TITLE: Five things Hyde doesn't know about Jackie (and one that he does) 2/2
PAIRING: Jackie/Hyde
SUMMARY: Five things fic. Jackies turn
NOTES: There was only going to be the first part but I figured there was stuff Hyde didn't know about Jackie too. Longer not this fic notes below.


Steven gave her her first kiss. It was at one of the parties the Formans always had for Christmas and they were standing under the mistletoe.

She was six and Kitty made him do it. But it still counts.


She thought she was pregnant once when they were together. It was a false alarm, but she spent two agonizing weeks thinking about how she would tell him and what he would do.

She still wonders if she made the right choice by not saying anything to him.


She slept with the cheese guy.

She hadn't given him a second thought since she quit the cheese place, but they found themselves in the same bar one night and one thing lead to another. She tells herself it was because she was feeling sad and lonely.

But really it was because he bears an uncanny resemblance to Steven.


She never, ever wants to talk about that night in the basement. Too painful.

She totally would have given in to him if he had pushed it.


She can't watch the Price is Right anymore and avoids going over to his house when it's on. Mostly because she doesn't want to remember what happened that one summer.

But more important, she doesn't want to know what's worse; that it would happen again, or that it wouldn't.

...and one thing he does

She misses him and wants nothing more than to get back together with him.

So when she finally got the courage to ask him and he answered she figured it was only fair to tell him as well. To be honest she was shocked that he answered at all but she's not going to press the issue. In time maybe she'll pursue it further but for now she's okay knowing that it isn't all lost between them.


1) These were fun to write. I love the idea of the #3's, maybe someone who's not me would take it as a challenge to expand on them. Or maybe I will…I doubt it but it's possible.

2) I participated in Yultide Treasure this year, which is a ficathon for rare and obscure fandoms. T70S is one of the fandoms and I got to write it (which made my heart happy). I'm not sure of their policy for reposting because it was written for someone else, so it's archived here at AO3. I would love for everyone to read it (and leave a comment if you like, no pressure).

3) Also, I have in my hot little hands (metaphorically speaking, it's really in google docs) the outline to the last half of That Long Hot Summer. I always thought that I had more pieces written but could never find them on the computer. Then one day I was cleaning my bedroom and found three handwritten pages. Had to have been from just after the move (which was in 2004).

So I'm going to give it a go for this year, I'll most likely work on the whole thing at once and then post it once it's done. I could really use a beta though so if anyone has some time give me a shout. I can't promise to be the fastest writer, but I feel shame over not responding to email so you'll always get an answer or excuse :)