7 years old

"Massie Block, meet Derrick Harrington. He's our neighbor's godson. Maybe you two would like to play for a while," Kendra Block said. Kendra smiled at both kids and left the backyard.

Derrick gazed at Massie and she smiled back. He scowled and said, "You're really ugly." He grabbed a chunk of her hair and pulled.

10 years old

"Shut up, Derrick!" Massie screamed.

"No, you shut up, Block!" Derrick yelled.

Massie grimaced and kicked Derrick's shin. Derrick howled in pain and pushed Massie down, her brunette hair flinging forward. Massie's eyes watered and she stared hard at Derrick. She hated him, alright. She hated him a lot.

11 years old

"Derrick is leaving? For good?" Massie asked Kristen Gregory and Claire Lyons. Kristen nodded sadly. Claire smiled softly and linked her arm though Kristen's. "Yep, he's leaving for good," she confirmed. Massie's insides started to pop. Derrick Harrington, her archenemy, was really leaving. And for good, she thought. She smiled widely and said out loud, "Finally!" Massie giggled with joy. "Yes!" she whooped. She started jumping all over her backyard and Kristen shook her head. No, this can't be happening, she thought. This can't be. Kristen bit her tongue from saying anything further.

She felt Claire put her arms around her neck, but she didn't want Claire's arms. If she could change the way she felt, she would be happily prancing around with Massie. But she couldn't help it if her best friend's enemy was the one she wanted. Claire inhaled and exhaled into Kristen's dirty blonde hair. She felt bad for her best friend, but what could they do, right? It's not like Claire could talk Derrick's dad into staying here. Besides, they left yesterday, she thought. She knew this information because they were neighbors. Claire just didn't have the heart to tell Kristen or Massie yet.

She knew that the both of them would react this way, resulting from their being best friends since the first grade. Now that it was the summer before middle school, they knew what to expect. Or, who not to expect, Claire thought. She wasn't going to miss the Harrington family. They were sweet and nice, and little 9-year-old Dana Harrington was the cutest girl found anywhere. But Claire just didn't like the fact that Derrick bullied Massie. Massie and Claire were like sisters. They always seemed to find one another in any situation. They lived only a few acres away from each other while Kristen lived three streets away, in the Redwood Villa. Claire bit her bottom lip and exhaled again. It was going to be very different without the Harrington's next door.

Present Day, 16 years old

Massie Block flung her dark caramel hair over her shoulder. She was in her bedroom which had turquoise-colored walls. She was daydreaming of the past, having a flashback. She plopped down onto her bed. All over, you could find pictures of her, Kristen and Claire. She smiled contentedly. Her life without Derrick was perfect. Her grades were high, her best friends were still with her, and she was going out with Chris Plovert, the most popular kid at Briarwood Academy.

Chris was the star player in Briarwood's field. He was an excellent striker and was named MVP in his freshman year. Massie had fallen for Chris's dark green eyes and tousled brown hair.

She always had a thing for soccer players.

Massie sighed. She couldn't wait to go out with Chris later in the afternoon. Saturdays were the days that Massie and Chris would spend quality time together. Chris never rushed Massie into doing anything that she didn't want to do. He was sweet that way. She bit her bottom lip and giggled to herself. Derrick Harrington has been out of her life for four years. Nothing could bring him back. Not even his own parents were able to be talked into coming home.

But even if Massie was jolly that Derrick left, she still had a feeling of emptiness in her stomach. She recalled the joyous moments when she found out that Derrick was leaving. But for that past four years in her life, she always knew that there was something missing. She felt the emptiness on the first day of middle school.

Entering the sixth grade with a bubbly personality and two best friends, she expected for it to get ruined. Of course, when they were let out for break, there was no playground, and definitely no Derrick Harrington. Massie sighed. She didn't admit it to anyone, but she missed Derrick Harrington. How he would tease her and the way he looked after chasing her around in circles. The way he said her last name with authority. She missed it all. And when she thought of Derrick and his devious ways, the emptiness in her stomach would disappear, making it all better again.

Massie sighed and got ready. She was supposed to meet Chris in three hours, but she couldn't contain herself, so she had to see him. She got up from her bed and walked to her full-size mirror. Massie was of average height. She wasn't one to be asked out on dates because she's always been known as someone who's averagely not normal. She had never talked about guys, ever. Even about Chris, she would never tell Kristen or Claire about him. She always thought that guys were there to love you and protect you. But then again, if that's all they were to me, then I should just dump Chris. If men were there only to protect me and to love me, it'd all be no use since I have Claire and Kristen to do that. Massie pushed her eyebrows together and rolled her eyes at herself.

She looked carefully at her light wash jeans and plaid button-up shirt over a white cami. She was good looking and could even be passed as beautiful. But for Massie, beauty was only skin deep. She inhaled and smiled, not giving a care in the world that she was beyond rich and all she was wearing were blue lo-top Converse.

