I've read some of the other fanfics, and realized this is another great couple... I'm sorry guys... But I won't be updating Mmm, Tension My Favourite for a while. I HAVE WRITERS BLOCK!!!! I have thought some cool ideas for this though... Don't hate me!!! I will update Mmm, Tension my favourite hopefully soon. Here it goes.
I sat down on the Aftermath couch along with the former contestants. There was Katie, and Sadie; the totally annoying BFFF-whatevers, with innocent demeanors; Eva, Ezekiel, Noah, my friend Cody, Izzy--er Kaleidoscope--or Explosivo... I'm not really sure anymore. And then there was Courtney. We've gotten to know eachother alittle better ever since we left the Island. You could even say we were friends... But I can't blame you if you couldn't. Me? Well I'm Trent. I'm here because my girlfriend-- ex girlfriend rather, sold me out. I can't blame her though. I went alittle nuts... Okay, a lotta nuts... But I was in love, you can't blame me for that... Can you?
"That's only because you had your goth girl hooks into him!!!" I heard Courtney screech, snapping me out of my daze.
"Courtney! We're just, friends!" Gwen exclaimed. 'We're just friends-' Yeah right. I saw the way she looked at him. It was the same way she used to look at me... Gwen may want to hide herself away from everyone here, but I know a lot more about her, than she tends to lead on.
"Oh, really? It seems we have a never before seen clip on the topic!" Geoff announced clicking a button, lowering the T.V. screen. I watched as Duncan and Gwen stared into the night, watching the stars. I remember one night at Camp Wawanawkwa, when we stared into the stars...
Gwen: Is it just me, or does that constellation look like Harold's pancake butt, with his spaghetti legs attached? See? Ugh, I just gave you the PERFECT set-up for a dig, and you just leave me hanging?! What's your damage?
Duncan: Do you think Courtney might be looking at the stars now...?
Gwen makes a barfing motion.
Geoff pauses the clip.
"You see Courtney? Duncan is always thinking about you!" Gwen said. I looked at Courtney, who was just smiling at the screen.
"Ooh, what a guy. Keep it rolling!" Geoff exclaimed, as the crew un-paused the clip.
Gwen: Wow! Who knew you were such a sucker for the A-type...!
Gwen removed Duncan's hands from supporting his face.
Duncan: Whoa, you want to make something out of it?
He puches her arm lightly.
Gwen: You can do better than that.
The two of them laugh, as Duncan fell on top of Gwen. They stared at eachother blankly.
Geoff stopped the clip, and I heard a ton of gasps, mostly from the audience. I knew that 'We're just friends' line was crap, but that video just confirmed it. Courtney's expression grew shocked, and scared.
"Oh, yeah, I get THAT up close and personal with all of my friends..." Geoff taunted. "Oh... Notice the two centimetre distance between their lips..." He said, drawing on their faces, making it look like they were kissing. Courtney became enraged.
"Ugh, we're just--" Gwen protested.
"Ah ah ahhhhh... Watch what you saaaay..." Geoff teased, pointing to the anvil. I totally forgot about that...
"I am SO calling my lawyers! Hmph!" Courtney sneered storming off. I decided to go sneak off from the Aftermath: Relationship Drama segment, and go to my room. I went into the hotel, and overheard Courtney yelling to... Michael, that's it!
"Any news on our lawsuit? What do you mean we lost!!! Ugh! I am soooo not with Fleckman Fleckman Cohen and Grouse anymore, I don't need you! FINE!!!!" She yelled, hanging up. She zoomed out of the room, faster then I thought she would, and bumped into me.
"Oh hey Courtney, how are you?" I asked, trying not to give away that I was eavesdropping.
"I'm just fine. Perfectly fine, actually. I'm OVER the moon with FINENESS!!!!!!!!!" She yelled. She looks the complete opposite of fine.
"That's... good... Anyway, off to my room..." I said, starting to walk away. I opened the door, then jumped onto my bed staring at the ceiling. I sighed, and turned to the alarm clock on my bedside table. 9:30 p.m... I sat up, and grabbed my laptop, and just surfed the net. Moments later, I heard a loud knock at my door. I jumped up, and opened the door. Courtney.
"Courtney...? What brings you to--" I started, confused. Before I could finish, she had already walked in. "Sure, come in, I don't mind..." I said, irritated. She sat down, with her arms crossed, definately fuming. "Umm, are you okay?" I probably shouldn't have asked that question...
"Ugh! My stupid lawyer lost my lawsuit! AGAIN!!! Now how am I gonna--" She stopped in the middle of her sentence.
"How are you going to what...?"
"Nevermind. It's not important. What is important, is that I tell you what your little girlfriend did with Duncan!!!"
"Yeah, I saw, I have eyes..." I stated, pointing to my face. She rolled her eyes, and looked at me as if I was stupid.
"Not that... This!" She said, taking out her PDA, and she started to play a video.
Gwen started to walk over to the guys trailer, when she bumped into Duncan.
Gwen: Oh, hey...
Duncan: Whoa, dude, what's up? You're sad.
Gwen: What was your first clue Einstein...?
Duncan: (rolls eyes) Anyways, what's up?
Gwen: I broke up with Trent... And he's probably going to get eliminated tonight.
Duncan: How do you know?
Gwen: I kinda... Sorta... Told his team to vote him off...
Duncan: That's messed up.
Gwen: I know!!! (she closes her eyes and starts to hug Duncan, to which he returns the favour.)
Duncan: Don't worry Gwen, you'll forget about that guy before you know it...
They look deep into eachothers eyes. Then lean into kiss. Not a quick peck, a deep, passionate kiss. The way Duncan would kiss Courtney, and the way Gwen would kiss Trent. Deep. Exactly.
Gwen pulls away.
Gwen: (smirks) Trent who?
Courtney presses pause, almost at tears.
"Seen enough?" She said, with sadness, but mostly hatred. Courtney never showed her sad side, unless she was a complete ball of emotion. I just stared, wide-eyed, not saying a word. I didn't know what to say... Nothing. Zip. Nada.
"This is where you come in. We should go out-- faking of course-- and retaliate!" Courtney exclaimed, smirking. I thought it over. Hmm, they could use alittle taste of their own medicine...
No! That would be wrong! I could never do that to Gwen!
I seem to recall you kissing Heather last season...!
Cheater!!! You know that's not fair! She tricked me!
You enjoyed it for a second.
For the last time, Yes!!! Dang it!
Ha! Victory! Anyway, you have to admit, Gwen does deserve A LITTLE payback! Look what she did to us!
If I wasn't the voice in your head, I'd be sooo be rolling my eyes at you right now! Humiliating us, dumping us on national TV, then costing us a MILLION dollars ring a bell?!?!
The voice inside my head has a point. And I just can't argue with myself... I sigh.
"What do I need to...?" I asked. I am so totally going to regret this aren't I.
Yes. Yes you will.
I know I know, but I have to admit, I'm hooked on this couple... It's nowhere near Duncan and Courtney, don't worry, and I'm almost over my writers block. I think I just needed a break. You have to admit, I've been okay at updating so far, right?! I hope... Anyways, I might keep going with this, and I might not. Who knows? I probably will... I'm a sucker for getting the writting bug... :P anyways, R&R Please!!!! Also, pray for those in Haiti... I feel bad for you guys, and I donated some money today at school. Our school raised 1400$ this week! :D Anyways, next chapter for this and Mmm, Tension My Favourite coming soon!