TITLE: Five things Jackie doesn't know about Hyde (and one that she does) 1/2
PAIRING: Jackie/Hyde
SUMMARY: Five things fic. Plus notes at the end about a new fic by me and a status on some older stuff
NOTES: At the end of part two.


He's got a romantic side he refuses to acknowledge, mostly because it goes against his carefully thought out image.

He thinks that kiss with Jackie on the hood of the car under the stars was fantastic and just the way a first kiss should be.


He thought about proposing to Jackie long before she started bringing it up.

Once in the fragile months after the nurse incident and again after her graduation. Both times he talked himself out of it and he's often wondered how things would have turned out if he had gone for it.


He once spent a whole night pretending Sam was Jackie.

They were both really drunk and kind of high and it was so hot he still blushes when he thinks of it. He's pretty sure Sam doesn't remember and if she does she never said anything.


There was one night, in the basement, right after Sam went back to Vegas that he almost made a move on Jackie, knowing full well she had her sights set on Fez.

He got off knowing that she would have done anything he wanted, but ultimately gave it up because he didn't want to test her that way.


He can't stand to be in the same room as Fez anymore because it reminds him of what could have been.

The fact that Kelso continued to be friends with him makes him wonder if Kelso didn't love her as much as he said or he was the better man out of all of them. Hyde doesn't like that line of thought and resolves not to dwell on it anymore.

...and one Jackie knows about

He misses her.

She asked him one day, point blank, "Do you ever miss me Steven?" They were sitting on that old ratty couch of the Formans and she must have caught him at a weak moment because they hadn't spoken for a really, really long time and he actually didn't mind sitting in the same room with her.

So he answered.

And the second the words left his lips he wanted to take them back.

But instead of the usual Jackie response she just said "Me too" and continued watching TV. He's kind of at a loss as to what to do now but he's glad she feels the same. He knows it'll take some time, but they'll find each other again someday.

…..Continued in next chapter.