She marched out of her room and descended down the stairs. "Hello?" she called out. No one answered. She raised an eyebrow, shrugged, and left her huge mansion. She walked into the garage where Isaac, her driver, was waiting. He was a tall man with a well build. He wasn't exactly what you would label as Brad Pitt, but no one really bothered pointing that out in the family.

"Hey, Isaac, I need you to drive me to Chris's house."

"Why, certainly, Miss Block," Isaac answered politely.

Isaac opened the door to the black Range Rover and Massie climbed onto the seat, sliding her butt across the buttery leather. Isaac proceeded to get in the car and stuck the key into the ignition. He turned the key and backed out of the driveway safely. It took a total of 22 minutes for them to reach the Plovert residence, but it was worth it to Massie.

"Thanks, Isaac," she said. "I'll just call you when I want to come home."

Isaac nodded and waited for Massie to leave the car. She slammed the door shut and watched as he pulled out of the Plovert's driveway. She smiled hugely and walked up towards the huge mansion. His mansion was very classic in the inside, and very warm on the outside. The walls were made of rocks, huge rocks that were put together so that they wouldn't break.

The inside was more of a classy look, with white couches and fireplaces everywhere.

The carpets all matched the interior which was brownish-red. The wall out looking into the backyard was not a wall, but glass; glass that reached the ceiling to the floor and stretched horizontally. Massie opened the front door of the house. It was one of the reasons that Saturdays were their day. Chris's parents were never home on Saturday. She closed the door quietly in the hopes that Chris would be surprised in seeing her so early.

She walked up the stairs and down the hallway on the second floor. She saw the door that held all of Massie's pictures and Chris's. That's how they decorated their doors. Chris would have pictures of Massie and Massie would have pictures of Chris on their door. Massie smiled and just as her hand was about to turn the knob, she heard the faint moaning of a girl. Massie gulped and her eyes widened. She was on red alert. She stayed frozen on the door. A tear rolled down her cheek as she heard Chris's voice. She bit her top lip and shook her head. She was never one for making a scene, so all she did was take down the photos of her on his door.

She threw the tacks that held up the photos to the side. She didn't need this crap, especially not from Chris. She didn't care that he was the most popular kid in school or that he was a soccer player or that he was cute and sweet. Because what he was doing was definitely not sweet. Massie stuck the bunch of photos into her back pocket and remembered that she had more stuff in Chris's room.

She exhaled and more tears fell down her cheeks. She opened the door and she saw a blurry picture of a naked Alicia Rivera and Chris Plovert. Massie inhaled and shook her head. Alicia squealed and desperately covered herself up. Chris did the same, but was pushed off the bed. Instead, he looked around for his boxers and when he found them, he pulled them on.

"Massie, baby, I can explain," he started.

"Yeah, I'm sure you can." Massie stomped over to the desk drawer and took all eight framed photos of her and Chris. She dumped them in an empty trash bag that she pulled from a glass-etched trash can.

"Baby, wait, no, please, just give me a minuteā€¦" Chris trailed off and flinched when he heard the next things that Massie threw inside.

"These are all mine." She threw in mixed CDs, more pictures, a bracelet that Massie made for him, and a huge painting that they had taken in Central Park. Chris was behind Massie, begging her to listen. "Please, baby, just listen. Please, I don't like Alicia, I like you, I want you. Just listen to me, please." Massie shook her head, like she had taken too much already.

"There's nothing to listen to. I already know what happened here. You were hoping that the more you said that there was no need to rush, the more I wanted to have sex with you. Well, you were definitely wrong. I'm not a slut, like some people are"--she glared at Alicia--"I like myself for who I am, and if you can't accept that, go take it somewhere else. But I've seen that you've already done that."

Alicia looked for her underwear and slid them on. She groaned and protested, "I'm not a slut!"

"You're right. You're a whore, too!" Massie yelled. Massie continued to stare angrily at Alicia while she stared innocently back. Chris was gripping Massie's arm, begging her to listen.

"Please, baby, just listen to me, please," he begged.

"No, I don't want to listen to any more lies," Massie hissed. Chris flinched. Massie knew why Chris would cheat on her. Alicia was definitely a pretty girl, but not as pretty as Massie. Or at least, that's what Chris had said. "But everything has just been a lie," she whispered. Alicia had voluminous raven hair. It swayed with her perky butt and her face was just as glorious.

She looked innocent most of the time and her brown eyes always seemed to sparkle. Massie sniffled and turned to Chris's begging face. "I didn't know you would be such an ass, but I do know one thing. The relationship that we have is over. It's done, we're done, and I don't want to see your ugly face anywhere anymore." Massie smirked, tears rolling down her cheeks, and dragged the yellow trash bag behind her, leaving Alicia and Chris in his room with their jaws hanging in the air.

A/N: =)

