Tenshibabe: Ta-da! Hello again, sorry for the extreme lateness of this chapter . enjoy this chapter too plz!

Summary: Time-Travel fic (cliché? Yes) non HBP or DH compliant, veela fic. Harry has come into his inheritance, more power and a mate? What will he do when he finds that is mate is in fact his enemy?

Pairing(s): HPTMR, RWHG OCs: Davlin C. / Julius K.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter he and everything associated with him belongs to J.K Rowling...I wouldn't mind keeping Tom though-no, oh...okay. ; _; (btw my OC's I do own)





Till the End of Time

Chapter 8: Burn out

I love you; I have loved you all along

And I forgive you for being away for far too long

So keep breathing because I'm not leaving you anymore

Believe it, hold on to me; never let me go

~Nickelback: Far Away

The early afternoon light peered through the small window of the dark room. The single beam illuminated the room enough to wake to sole inhabitant, who until then was resting somewhat peacefully on the bed. He huffed pulling the blankets over his head, effectively blocking out the sun; sighing as he resumed his sleep.

He grits his teeth though when his stomach protested loudly against his laziness and demanded food. Rolling his eyes the brown eyed brunet flung back the covers, as he glared angrily at the canopy as if the draping around the bed were to blame for this current mood.

Julius frowned as his rebellious stomach started again, and sighed once more at the prospect of moving from the bed...make that moving at all. He dare not look at his bare chest knowing that he was covered with red marks all over, love bites and scratches alike.

'Hm, seems he's getting worse as time goes on' Julius thought as he noticed some scratches were actually bleeding quite profusely.

He grimaced; this is why he didn't want to look. Taking his time he forced himself to move from his reclined position; sitting up he hissed as a sharp pain flared up his lower back.

"Damn sadistic bastard" Julius grounded out.

He shifted towards the edge of the bed, wincing at every movement; growling at the sharp pains that wracked his body as he made his way across the room, to the bathroom.

Julius hissed as he sank into the hot bath, taking the good with the bad, letting the water sooth his sore body. Running a shaking hand through his hair, the brunette bit his lip suppressing his anger; it wasn't his fault Julius has to remind himself, it's just how it is.

They are Ignis Magus, a race made up of a mix between fire elementals and dragons; only found within families with abnormal amounts of magic, be they a wizard or not. Because of this when mating, the dominant partner awakens to their full magical potential; their excess magic calls out to their mate.

Julius sighs, sinking even lower into the magically heated bath holding his knees to chest. He remembers when he first felt Davlin's magic, it was like his body was burning from the inside out, it left him breathless and wanting, needing him to calm him.

The submissive partner upon finding their mate absorbs the excess magic, in turn elevating their own magic. Mated pairs of Ignis Magus are fearsome for this attribute alone, a couple who are innately strong magically elevated to a higher level when they are together; not to mention the fact that they are extremely possessive and have short tempers.

Julius glared at the angry marks that decorated his body, most recently inflicted, some healed over from their previous unions. It's not that Davlin was abusive, no that definetly wasn't it… because he loved him Julius knew that, because they were made for each other soul mates and all that junk.

Julius didn't believe in fate, in a higher power, for if there was one why would they toy with him like this? He was always told that they were a doomed couple from the beginning, he knew it, yet he stayed with him.

Every Ignis Magus needs a mate to survive-their mate (usually a witch or wizard) balance and help to control their wilder magic; without their soul-mate Ignis Magus usually lose their inheritance, and most often spiral into insanity, eventually death due to the build-up of destructive magic. Ignis Magus are usually the dominant in the relationship, since all Magus are male. It is very rare to find two Ignis Magus mated together.

He was startled by the loud call of a falcon in the next room. Shuddering at the dreary atmosphere in the bathroom, he slipped out of the water, body stiff and muscles tense. The bath only made things worse, it left him time to reminisce on his troubles. Entering the next room he quickly spotted the large bird perched on the foot of the bed, a letter attached to its leg.

