Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha

Chapter 8: Getting Out

The blue glow was warm as they passed through to the other side. The air become musky and cold as the glow faded but the darkness remand the same. Looking up the beautiful skies was replaced with a wooden roof.

Before Kagome's feet could touch the ground Shippo had jumped out of her arms and out of the shrine leaving the door open to let light in. Smiling up at the ceiling she laughs at hearing Shippo screaming for Sota. Those two have become the best of friends, just like two brothers.

A few minuets later she had climbed out of the well and leaning against the door frame watching the two little boys trying to playing soccer with each other. Glancing back at the well she sighed thinking about the last time she came back. It had been very ghastly when she came back from the final battle. I hope they are going to be alright with what going to happen next.


"Miroku we have to get her back to her time they have better healers," screamed Sango as she held on to an unconscious, heavily bleeding Kagome.

"Yes I know but only Inuyasha can get thru!" Miroku says looking around in the darkened clearing.

"Look around he is not here so we will have to do it," grabbing on to his arm to and looking up at him with desperation. "Miroku I will not lose anyone else to Naraku."

"Let's get her to the well," picking up Kagome gentle they mounted Kirara. Flying to the well was fast was a hells demon after a fresh soul. At the well they dismounted, Sango made sure the keep some pressure on the wounds. Holding their breath they jumped into the well.

All of them prayed to the gods for the well to work and transport them. As they about touched the ground they where in gulfed in the warm glow but they did not know why it worked now. It could have been because they where holding on to Kagome or the gods wanted her to live.

At that moment none of them truly cared why it did but it had and they all had tears of relief. The light soon dissipated from around them. They could see that it was the same well but with a few differences looking up they could not see the sky but they could see a ladder.

"Shippo jump out of here and get help," hoping that they where in the right time. It was hard to get Kagome out of the well with just Sango and Miroku. Luckily Shippo came back with Kagome family, they had robe with them so they could get her out of the well. She was laid down on the ground outside the shrine when she taken out of the well.

"Mom, the medics will be here in a few minutes. What else do I need to do?" Sota asked trying to be brave for her.

"Take her friends inside and get them some different cloths so they can come to the hospital. I'll be going with her in the ambulance." She says trying not to cry over her daughter, she knew that she needed to hold it together for them.

The medic soon was pushing everyone out of the way and getting her down the hill into the vehicle. They drove away as the others were in the house changing. Getting out of the house and seeing the pool of blood were Kagome had been was terrifying for them all.

"It's okay we will take the bus to the hospital, Kagome will be okay." Sota said courageously, believing that if it was a said then it must be.

"How far way is this hospital?"

"Not far we should be there in 20 minutes," looking over at his grandfather. "Are going to come with us?"

"No I will stay at the house and wait for a phone call or when you come back."

"Alright, come on you guys." Sota says running down the hill with Shippo on his shoulder the other close behind them. Miroku, Sango, Shippo where shocked at how big everything was around them. Walking into the hospital they did not know what to say so they let Sota do all the talking for them.

"Hello, I am looking for Kagome Hist____. She was brought in a few minutes ago by ambulance."

"Yes sir, we have a woman by that name in surgery right now. Her mother is being brought to the waiting room to your right behind the glass wall and door. If you could wait there tell we have more information for you."

"Yes thank you, nurse." Sota turns around and comes back to them to tell them what is going on. "Alright you guys likes go wait over there."

Soon after they got there, Kagome's mother was walked to the room in tears finally letting it out. Sota held his mother as she cried her heart out. It was not tell early morning that a doctor came out with blood on his clothes that he called out His____.

Sota and his mother walked out of the room and talked with the man. After a few long moments she fell over in relief as Sota holds her up. The doctor left and they walked back in to talk to the other.

"Kagome will be alright, my mother is going to say with her. She will have to say in the hospital for a few weeks to months I think that it would be best if you went back to your time. When Kagome is ready to come back she will."

"We understand but can we see her?" Sango asked stand up.

"Yes you can we are going to room now, after that I will take you back to the house so I can talk to Grandpa about what is going on."

"Thank you."

The group went back to their time, Kagome healed up. Inuyasha never came for her or to see her. One day she smiles at her family over dinner she told them that she was going to do not that she was healed.

"I wanted to let you know that I will be going back. I set out to do something and I need to finish it."

"We understand but I don't ever want you to come back the way you did." Sota said not able to look at her.

