Last Chapter of the first story. I won't give out any details about the second one except for the fact that it will be rated 'M'.

Graduation and Goodbye

I had on my cap and gown as I was standing in the boys bathroom. I was looking at a mirror that showed Bjartskular. I knew I was still looking at me and other people will also see my reflection but I knew it was a way for me to talk to him without mind-talking.

"Are you okay?" he asked in a voice.

"I just never been this worried." I replied

"What do you mean?"

"In about three days, I am going to graduate, go to thee biggest party of my life, and then go live in a different realm with a different body. It is just a lot to take in."

"I can't wait"

"I know. You have been my first friend and I am just do glad."

"Hay man, don't get soft on me."

I gave a quick laugh and then made my way to the ceremony. The gym was packed with seniors all wearing the same clothes. There were a lot of talking and laughing. I did not need to converse with then as I spend my time making small talk with Bjartskular. The time came for me to get my diploma. I walk up to the stand and got it without any problems.

Or so I thought.

*****************In the Dragon Realms*************

All the guardians, Spyro, Cynder, and Onyx were gathered around the mirror that shows Richard getting his diploma. A tear was on Onyx's face as she watched her son taking a piece of rolled up paper that is suppose to show that you have finished your education.

It was then that the screen went static. Everyone was in complete surprise.

"What the heck happen?" Terrador said

"There must be a problem going on down there and are interfering with the connection."

"Can you warn Richard and Bjartskular?"

"No, I need to see them in order to establish a connection. All we can do is start the portal that will take them home."

They all nodded there heads and went to get the portal ready to activate in Richard's room.

*********At the ANGP**********

I was having a cup of tea, relaxing after playing a couple of arcade games. I was waiting for my meal to come but it would take awhile do to the amount seniors that there were.

For some strange reason, I could not shake the feeling that something bad is going to happen. I knew that B-Jay was feeling the same thing.

We got our food but decided on not eating it. We got up from our table and made our way outside to get some fresh air.

Once outside, that feeling got stronger. I knew it was a warning, but I did not know what was coming.

"I still don't have access to my light powers." I thought

"You have our dark elements."

I gave a nod and at that moment, creatures I only saw in video games came out of the ground.

It was Malefor's forces.

They had surrounded me and believe that I was weak.

Oh how they were wrong. It did not take long, especially when I let loose with my dark powers.

When the dust cleared, I knew I had to get out of there before people figured out what happened. I took off for my house. I was running back to my house at near sonic speeds. I was ducking and weaving through traffic and before I knew it, I was back at my house.

I got inside quietly enough so I did not wake my mom. I went into my room and gathered some personal items. They were my journal, wallet, books, Dawn of the Dragon game, Xbox 360, T.V. And some of my Lego sets. I pack them into a bag that I was able to fit it all in one bag because of my advance training with earth.

I got everything ready just as the portal opened. I took once last look at my room, my life, and my body.

I took one last breath before jumping in the portal. Then, I knew nothing.

So ends My Imagination, I will get started on the next story just as soon as I can think of a good title and get some free time.

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