Bella could not go home to live with Charlie. We had not yet told him about the circumstances. Raine was still quite nervous around her, so Bella could not very well live with Jacob. I just couldn't stand the thought of her sleeping on the streets, so out of the goodness of my own heart, we let her come into our home again.

She behaved herself very well, though it was rough. We talked often and were even able to laugh at times. She was still a nice girl, but she had definitely changed. I wondered if my Bella would ever come back.

Almost an entire year later, we got a very unexpected letter. I could smell it in the mailbox before it even came into the house. I immediately knew that it was from Italy. Volterra, specifically. It was addressed to Bella. There was an odd return address on it and I did not recognize the handwriting. I handed it to her, and she let me read it over her shoulder.

Dear Bella,

How have you been? We have missed you – well, I have anyway. Jane does too, but she does not want to admit to it. I really hope that you made it to the Cullen's home safely. I also hope that if you are not living there, that this letter will find its way to you.

I am sure that you have been very surprised by this letter. To be honest, I am surprised that I am actually writing it. Aro knows that I am sending it to you, but he does not know what it says. I cannot let him find out. Once you receive this, I will not be in Volterra any longer. It would not be safe for me, or for... no, perhaps I should tell you the whole story first.

While you were here, do you remember me asking so many questions about how you got together with Edward? That was because I was starting to get into my own predicament with a human. I just wanted to know how possible it would be for me to get close to them without hurting one, at first. One evening, I saw a girl get tossed out of her own house. No, I tell a lie. It was not actually her house, but I could not have known that at that moment.

She sat by the front door, just crying. She was real dirty and she was not really wearing clothes. It looked more like a huge pillow sack, but I suppose at one time it was a rather ugly white dress. Seeing the person in the house yell at her that way and throw her out reminded me of Jane and I. We were not always wealthy, you see. For awhile, she and I lived on the streets, because we were on the run from the villagers who claimed we were witches. In any case, I felt very bad for the girl, in a way that I had not felt for anyone in quite some time.

I approached her and we began talking. I found out that her name was Cypress. She said that she actually had no parents, and she worked as sort of a housekeeper for those people. I had to leave not long after that, as she was very tired. She was so interesting to me and I realized that my thirst had not bothered me at all.

To make a very long story short, we began a good friendship. I was so inspired by you and Edward that I wanted to know if I could make it work, and how to. That was why I was asking so many questions. We kept seeing each other at night. I was so determined to make it work. Then when the two of you split up, I began to have my doubts. I worried that it might all fall apart, especially with my diet coming between us. But you kept telling me how much you loved him. How much you wanted to see him again and how sorry you were. When you decided to go back to Forks and see if you could salvage your relationship, I saw so much hope in you and it gave me hope too. I was sure that I could do it if I could muster as much determination as you had... and as much courage.

I think that the hardest part was telling Cypress. I knew I was asking her to leave everything she knew behind to go to a place where she could not even understand the language. I was so afraid that she would refuse – but she didn't. In fact, she was very eager to leave. I told her in this morning, and we will leave tonight. This letter should arrive to you long before we reach America. We are going to cross Europe and go into Asia before we come to the states.

I know how furious Aro is with me and I do fear his wrath. We need to cover our tracks as best we can. I left a letter with Jane as well. It hurts me deeply to leave my twin, but I believe it is high time I live my own life, and I have not been happy in Volterra for many years now. I know that the first place my so-called family will check would be Forks. If I am not there, they would be lost as far as where to look goes, so I should be safe to come back to Washington later on. I beg you not to let on to Aro that you know what I am planning. If you could also kindly share this letter with the Cullens so that they are aware of my intentions, I would be most grateful. I have a cell phone with me so that you can let me know if I am welcome in Washington or not.

I cannot express how much I appreciate your friendship, Bella. I sincerely hope that things work out between you and Edward.

Migliori Auguri,


Bella seemed just as shocked as I was. She and I said nothing for awhile, but thinking in stunned silence. Alec would actually leave the Volturi? It did not surprise me to hear that he had thought about it. He was the only one who had never seemed completely comfortable with the lifestyle. Still, I could not overlook the fact that this could be a trick.

"I... suppose that I should call him," I said, finally. "Are you sure that he can be trusted? I would really hate to do the kid in, but if this is some sort of a trick -"

"No, no, I'm sure he's clean. There were several times that just he and I went out walking late at night. He told me a lot of things he wouldn't tell Jane, mostly because she wasn't very good at keeping secrects. She wouldn't ever directly rat him out, but if there was ever anything anyone didn't want Aro to know, she was the last person to tell. He told me several times that he wished he could get away. He just didn't have a reason to leave them. After all, his entire life was there. I knew it'd be really hard for him to leave Jane, too. He kept trying out different excuses with me, to see how believable they were so that he could leave for just a little while. I honestly never thought he'd find a real reason to go. I've gotta admit, I always wondered why he was so curious about us. It all makes sense now."

I nodded. "If you are sure. I cannot see how it would do much harm to let him stay on here for a short time."

"Believe me, if he's conning us, I'll be the one to give him the boot," Bella replied.

There was definitely an elephant in the room, or rather, on the page, as it were. Neither of us wanted to acknowledge the fact that Alec had said he was inspired by us. It was better off that he did not know that we were not technically together anymore. It was possible that someday we would be again, but I was highly curious now.

If I could not hear Bella's thoughts, did that mean that there were others whose thoughts were impenetrable to me? I remembered that her father's thoughts were not completely splayed out for me. I had thought that perhaps he was just a bit slow, but now I realized that this was not the case. If there were other women whose thoughts I could not read, then perhaps they would be just as interesting to me. If they were vampires, that would be even better. I would not have to bother killing someone again. I was content to keep searching, but if I could not find someone, I would always have Bella.

I decided that at least I could be happy for Alec. Even though I had not yet found my happily ever after, I was glad to be of some service to him. I would be alright eventually. For now, I would be happy knowing that I had helped a few people out with their lives. I was bound to find happiness. It may take me a decade or so, but I could wait. I had forever.

((Thank you so much for reading this, and for all the reviews! I hope you enjoyed it. This last chapter alludes to the next story I'm planning. In the meantime, check out some of my other stuff! Thanks again 3 D.O.L. ))