"Alright! Everyone Freeze! This is a hold up! On the floor now!"

The robber said holding out a machine gun. Everyone did what he said.

"You! Put the money in the bag!" He yelled and threw an empty bag at the female cashier. She panicked and started to stuff the money in the bag quickly and gave it to him.

"That's better! See ya suckers!"

The robber was about to make a getaway when a black and yellow vehicle drove up to him and transformed into it's auto-bot mode, but it wasn't Bumble Bee, because the vehicle was actually a motorcycle and it was a young auto-bot girl.

"This is usually the part where I try to stop you but you run off before I can do anything. So let's cut to the chase where you surrender and I take you to jail. That way, no one gets hurt and there would be less chaos. What do you say?"

The yellow and black girl-bot said. But the stupid robber hopped on a motorcycle and took off. The autobot sighed in grief.

"They always pick the stupid way."

She changed back to her vehicle mode and rode after him.

"Autobots! I'm in pursuit. I'm sending the coordinates through your com-links!"

He was about to reach the four-way intersection, when a purple and blue girl-bot was running toward him. He turned right before she could catch him, but then an silver and white auto-bot stood in his way. The robber turned the other way but another couple of auto-bots both black; one green and one light blue blocked him. He fell right into their trap.

The yellow and black auto-bot girl appeared, picked him up, looked at him straight in the eye, and said,

"Do you really want to go through with this?"

The robber sighed, dropped the bag, and raised his arms. The Detroit Police Dept. arrived just in time to take the crook off their hands and send him to jail. After she put him down, news reporters and the paparazzi started taking pictures of their latest victory.

The scene froze and the narrator speaks.

That's me Corona, also known to my teammates and my family, Cami Sumdac. And speaking of my teammates/friends, let quickly introduce them; the purple and blue femme-bot is Pixel, she is our medic/tech-bot. There is also Tempo and Bass; Tempo is black and green, and his brother Bass black and light blue. And then there is the light orange and white-bot, Buzz, also known as Izzy Sumdac, my little brother. He looks a lot like dad, whether in human or robot mode. Together, we battle any evil and face any challenge life throws at us, and still make the grade. Confused? I guess it would be better if I told you how we came to be.