Sighing, the brunette relieved the bird of its duty, shooing it from the room as it pecked his hands before disappearing in a burst of flames and dark feathers.

Looking at the sealed envelope with the royal seal embedded on it, Julius scowled. He didn't have time to deal with his grandfather right now he huffed as the tossed the red letter on the kitchen counter.

Right now his stomach was being a nuisance.

Harry panted as he leaned against the wall, in the dark corridor his fangs glinted, smouldering red eyes half lidded as he barely kept from moving his hips lest he hurt his mate. Tom hummed over his length, right hand holding his hips steady as his tongue did wicked things to him.

Harry groaned as he was close, grabbing Tom's hair, pulling him closer to his person. Tom nearly choked; pulling back a bit licking the underside and tonguing the slit which made Harry lose it. "Shit T-Tom, I'm close" He growled out, face flushed as Tom hummed taking him in completely.


Harry came, with a low hiss, fisting Tom's long strands as the veela finished him off. Breathing deeply, as he came down from his high, Harry barely noticed as Tom tucked him back in, before standing to face him.

"It seems to have worked, are you feeling better Harry?" Tom questioned, seeing as his mates eyes have returned to their original emerald color and his fangs have receded.

"Of course he's feeling better, only the touch of their mate can calm an Ignis Magus, by the way don't forget the silencing charm next time, you two were lucky there was no one in the halls" Myurr admonished, standing before them in his human form, red eyes glaring at the pair.

After their confrontation with Cresthaven, Harry's magic had been uncontrollable; his Magus side was fighting for control. At Myurr's insistence they had moved to a more secluded corridor at which Tom was told to seduce Harry so that his Magus side would know that his mate was present.

Harry sighed, smiling inwardly, he'd never seen Tom so flustered and uncoordinated. It was obvious that he'd never done that before but with a little guidance from Harry the veela was on him like a pro.

"Tom..." he turned at the sound of Harry's voice, breaking his glare with the snake. He blinked as he was pulled towards the taller teen, his breath taken away by dominating lips. Tom hooked his arms around his mate's neck, as he was pressed closer to Harry. After a while Harry broke the kiss, pulling away to murmur a breathy "thank you" across his cheek.

Tom nodded, stepping back looking up at Harry who gazed at him with burning emerald orbs.

Lost in their own little world they didn't notice Myurr change back into a snake, Tom did however notice when the prince slithered up his robes to rest against his neck. The veela shuddered at the feeling, catching Harry's glare.

"Hm, this time I think you shall ride with me" Harry growled out, plucking fairly large snake off of his mate allowing him to slither up his arm and no further.

"Harry, you wound me...I was just having some fun" Myurr muttered.

Harry rolled his eyes, "Whatever you say Myurr...C'mon Tom, we're going to be late" Harry stated, pulling his mate close to his side, as they trekked down the hall to the Defence classroom.

If someone were to describe Professor Alfred Limeny, they would say that he has an energetic and passionate love for defence; after all the ex auror was known for his legendary classes where everyone actively took part, Gryffindors especially enjoyed Professor Limeny's classes.

Limeny sighed, well that was in his youth anyways. Not to say that he was old, but he was past his prime. At the humble age of seventy-three, he found that he couldn't hold the classes that he was well known for, unfortunately.

The retiring Professor smiled warily at the seventh year students that entered his DADA classroom. At least he got to see the students that he had taught from first year graduate one last time, before he would have to go.

His eyes shined, a genuine smile making its way across his face as he laid eyes on one of his favourite students of the past six years. Thomas Riddle, as his name implied he was quite a riddle but not that hard to teach, 'He just needs good friends, not followers' Alfred thought, as remembered the brunet's past acquaintances.

On that same note, Limeny found young Riddle a great joy to teach, not to mention that he was a natural at Defence. As Tom approached the waiting professor, he nodded in greeting, as he politely asked about the others wellbeing.

