Well, I have decided that I am going to be putting all my chapter fics on hold until Run Away is completed. So, unfortunately, we're going to have to wait a week or two to see Like a Bird updated. However, I am planning on doing chapters frequently, so that we can get them done. I feel bad for not updating, and simply want to complete things one by one.
I can't just write one thing. I am a person who needs to multitask. Now, this is where this 'story' comes in. I am asking everyone on here, to give me requests.
Here are the rules:
If a request honestly and truly squicks me out, I'm not going to write it. Sorry, but I don't do things that truly bother me.
You can request het, slash, or femmeslash. I'm open to all pairings :)
Everything has to be able to fit into a oneshot. Like I said, I'm not doing any other chaptered things until Run Away gets complete.
I lied. I'm not open to all pairings. Anything with Mr Hankey, or animals, I will not do. If it's an incest pairing, I MIGHT write it, but it won't be graphic. So, sorry.
So to request something, leave a review outlining the pairing, what you want, and the rating. The overall rating for this thing is going to be M but if you want something light, that's fine =)
So, a friend of mine has already made a request, and hers shall be first. Here is an example of the request outline I would like you guys to give me.
Pairing: Mysterion/Kyle
Rating: T
Request: I want something a little bit rough. I don't want Mysterion to be revealed.
So, there you have it guys. Get to requesting!