Title: Dreamer

Description: One can think of anything when asleep. As Road Kamelot dreams, she dreams of an alternate reality where she's just a normal teenager attending high school with a kid named Allen Walker. Road/Allen, somewhat A/U.

Chapter Title: Good Morning

Chapter Description: After getting a wake-up call from her foster father, Road gets ready for her fist day of school after some tears from Cyril and some not-so-great advice from uncle Tyki.

A/N: Someday, I will discontinue making my incredibly odd brain nuggets into stories, but this one was just too fun to write to pass up. It won't be that long; I'm thinking three to five chapters, but I hope that you enjoy it nonetheless. It's been a blast to write.

Disclaimer: I do not own -Man, because if I did, Wisely would have come in long ago because he is so very fantastic.


If they lived in a different time and different place, then they could have been together.

That was the simple truth. In a different time and a different place, then Road probably still would have fallen for his cute nice-guy antics and he probably would have been quite a bit less revolted by her if she weren't a Noah. But alas, this was their destiny, and there was no way around it. Still, there was the little nagging voice in the back of Road's head that told her that maybe if things were just a little different then Allen Walker could have possibly been hers.


"Good morning star shine, the earth says hello!" The light in her room was bright and hurt her eyes. It was too early in the morning for such an obnoxious burst of sunlight. Just a moment ago she had been sleeping, and now her personal hell was coming in the form of bright light and chipper voices. Cyr- her father's wake-up calls were always difficult to stomach, though today seemed to be especially bad, probably due to the fact that Road was somewhat dreading waking up and facing the important day that awaited her.

"Shut up." The words were cruel sounding coming from her tired mouth, but she knew that her new father wouldn't mind. Cyril adored her; that much was certain. It would wound him for just a moment, but no serious harm would be done. Like rubber, nothing seemed to stick to Cyril for long.

Pouting for a moment, Cyril sat down at the edge of Road's new bed. "Now Road, I know that you're a growing young woman and that you have lots of untapped emotions that you feel the need to take out on me, your father, because you have nowhere else to direct them, but you need to learn to hold your temper." For a moment he paused, staring out the window at the beautiful August day. "Your new classmates probably won't appreciate you taking out your aggravation about the move on them."

Sighing, Road was able to at least move herself into a sitting position. On the bedside table next to her the new digital clock that she had gotten at the airport in New York City told her in red numbers that it was half past six. With school starting at eight thirty, she had plenty of time to get ready. The urge to get up and start her day, however, just wasn't there.

They had been in this house for a week, her, her foster father Cyril and her uncle Tyki. When Cyril adopted Road formally the three of them decided to move away from the hustle and bustle of New York City where their family lived, and move to Illinois. Before moving to New York, their cousin Wisely had lived in a suburb close to the city, so they just switched houses, not having to worry about going through any intense house shopping or anything. It had been an easy move; they went by airplane and their things all came to the house a few days later by truck.

Since Cyril was a pretty recognizable politician and lawyer, he was easily hired to a law firm in the city and Tyki got a job working for a publishing company doing some sort of desk work. It was sort of a surprise to them that he could find work at all, considering the fact that he had never really had an education. Cyril and Road guessed that his new boss was female, and that was a big part of why he got the job. Road would go to school at the nearby high school, and the three of them would live happily ever after.

"I'm not angry about the move." Road said yawning. "I'm just angry that I have to wake up so early; couldn't you have picked a school where I wouldn't have to get up until ten or eleven?" Her father laughed and stood up. "But really, what would I have to be angry about? A new school is nothing, and if I could handle New Yorkers than these suburban kids should be nothing."

Walking over to his adopted child, Cyril smiled. "I know there's nothing to worry about, but…" For a moment, emotion overtook him and a few tears dropped from his eyes. "Sometimes I just worry so much about you, my little Road!" Tears flowing more violently from his eyes, he grasped his daughter in his arms and squeezed her until she felt like she couldn't breathe. Thankfully, when she felt the blood draining from her brain and an early death coming, he let go of her. "Get dressed, my darling; Uncle Tyki is making you pancakes for breakfast."

Road's face grew dark and worried. "You're… letting Tyki cook? Are you sure that letting him near the stove is a good idea?"

Cyril laughed, but there was a nervous edge to it. "Don't worry Road, he's learned a lot since the incident." The incident was a time in their New York apartment where Tyki had attempted to make himself a grilled cheese and inevitably the fire department was called up. "He's gone through training with me; he should be fine now." A beat passed, and Cyril laughed nervously.

"Going to check up on him?" Road asked with a grin.