"Your just like your father, I knew that you would be going back. Sota is right this is going to be hard because we will not know if you will come back the next time or when you get hurt."

"I say that you go dear, I have been making charms for you to take with you so you will be safe."

"Thank you for understanding, I will come back I promise." That night she left to go back to finish what she set out to do. She could hear her mother crying but she knew that she had to get the jewel done.

^_^_^End Flashback^_^_^

Shaking off the past memories, she walks into the house. Taking off her shoes, she walks into the kitchen to see her mother working on some dishes in the sink.

"Hey mom, I'm home." Her mother looked back and smiling, running over to hug her. That must be why she always happy to see me, I did give her a scare that day. "I love you mom."

"I love you too," looking at her daughter she could see something happened. "So you came back to tell me something?" Walking to the sink to get some cups she just washed. Kagome walked over to the stove to start up some tea.

"Will, yes I came back to tell you that I have meet someone. He is a full demon getting ready to go into heat. I wanted to talk you about that." She says getting the tea done and setting it down on the table were her mother was waiting for her.

She pours the tea into the cups, and watched her mother face for any signs of distress. Seeing none she similes at her, knowing that she was going to ask tons of questions.

"So Inuyasha never grew up," she says to herself sipping her tea. "Before we talk about what you want to I have a few questions! What do you mean by heat?"

"Will his a demon and during a time they going into heat like some animals do to reproduce. His demon picked me so when he goes into heat, I'll…um…be too."

"You mean that you to are going to have kids, with out being married?"

"NOOOO, that is not what I mean…it is but…I'll be mated to him thought something I don't know the details. He will only reproduce with me now that I have his mark."

"Mark! What mark?" Lifting up the sleeve of her left wrist was the blue crest moon. "Oh…"

"I do know that this is a courting mark and because of that he will come for me. Then in the umm…intimate…moments of his…I mean our heat."

"Really dear you don't have to be so nerves about talking about sex. What do you mean by come to you?" As she said that Kagome turned red and looking down at the table to continue talking to her mother.

"What that means is with this mark he will come to me when he is ready to mate with me."

"I see…do you know anything else about the mating that will happen."

"Yes, he did tell me that I may become a demon but Sango said that I will show trails when we have…umm…sex." She says turning red and hiding her face in her arms.

"Oh really," she squeaks. "Will you have cute ears like Inuyasha?"

"I don't know mom, and really I tell you all that and that's what you care about?"

"As your mother I could tell that you have already decided to be with this man. By man who is he?"

"Umm…it is Sesshomaru." Seeing the blank look oh her mothers face she explain who he was. Her mother's eyes were a little teary. "Oh mom what's wrong?"

"You baby, your all grown up and now I'm going to have grandbabies. I am so happy." Smiling out at nothing she began to daydream about all the items that she had to go out and buy for her grandkids.

"Thanks mom, but I do not know when we will being having kids…MOM! Are you even listening to me?"

"Oh sorry dear, were you saying something?"

"Yes, I need some more supplies before I go back."

"I made a pack a few weeks ago and put it on your bed. Before you go would you like to have something to eat?"

"Yes I would like that," smiling up at her mother. At lunch she told Sota and her grandfather about what was going on.

After lunch she left her family and came back to her other home with Shippo perched on her shoulder. The sun was still out when she got to the top and looking around Sango and Miroku were setting close by waiting for her. When Sango saw her coming out of the well she jumped up and came over to help.

"So did everything go will with your family?" Sango ask as they start walking back over to Miroku.

"Good, she seemed to understand that I am going to be with Sesshomaru but I think that she is happier about the fact I will be having kids at some point."

"That is women for you." Miroku spoke out.

"What ever you say, do you think that we should be heading to the west now?"

"Yep, I am all set so let's getting going."


He slowly comes to; his vision blurs red before he could even get a handle on himself. Not even his yõkai could control himself from the pure lust of his heat. It was so powerful that he went into instinct mode. Only able to talk via inu tongue, his body and poster was that of a wild beast than the noble man he is seen as.

He growls out into the room moving around only to have the chains tightened tell he was off the ground and hanging. Fighting against the chains for his very freedom left him with blood covered cuffs as his demonic powers heals the wounds that they were making.

As time ticks by so does his fight. When it comes to a complete stop, he takes deep breaths and just hangs in the air. It was then that he tries to transform but that power was being block by something in the room. All of a sudden the chains and cuffs vanishes.

