Word Prompt: Revenge
Rated: T for language
Characters: Jak
Oh for the love of Mar, please just make it stop-
You don't know how long you've been here- minutes, hours, days - just that it hurts. Something is weighing you down in the middle; pain, agony, bindings?
Please, stop, just stop it-
Your limbs are on fire, and your insides are burning. You try to claw desperately towards what you believe to be upward, but your hands are no match against the metal cuffs. Is that you screaming? Those shrill, tortured, cries for help, for relief, for anything to stop the pain?
No more, please-
The eco is tearing your body apart, flipping switches and unplugging wires. You pull and tug as hard as you can to break free but you can't. Your body begins to go numb and yet you pull harder, because you need to get out of this hell hole, you need to breathe. You need to get out because you can't take another minute, another second of this torture.
You need to finally see your friends again.
Something just snapped and you barely flinch – was that your arm this time or your neck?
Precursors, it hurts so much-
Your lungs are filled with searing pain and you gag, gasping for air but there is none - just the thick, heavy weight, ever pressing you down in your chest. You choke and you plead and beg and you cry but you can't make it stop.
And above all your pain and all your sorrow and all your agony is their sick, stomach churning laughter.
Revenge has never been an option for you before but if you get out of here alive you are going to fucking murder them.
Ohmygoodness you guys it's a sign of the apocalypse I actually updated something. Holy yakkow. (And yes, I know I've had this drabble on dA for a while now but I made it bigger and better and decided it needed to go here. So shush.)
So expect me to randomly update more things. For those of you that follow Sands of Time... I was practically done with a huge part of the next chapter, when decided to be a butt and go backwards and delete my 900+ words. So save every five minutes people. I mean it.
And I quite like this drabble.