Nodding, Cyril started to back towards the door. "Not that I'm worried or anything, it's just that we just got that new stove last week and I'm not sure that your uncle knows how to use it and…" He could do nothing more than laugh nervously as he exited the room.

Sighing, Road was able to push herself up to a sitting position. The truth was, in all honesty, that there was part of her that was incredibly nervous for the first day of school. Not that she was frightened of meeting the new students or anything; she could care less about what those other kids thought of her. They were all just going to be spoiled suburban kids anyway; it shouldn't matter what they think. And yet, there was a feeling of butterflies in Road's stomach that just wouldn't stop.

Trying to ignore that feeling, she got up and got dressed in her usual affair, a button down top, a skirt, striped tights and a little ribbon around her collar, and did her hair up into the spikes that she was used to. At her old school she had gotten some crap about how she tried to hard on her appearance, but she disagreed. No one would have believed her, but this was how she'd dressed since she was little. Her uncle, an English Earl who had moved to New York at some point and who had been her guardian before Cyril, loved these sorts of clothes and had bought them for her since she was a kid. His fashion sense stuck with her and that's why she dressed how she did.

After doing the finishing touches on her hair, she grabbed her new backpack, black with little white pinstripes on it, and headed downstairs where, surprisingly, the smell of maple syrup greeted her instead of the smell of burning batter.

"Tyki!" She said excitedly, and was greeted with a smile from her uncle. A cigarette in one hand and a spatula in another, he was flipping a pancake over. Next to him on the counter was a small stack of about three or four on a plate. At the table nearby was Cyril, already eating his pancakes eagerly.

Stepping momentarily away from the stove and putting his cigarette in his mouth, Tyki walked over to Road and put a hand on her head. "The stack over there is for you, Road. Eat quick, you don't want to be late for school." His hand came off of her head and he began to walk back to the stove. Road followed him, and grabbed the stack of pancakes from the counter. She took them to the table where warm maple syrup was waiting for her. As she drenched her pancakes in the sticky sweet sauce Tyki began to go on his usual tirade. "You know, Road, you don't have to go to school if you don't want to." Cyril looked up at his brother for a moment, his eyes pointed and narrow.

"Don't start that now, Tyki." There was something like a tiger waiting inside Cyril whenever the topic of Road not going to school was mentioned. Her father was incredibly adamant about her going to a learning institution. "Road is going to go to high school, and that's final."

Sighing, Tyki walked over and dropped another pancake off of his spatula on top of Cyril's plate. It fell with a satisfying thud on top of the mess that was already on the dish. "You know, I never went to high school and I turned out just fine." Tyki turned his attention to Road. "It doesn't take a high school education to work in a coal mine, Road, and that's honest and good work if you want it." Pausing for a moment, Tyki looked reminiscent. "Those were wonderful times in my life."

Fighting back the urge to laugh, Road spoke honestly. "Tyki, I'm going to go to high school, and to college too. I have no urge to be a coal miner." Though Road was unsure of what direction her life would take, she did know that coal mining was not in the picture. "But thank you for the offer."

Finishing off the last of her pancakes, Road went to the laundry room and grabbed her shoes. Returning to the table to put them on, she tried to just focus on breathing steadily. With each passing minute the butterflies in her stomach got worse and worse. There was nothing to be nervous about; no matter what there would be someone who would stand to have her sit with them at lunch, but the tingling sensations just grew worse.

A few minutes later Cyril looked up from his pancakes and newspaper at the clock. His face grew surprised for a moment and he grabbed Road's hand. "Road, we have to go, or you'll be late!" Looking at the clock Road didn't see what Cyril's rush was; they had plenty of time to go, but she was willing to go a bit early. Having never been to the school before, it would take a bit to get used to where her classes were.

So she followed her foster father into his car, a new Honda Civic, it was a good car but he looked like a nerd while he drove it. Climbing in, Road expected Cyril to give her some sort of pep talk, but apparently he really did think that they were incredibly late, and instead of a sweet and fatherly pep talk, Cyril sped over to the school, making a drive that would usually take about twenty minutes and condensing it into ten.

When they got to the school it was eight o'clock on the dot. Apparently Cyril thought that it was eight o'clock was the time when the school day began, he practically pushed Road out the door with a quick "Good luck!" Looking around she saw a few people sitting on the steps of the school. None of them bothered to even look at her.

Slightly grateful that no one was staring, Road got the schedule that had been mailed to her a few days ago out of her back pack and walked into the school, the schedule glued to her nose as she tried to find her first class, geometry accelerated with Mr. Chan.


End of Chapter One