It's amazing how a single question can wipe a room clean of any smile. That's what Veemon just did.

"Who are all of you?" he repeated his question.

"Wh-what are you talking about Veemon?" Davis asked worried.

"Veemon?" he replied raising an eyebrow. "Is that my name?"

"Of course it is! Cant' you remember? It's me Davis."

"Davis? So, who are you exactly?"

"Me? I'm your partner!"

"Sorry, but I don't really know you."

They were all really worried now. "Hey Veemon, don't you remember me?" said Patamon and Veemon shook his head.

"What about us?" Kari asked indicating the rest of them. Veemon shook his head again.

"Not even me?" Gatomon said hoping that he would remember.

"Sorry, but you're a stranger to me." Veemon answered.

"This is bad. This is bad. He's lost his memory!" Davis cried out.

"I'm calling Izzy and the others. Maybe they might know what to do." Kari said and she left the room. Davis turned to Veemon.

"Can you just stay here?" he asked.

"Well, you all seem trustworthy so I guess I'll stay here for now." Veemon replied. Davis left the room and the others followed one by one. Gatomon was the last to leave and before she did she looked at him concerned before leaving.

Tai and the rest of the original Digidestined along with their partners arrived after several minutes. Gennai had also appeared on the computer screen.

"What's going on?" Tai said.

"It's Veemon. He's lost his memory." Davis answered.

Davis and the rest explained what had happened to them. About being abducted by the Future Kings and forced to fight them, meeting Salamon, fighting Gaiomon, Veemon getting possed, dying and then reborn with out his memories.

"I still don't get why Veemon doesn't have any memories." TK said. "The computer said that there was a 5% chance it would work. It did but why his memories are gone."

"Hmm." Gennai said. "What exactly did it say on the computer?"

"It said: 'PROBABILITY OF TOTAL SUCCESS: 5%.' " Davis said remembering.

"I think that's it." Izzy said after much thought. "There was a 5% chance of total success. Veemon was reborn without his memory which is a success but not a total one."

"Damn Craniamon. He had to be so specific." Davis muttered. "So what do we do now?"

"I think we should ask Veemon." Gatomon said. "Veemon, what do you want to do?"

Veemon thought about it for a while. "If what you guys are saying's true, then I'll try to see if I can get my memory back."

"You will have to do it fast." Gennai said.

"What do you mean by that?" Davis said.

"You see, memories are the foundation of someone's soul. If your memories were to be erased then after some time, your soul will collapse."

"What!?" Davis said panicking. They were all shocked by this news.

"Wait, I lost my memory once and I'm still here." Ken said.

"But you regained them so your soul did not collapse."

"I've got an idea." Kari said. "Why don't we take Veemon around in the Digital World? Maybe that'll jog his memory."

"I agree." Gennai said. "But you will have to do it tomorrow. I'm sure that you are all tired from what happened today."

They all agreed. Bidding Veemon good night, they all left the room and went home. Kari was the last to leave and before she did, she saw a grieving Davis sitting on a chair.

"Davis what's wrong?" she asks concerned.

"Veemon's lost his memory and there's a chance he'll be gone for good." Davis said gloomily. "I lost him once and I might lose him again."

"Davis…" Kari muttered. She put a comforting arm on his shoulder. "It's going to be OK. We're going to make sure Veemon gets his memory back."

This seemed to comfort Davis. He got up, looked at her and said: "Thanks Kari. You're really-"

He wasn't able to finish his sentence because at that moment, Kari pressed her lips on to his. Davis was momentarily surprised but returned the kiss. The kiss went on for about half a minute before they parted blushing.

"Think of it as thanks for defending me from ChaosGallantmon." she said with a smile and she left the room.

"Hey Kari," Davis said when she was at the door. "You wanna…y'know…maybe…have lunch out or something?"

"Sure, I'd love to." Kari said in reply and she left. After a few seconds, Davis went to sleep.

The next day in the Digital World…

"You sure you tow will be OK?" Davis said to Gatomon and Veemon. He decided to spend some time with Kari while Gatomon took Veemon around.

"We'll be fine. You two just have some fun. I'll take care of Veemon." Gatomon said. As they part ways, she turns to Veemon. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah uh…it's Gatomon right?" Veemon said.

"Yes." Gatomon said and she took his hand and started.

Together, they went to the places they have been before. Towns they had visited, old battle fields and even the ruins of Ken's old fortress. All the while, Gatomon told Veemon about all of the things he did.

"Wow. I really did all of that?" Veemon said.

"Yeah. You were a really tough and cool Digimon." said Gatomon with a smile.

"Too bad I don't remember any of it."

"You're memory hasn't been jogged yet?"

"No." Veemon said shaking his head. It was getting late and the full moon began to show its light. "Isn't there any other place we haven't been?"

"Well…there's one more place." Gatomon said. She took him to a large quarry with the ruins of a castle in it. The ruins were old; moss and ivy were starting to grow all over it.

"What is this place?" Veemon asked.

"The Dark Being's old castle." Gatomon answered. "This is where you fought one of the greatest enemies we've seen."

Suddenly, Veemon felt pain and weakness all over his body. He got down on his knees and groaned in pain.

"Veemon!" Gatomon yelled rushing to his side. "What's wrong?"

"I think…what that guy…said…yesterday…is true…" Veemon said in between groans. "My…soul's…collapsing…" His body began to glow a faint white light.

"No! Veemon!" Gatomon begged. Tears began to form in her eyes as she put her paws on his shoulders. "No please don't go!"

"I'm sorry…I had…fun today…now…goodbye…" Specks of light rose from Veemon's body and rose to the sky.

"No! Veemon please no!" She closed her eyes and held him tightly. "Veemon, I love you!"

Something seemed to spark in his head.

His body stopped glowing and the pain vanished. He looked up and saw the crying Gatomon.

"Gatomon…why are you crying?"

She gasps and looks at him with a tear covered face. "Do you remember me?"

"Does this count as an answer?" And he kissed her. Memories started to flood into his head during the kiss. To them, it was the best kiss they had so far. After several moments, they parted.

"C'mon, we should tell Davis and the others." Gatomon said. She stood up and was about to leave when Veemon caught her arm. "What's wrong?"

Veemon gives her a big smile. "We haven't had our first date yet."

She smiled back at him. The two of them climbed on top of the tallest piece of the old castle and gazed at the full moon loving every minute of it.

It really was their first and best date ever.

Well, that's the end of that story. Again, I want to thank everyone who's reviewed.

Here's another thing: I'm very much tempted to continue this story. I already have an idea but I'm still not sure.

So I'll leave it to you. On my profile is a poll saying whether I should continue this story or not (if yes then it may take some time).

Thanks and don't forget to vote. ;)