Title: Fifteen Minutes of Fame

Author: SplishySplash

Characters: All Cast

Pairing: Tony/Ziva

Spoilers: Pre JetLag

Disclaimer: I own nothing

Summary: Mentally she cursed as the cold caught to her and she was running out of breath quickly. Her fingers found the buckle and quickly pulled the baby to her body before she kicked as hard as she could towards the surface. Tony and Ziva become overnight celebrities and it's not as easy as Hollywood makes it out to be.

They arrived at NCIS to Gibbs and Tony sitting at their desks with the sun setting from the windows near the bullpen. Ziva disposed of her gun and badge into her desk and sat down, gaining glances from her boss and the man who occupied the space across from her. "Go well?" Gibbs asked as McGee brushed past him to his desk.

The probie nodded. "Yes." He said. "As well as a reunion goes."

"Did the doctor turn up anything?"Ziva asked.

Tony shook his head. "Office is closed on Saturdays." He said, leaning back in his chair. "Note on the door says he is out until Tuesday."

Gibbs stood up and shut the drawer to his desk. "Go home, get some rest." He said out of the blue and disappeared towards the director's office whereas McGee went down towards the lab leaving her alone with Tony.

"You ready?" He asked getting up to gather his things. She nodded as she followed his she followed him towards the elevator. As the doors shut, Tony shifted almost nervously as he thought of way to approach her.

She sighed heavily. "Just choke it out already." She said not looking from the steel doors.

He swallowed a chuckle. "It's spit it out. Do you. . ." Tony started before a sigh of his own escaped his lips. The doors opened and they stepped off side by side, walking slowly towards his car.

"Do I what, Tony?" She asked as they stopped just shy of his passenger door.

Tony's hands grasped her arms, rubbing them gently and forcing a shiver to escape her body. "Do you want to come over to my place? I can make dinner and we can watch a movie." He asked, it wasn't what he wanted to ask, but it was a start.

She stood on her tip toes and pressed a small kiss on his lips. "I would like that, a lot." She whispered as she allowed him to open the door of his car before she climbed inside and he shut the door.

The morning came before Tony was ready for it, Ziva had spent the night again and again she sought his comfort not that he was complaining, but she wouldn't talk about her fight with Abby or taking the dad to the hospital. He woke up in the morning to an empty bed, but he wasn't alone. She stood at the window wearing his shirt from the day before and her arms folded, she watched as the rain fell and didn't hear him get up. "Hey." He said pressing his lips to her neck, bringing goose bumps to her skin.

"Hey." She whispered.

His lips worked her neck as his hands circled her waist, pulling her close. "What are you thinking?" He asked.

She tensed, but didn't move because his lips were coaxing her to give him what he wanted. "Abby wanted to know how I would explain to a child that I am an assassin, that I killed people for a living."

He took a deep breath, he had been working the conversation in his mind since he heard about her fight with Abby. "You are not an assassin any more, Ziva." He said, pressing a kiss on her neck before getting more serious and he turned her to face him. "You explain that you were following orders and that those people were not innocent, that they killed innocent people."

Her gaze fell to the space between them. "What if they were innocent of their crimes?"

His hand brought up her chin. "You were following orders, Ziva." He said softly. "You are the most incredible person I know and you have saved more lives that we will ever know, that is what you should be proud of."

It brought a small smile to her face and rewarded him with a kiss. "How did you get so good at knowing what to say to make me feel better?" She asked when they broke away.

"This is all me baby." He said with a smile, she raised an eyebrow before he grew sheepish and his hand went to the back of his neck. "Gibbs helped. Did it work?"

She nodded with a smile. "Of course." She said with another quick kiss, he deepened and she let him have his way for a moment before she broke it off. "We have to get ready for work."

They arrived to work on time, for Tony but late for Ziva and McGee was typing away at his computer. "Gibbs wants to talk to you two." He said, not turning his attention from the screen and Gibbs brushed passed them.

"With me." He said and led them to his office. They crowded into the small box and he hit the emergency switch, releasing a sigh.

Tony looked at Ziva, but she didn't look back. "What is it boss?" He asked, slightly worried that he was going to yell at them for breaking to rules. It's not like they had 'we are having sex' written on their face, was it?

"The director and the SECNAV would like the two of you to do an interview." He said almost annoyed. "They have set one up for tomorrow afternoon with ZNN."

Ziva shook her head. "No." She answered quickly. "I am not doing an interview."

Tony had to agree, even though it was a dream come true for him to be on TV, he didn't feel like he went above and beyond to need an interview. "I have to agree with Ziva . . ."

Gibbs shrugged. "I am just telling you because the director is not giving you a choice, we will think of something." Gibbs said and Ziva released a breath she was holding. He looked between the two of them and released the emergency break and the doors opened back up, the stopped off and he stood back to watch them. The dynamic was changed and after the conversation with Tony the day before he wasn't bothered by it, Tony struggled to ask him how to help Ziva come to terms with what Abby said that hurt her and he must have used it because he watched as he bumped her off her balance and she punched him in the arm.

He followed them back into the bullpen and sat down at his desk. Tony placed the phone to his ear and nodded a couple of times before he sat it back down. ". . . I'm on my way." He said, getting to his feet. "I will be back, one of the nurses called me back about the doctor."

Gibbs nodded and he rushed out of the door.