Limeny answered the best he could whilst being stared down by the student that was attached to Riddle's side, the professor gulped turning towards that silently fuming boy.

"A-Ah…M-Mr. Moore I presume, we haven't had an opportunity to formally meet, I am Professor Limeny, I teach Defence Against the Dark Arts here at Hogwarts" Limeny greeted, wary of the glaring teen.

Tom resisted the urge to roll his eyes at Harry's behaviour, 'I swear Harry would be jealous of a baby if one smiled at me' While annoying at times, Tom still found that he would rather have a jealous Harry than no Harry at all. He held back a shudder at that thought the veela in him becoming restless.

"Harry…c'mon lets go to our seats" Tom stated, suddenly feeling ill.

Harry took a breath, it did him no good to be getting angry at small things such as people looking at his mate, "It's nice to meet you Professor" Harry nodded, as he walked with Tom into the nearly full class.

Tom wanted to sit near the front of the class; Harry having no qualms about this went with him that was until he found the golden eyes of Cresthaven boring into him. Harry bristled, turning to match his glare but the assistant professor had directed his gaze to another group of students.

Harry narrowed his eyes, Myurr coiled tighter around his arm no doubt feeling the erratic pulse of the others magic.

Tom sat in his seat waiting for Harry to join him, he knew there was something off about Cresthaven, his ill intentions towards he and his mate were not only making him physically sick but the strain on their bond was making the veela in him more and more restless as the revelation of this imminent danger was brought forth.

Tom's body tingled as his mate took the seat beside him and though they had just done what he was sure people labelled as an indecent act just a mere fifteen minutes ago, his body was suddenly not satisfied , all other ailments were suddenly pushed back in favour of his mates scent, and dominating presence.

Harry leaned into him, his arm reaching over to hold his mate to his side, "Shh, we will have time to consummate the bond after classes are over, relax my veela" Harry hissed by Tom's ear, earning him a poorly held back moan; luckily just quiet enough to be drowned out by the sound in the now full classroom.

Tom nodded, his sensitive nerves calmed by the warm hand caressing his sides. When class started, Cresthaven was introduced to the rest of the class, the red haired man smirking at the many awed looks he got, making many of the witches in the class swoon in their seats. Professor Limeny took a seat at his desk handing the reigns over to his assistant.

Davlin eyed the class, there were some who had potential to be much stronger, but he also noted that many of them were just average witches and wizards. 'Hm, too bad was hoping for some fun this year,' he eyed Harry and his mate, 'Well at least I have you to play with young king' Davlin grinned.

"Well since you all know who I am, and I certainly know who you lot are might as well start with the lesson, what do you all know about dragons?" He smirked as Moore tensed. As eager students began pouring out their knowledge on the fire breathing creature, his eyes glowed at the basic answers that he got.

"Ok good, now turn to page 204 in your books, and would hmm, Mr. Malfoy would you read the topic that we are going to study" Davlin pointed out, as papers rustled as the class found the chapter in their books.

Myurr hissed as he read the title of the chapter, turning to Harry and Tom he pointed out, "This is not good, what is he trying to do?" Harry narrowed his eyes as Malfoy proceeded to read aloud to the class.

"Shape shifters: Dragons and their ties to fire elementals" Abraxas finished, not remembering this being a chapter in their book before.

Davlin smirked at the interested looks that he was getting, 'Let's get this class started'

Julius sneered at the groups of students leaving the seventh year defence class, which was the one class he didn't take this year. Just being in the same class room with his mate was provocation enough to cause the already unstable magus to ravish him in front of all his classmates, which was not something he was ready to deal with at the moment.

What really pissed the brunet off besides the groups of witches leaving the class room with flushed faces and his mates name on their lips… was the letter that he had received from his grandfather earlier that morning. It the council had spoken and it was decided that the date of the Rebirth was to be held by the end of the next month, which was also the night of the full moon…that and there was another unknown magus contending for the title of Dominus.