He licks his wrist while he looks around the room for any openings. Sniffing the room for any smells but could only smell his, so he focuses on his earring for any flow of air. Not able to use his scenes to help his he starts body ramming the walls.

Like a caged animal he throws himself against the wall hoping for them to crake before he did. As time passed he just looked around pacing in circles to get out. Out of no where a tunnel appeared just like the chains disappeared.

Not able to prevent from going thru before checking the dangers, he descended into the hole. In the pure black of the tunnel he was able to see minuscule amount of light which had him run faster for his freedom. Running none stop from the moment that he got in the tunnel, the closer that he got to the light he more wind that he could feel.

The fresh air had him going at top speed, his feet barely touches the ground when he busted through to the outside world. The light was touching the top of the trees, he breathed in the fresh air. He froze when he felt the world around he closes his eyes to enjoy the sensation that were around his body.

There was a wave of electricity moving throw the air straight to him, then up his body. His eye flew open and a deadly smirk shows up on his face as he felt it. The amazing feeling of someone that has his mark and that could me only one thing. That he had a mate.

He started his transformation to his dog form. Sniffing the air he was about to pin pointing the location of his mate he roared to the world his victory. Running in that direction him destroying anything and everything that was in his way of his goal. .

There she was he could see her in the distant roaring out to her. He kept going tell was right on top of her and growing at to the other male in the area. A vibration below that growl, that could not be heard by humans was one in the ground so that all knew that he had his mate and to stay away.


She just got some food ready to cook when she felt it, Sesshomaru calling to her. But it was different this call was one of him coming to her. Stopping everything that she was doing food still in hand to stand up and turn around. She drops the food as Sesshomaru landing right over her to growl at her group. Looking at them she could see that he was not growling at the group but at Miroku.

"Miroku look away from him and stand back and move closer to Sango to calm him down." Doing as she told him Sesshomaru stopped growling but stays alerted to then whimper out to her. She had no control over her body as it moved even closer to his and she buried herself into the fur of his front leg.

Seeing that the male and others were leaving he began to focuses on Kagome more. Breathing in her scent and make sure enemies where not around he transformed back to his other form. She was a little shocked to see Sesshomaru not being fully in his human form. His face was more protruded with larger eyes, longer teeth and nails which now looked like real claws. His hair was on end to show off his deadly wild nature that has always been within him.

He was calling to her again she let her self be controlled and walked into his arms with not fear. When her head lay on his bare chest and her hands climbed up and down his sides tell his chest vibrates from pleasure. He lend into her his arms now on her back pulling her closer he nibbled on her shoulder.

Moaning out to him, he grabbed her arm that had the mark and lifted her wrist to his face and licked and sucked the mark. She lost everything at that point, his blood in her body made that simple touch feel like every cell in her body had exploded in pure pleasure. Not able to think, move, or control herself she became a puppet.

Letting him do what ever he wanted and how he wanted to do to her body, she did not care as long as the pleasure continues. At that he was absolutely sure that this women was his. He gave the mark one more lick to have her legs buck under her, he keeps her in place with his arms.

Looking down at her, he smirked at his prize and bit down on his mark and pushed some enzymes into her so the mating rights could be constructed. As it overwhelmed her she passed out in his arms. Taking care of the new wound, he licked it cleaned then looked down at her limb body.

Being careful he placed her over his shoulder his tail holding her in place and ran off to the north. He knew of the best location that he could be with his little mate. The forest around them was getting thicker and thicker but it did not stop him from what he wanted.

Soon the trees became bushing, jumping over them to see a small pool with a small waterfall that trickle down the face of a cave enters. Leaping over the pond and straight into the cave with out getting wet, he walked in and setup a barrier so that only he could come and go from the cave.

Slowly he walked to one of the many cambers on the caves; he walked right over to a fur bed. Putting her in it and crawling in with her, he molded himself around her. Her head sleeping on one of his arm and wrapped around her head to play with her hair. His other hand went over her stomach under her shirt to hold a breast to fell cloth on it, growling he let it go for now he was to tired from his ordeals to deal with it. Then he moved a leg in between her legs so she would rub herself on his leg. His tail just lies over her to make sure that she stays warm.

I hope that you like a long chapter sorry to say that it was not read by the beta reader so sorry about any problems with reading it you have. If they are really bad and you can't understand what I was saying let me know I will fix it. :-)

I hope to have the next chapter up soon.