Welcome to the sequel of The Reason That I'm Singing and Here We Go Again. In order to understand this story completely, you may want to read them. :)
I really hope that you enjoy this first chapter and that it is what you were expecting.
This will most likely be the last installment in the series. I never could have imagined when I began The Reason That I'm Singing (almost a year ago now) that I could have turned it into a trilogy.
Thank you all for your support!
I guess I should let everyone know that I actually do not own Camp Rock, I simply own my own original characters and the plot. ;)
This is our song :)
This Is Our Song: Chapter 1
"We have Mitchie Torres-Gray here with us in the studio right now. She is here to talk to answer any questions that you guys have sent into us over the past week. But first and foremost, how are you doing today, Mitchie?"
"Hey, I'm doing well thank you Mark." I answered the radio host.
"So let us get right into some questions sent in by the fans," He began, going through a pile of pages, "How do you feel about all this, going through so much for someone so young?"
"Honestly I couldn't me more happier going through all this in the past few years. I really love what I am doing; I have wanted to be doing this since before I can remember. Plus I have a great support system to keep me grounded." I replied, smiling.
It was true, I really did. I wouldn't have been able to survive without my loved ones; they meant the world to me.
Savannah and Jason had announced their engagement about a month earlier and everyone seemed truly happy for them. They had been through so much together and deserved to be married.
Nate and Caitlyn had kept their engagement a secret for the time being, they were going to announce it after Camp Rock as they didn't want to steal Savannah and Jason's thunder. So far it had been over five weeks since they had been engaged.
"So tell us more about your relationship with the rest of Connect 3 and Miss Caitlyn Gellar and the future Mrs Fuller." He instructed me, politely.
"Nate and Jason are the best friends that a girl could ask for. They are like brothers to me and are always looking out for me. They love what they are doing too and are thrilled to be getting back in the swing of things with the band."
Connect 3 had been doing a number of shows over the past month whilst they worked on some more songs for their new album that they would record after Camp Rock.
Us girls had accompanied them on most shows; I had taken a little of a break from music for the time being. I had been on tour already and was still recovering from Sierra's death. I still got upset about it but didn't really cry much anymore; only sometimes at night when Shane could hold me and sing me to sleep.
Connect 3 had also released their first single off their next album which was due out around Christmas. It had shot straight to number one knocking my single 'Here We Go Again' to the number two spot after five weeks of being there.
I really didn't mind at all, I just pretended to be hurt when Nate began teasing me relentlessly about it. We had both filmed music videos for the singles which were just released and were doing well in sales on iTunes.
"And Caitlyn and Savannah?"
"They are my best friends in the entire world; we were all sad when Shane and I shifted out the apartment but I think Caitlyn took it the hardest." I paused for a moment to reflect back on how Caitlyn had sat on the floor and wrapped her arms around my leg in an attempt to not let me walk out the door, "She and I have lived together for a while now and she really is the sister that I never had. Savannah and I aren't just sisters-in-law, we're the same; she is like a big sister to me too and always watches out for me."
"Okay let's find another question," Mark said, looking down at the paper in his hands, "Which of your albums do you prefer, 'Don't Forget' or 'Here We Go Again'?"
"That's a hard one," I admitted, biting my bottom lip briefly, "I'd probably have to say 'Here We Go Again' just by a little bit. It's my more recent music and every song deals with experiences I have gone through whilst being in the spotlight."
"Crystal from here in New York wants to know how to deal with losing a loved one...We're aware that you lost someone important to you recently."
I nodded, "Yeah, I lost someone important to me not that long ago. The only thing that can truly help you heal is time. It will still hurt a lot but you need to surround yourself with loved ones and know that you will never forget the person."
"The next person wants to know whether or not you really are good friends with Alison Belle."
I had to use all my strength in order to not laugh out loud.
"Admittedly no, we get a long when we are together," I answered, it was pretty much true, "But we don't really hang out or anything. I don't even think I have her phone number."
"How are you and husband Shane Gray doing?"
Shane and I were doing great; we had shifted into our new apartment a couple weeks after he told me he bought it.
It really was beautiful; it was a penthouse of course, over-looking Central Park.
It had a huge spacious living room, an enormous kitchen as well as a study, three bedrooms and two bathrooms.
I loved it, I really did. The best part was that it was within walking distance to the old apartment and wasn't too far away from Shane's parent's place.
We hadn't really had any fights, only minor ones about decorating the apartment.
I bought a brand new grand piano to put in the living room and we mounted our guitars on the wall behind it. It looked pretty amazing.