The only good thing about all this was that he would be crowned the next Dominus soon, disregarding the other unknown factor as they weren't important only a magus from the main line a direct descendant could take this from him.

No more taking orders from his overbearing grandfather, and no more having to take shit from the council members and their views on his mate. And of course the best part of it all was the insane surge of power his magical core would receive; he'd be the strongest wizard alive.

He wouldn't have to bow down to anyone, and his mate will get his due, 'I'd finally be able to best him in bed, I'll show him the power of his master, his Prince-no King will give him everything he'd want an more much more' Julius grinned at the thought, looking up at the tug of his mates energy.

The grin vanished as quickly as it came, as he watched Davlin, his mate conversing with Riddle and his just as enigmatic mate Harrison Moore. He hated him, just the sound of his name made Julius want to snap his wand. After taking a few deep breaths he saved his anger for a later time and made to join the small group.

"…Davlin what are you doing?" Julius started, getting to the point, and avidly ignoring the other two standing there.

Davlin's smile grew as he felt the anger rolling off of his mate, as he came over to him. At the question he answered, "Just talking with my students, hey Jules did you know that Harry here is one of us?" Davlin smirked as the two wizards tensed at that comment.

Harry sneered because no matter how much he argued that infuriating red haired bastard kept calling him by his first name without being given permission. Julius growled not only because of the implied familiarity between the two wizards but because it seems that Moore had not only figured out what he is, the idiot used his pet name in public.

Julius sneered, glaring at Davlin when he tried to pull him into a sidelong embrace. "How many times have I told you not to call me that when we're with company?" he griped, nearly growling as Davlin chuckled, a deep breathy sound that made the hairs on Harry's neck stand on edge. Harry pulled Tom closer to him, as Davlin began to speak.

"My apologies my prince, I was just wondering…since you've appeared to have met before if you've had the…opportunity to partake in a proper greeting, as it is customary a Magus do when meeting for the first time" Davlin finished, eyes never leaving Harry's even though he was speaking with Julius the entire time.

Harry grimaced not liking where this was going, what if the same thing happened like last time. He could barely control himself with the onslaught of his magical energy breaking free like that. He looked about the nearly full hallway; students and teachers were busily walking and talking about.

"I don't think this is the best place for such pleasantries," Julius started, eyes narrowing at the guarded look that Harry was presenting. "However Davlin is correct, between Ignis Magus there are certain rules that need to be followed, especially the greeting as I take it you've already experienced one with my mate here," Julius paused to let the information sink in.

"In any case due to your lack of knowledge of your heritage, I thought it best not to 'make a move too quickly'…If you would, follow me" Julius smirked as he turned to walk down the hall. Davlin grinned as he too fell in step by his mate's side.

Tom bit his lip, as Harry's grip in his waist got tighter. He touched his mates arm pulling the other out the trance that he seemed to have fallen into. "Harry, even though I don't like them…they are knowledgeable about the Ignis Magus, that and it seems important that you take part in this 'greeting' they spoke about." Tom voiced, noting the frown that marred Harry's face.

"I-I know, it's just frustrating not knowing, and having to rely on Kensington for anything is bad enough." Harry sighed, turning to Tom, with a small smile on his face. "Well, on the bright side, the sooner we are finished here…the sooner we can get this bond consummated" Harry murmured huskily into Tom's neck.

The startled brunet tensed as his face took on a rosy hue. "Well hurry up then, I'm pretty sure they aren't going to wait on us forever" Tom huffed in embarrassment as refused to meet Harry's eyes. The ex-Gryffindor smirked; his mate was just too cute sometimes.

Tenshibabe: So I could've continued, really to add some drama to this chapter, y'know cause I took so long to post this chapter, of which I seriously apologise. I also apologise for the somewhat jumpy-ness of this chapter, uhh, I am not really happy with how it turned out but my goodness it's been nearly a year or two uhhh sorry :/