we all leave

croud: cricket cricket

me:( from a distance) HOLY CRAP THE STORY( runs back) um i dont own

sorry about that my inner self is taking over enjoy

Deidara and Tobi were walking to the river to go on a swim and Tobi was bouncing with excitement.

Deidara sighed. " Will you calm down"?

" How can I sempai" Tobi said, " I get to go swimming with you" he grinned and continued to walk. Deidara just shook his head and kept walking. They were getting closer to the lake and Deidara just knew that Tobi would be so excited when he saw it. They came through the trees and Tobi stood there in shock. The lake was beautiful and the clearest blue you can imagine the lake glimmered in the sun

" Isn't it pretty Tobi"?

" Yup like Edward Cullen on a sunny day" he said giggling he started to take of his cloak. He looked at Deidara surprised to see the cloak top was off. Tobi was confused isn't something missing.

" Um sempai?"

" Yes Tobi"

" Where are your boobies?"


Deidara walked away grumbling the top of his cloak in hand. Leaving Tobi holding his red face he started to run after Deidara.

" Did Tobi do something wrong?" poor Tobi will he ever learn

lol i get bored

naruto : the next storys about me right

me: sure well if they review

naruto: please review for the sake of....blasting clay

me : really people again ( looks around)

Deidara: o look an open-( naruto closes the door) i mean an open win-(iruka closes the window)

me: (tapping foot hands on waist)

Deidara: ummm art is a bang?( throws a bird at the floor)

me: yup im deffitenly getting a lock (sigh ) please review