"We are doing great right now." I answered honestly, "We shifted into our own apartment not long ago and are enjoy living on our own when we are here in the city. A lot of people are still sceptical of us being married so young but it works for us. Age is merely a number; we know we are meant to be and that we will always be together."
"Are there any babies in the near future for you?" He read the next question with a grin on his face.
"No, not yet." I laughed lightly, "Shane and I both have a lot going on right now but one day we will for sure."
"Our next listener wants to know whether or not you'll be going back to Camp Rock this year."
"Yes, we all are. We are going in a few days actually; we are all so incredibly excited."
"Camp Rock is very special for you and your husband isn't it?"
"Yes, it's where we met."
"You also got married there earlier this year didn't you?"
"Yes, it really is such a meaningful place to Shane and I, and we really can't wait to go back. It's a part of who we are."
I got back to Shane and my apartment by noon; he had lunch ready for me.
"Hey Mitch, I heard your interview. You did great." He told me as I walked in.
I smiled widely and set my bag down before going over to him and kissing him softly, "You made lunch?"
He nodded, "Granted I only make salad sandwiches, but be proud."
"Oh, I am." I grinned, "How was your meeting at the label?"
"Good, nothing major went down, just spoke about a few camp details. You know; the usual."
"I can't wait to go back." I said happily, sitting down and taking a bite of my sandwich.
"I know, you said it about ten times in your interview." He teased me.
"Shut up, Pop Star."
It was the following morning that I awoke early with an upset stomach.
I literally had to tear myself out of Shane's arms to make a mad dash to the bathroom.
I lifted up the toilet seat and heaved the contents of my stomach into the toilet bowl. Somehow I managed not to wake Shane up and I grabbed a cloth and wiped my mouth when I was done being sick and looked at myself in the mirror. I already looked paler, well paler than normal.
I left the bathroom and crept through the bedroom, being careful so I wouldn't wake Shane. He had, had a long night the night before and was exhausted.
I went to the kitchen and grabbed myself a glass of water to try and get rid of the disgusting taste in the back of my mouth. I couldn't stand it.
It was so early that the sun was rising; it felt weird being up so early when I didn't have to be.
I refilled my water and brought it back to Shane and my bedroom with me, setting it down on the bedside table.
I figured I'd sleep off whatever stomach bug I must have caught but as soon as I went to slip back into bed, I felt a wave of sickness over come me again.
This time I woke Shane up as he was there holding my hair back as I threw up into the toilet bowl.
When I was done I collapsed completely onto the ground as I tried to catch my breath.
"What's wrong?" Shane asked concerned, grabbing the cloth that I had used earlier and passing it to me.
"I just have a stomach bug, I was sick just before as well. I'm sorry I woke you up, I know you were tired last night."
"Don't be stupid, you're ill." He said, placing his hand on my forehead to see if I was overheated.
"There is a glass of water next to my bed; can you get it for me?" I asked, not knowing if I was done being sick.
He nodded and left the bathroom, returning seconds later with my water.
I sipped it slowly; I really didn't feel too good still.
"Did you need to be sick again?" He asked me, pushing the hair out of my face which was now slightly sweaty.
"I feel like I might be, but I just need to sleep it off." I sighed.
He grabbed the glass of water off me and set it down on the bathroom counter. He then helped pull me up to my feet and helped steer me back to bed, tucking me in.
"I'm not a baby." I protested. Secretly I was glad that he was doing this for me though.
He kissed me on the forehead, "I'm just going to get you a bucket just in case you can't make it to the bathroom if you need to be sick again."
He returned a couple minutes later with a fresh glass of water and a bucket that he set down next to my side of the bed.
"Your sandwich yesterday did this to me." I joked, trying to make light of the situation.
Shane laughed lightly and pushed my bangs off my forehead.
"I'm going to make some breakfast, just give me a shout if you need anything, baby." He instructed me, kissing my forehead.
"I'm sorry I woke you." I apologized.
"Don't be stupid." He assured me, "I'm here to look after you."
I closed my eyes and heard him leave the room.
I hadn't been sick in so long, I really hated feeling so vulnerable.
I woke up a few hours later as my cell phone alarm went off at the time it always did, I always took my birth control tablets at this time and had my cell phone alarm go off to remind me.
It then hit me.
I was on the sugar tablets; I should have gotten my period by now, I was at least two days late. I had been so busy that I hadn't realized until now.
Usually I wouldn't have thought anything of it, but I had been regular since going on the pill before Shane and I were even married.
It then dawned on me.
Was there the possibility that I was actually pregnant?
Yes, I left it there lol.
I haven't decided whether or not I will make this story the full 50 chapters like TRTIS and HWGA so I think i'll leave it up to you guys. If this story is successful enough I'll keep on writing ;)
Love you all.