So so so sorry I haven't updated in such a long time, hell I haven't even been on the site since my last update -_- the sad part is that this was finished on the first day of summer break and I haven't gotten to uploading it til now. Oh well :P

Cylon One: Question: "Kid is this really the time to be worrying about this?" asked one of his guns, sounding very panicked as blasts of light rained down on them.
"I'm hideous, a disgrace, monsters like me shouldn't be allowed to live!"
"Who said the last part and why?"

Answer: I believe the last part was Kid, sorry if I made it sound confusing

sulfur angel: its no problem I actually like reading through all the feedback, its nice to see someone taking their time to review :D

on to the story :D

Harry watched as the possibly insane blonde girl swung her scythe upwards. Apparently she wasn't one for playing around and would rather finish him off quickly. He shut his eyes and waited for the feeling of metal meeting flesh and bone, the pain of his life being torn away.

"At least" he thought, "Voldemort is dead now, so I don't have to worry about the others." The hair at the back of Harry's neck prickled and he instinctively knew that the girl had started her downswing. He waited.


That wasn't the sound of a scythe hitting a person, rather it was the sound of metal on metal, confused, Harry looked up, and all he saw was an unearthly white glow.

Soul was pissed. As unappetizing as it was, a soul was a soul and he wasn't too happy when his meal had disappeared right before his eyes. Now this second witch was being blocked by a freak in a Halloween costume. This just wasn't his day.

Maka, on the other hand, had recovered quickly and hopped back a few feet, out of the range of the clawed hand that had blocked her. She inspected the newcomer warily, it was a writhing white mass, and the only discernable features where a black claw and a silver mask on its face. Certain that it was a pre-kishin, Maka activated her soul perception and was shocked to find that he was completely human.

"Are you a meister?" She called out

"An exorcist" it…..he replied in a surprisingly soft, polite voice. Maka could've sworn that he was just a bit older than her if not the same age. At that moment, as if to prove Maka right, the white mass receded a bit to reveal a teenage boy in a black coat with a silver cross over his heart. The mask, however, stayed on, hiding his face.

The strange boy continued, "I'm afraid I cannot allow you to take this boy, I was told to protect him at all cost."

Maka was about to argue when Soul decided he had had enough, in a flash of light he turned back into a human and began walking away

"C'mon Maka, cool guys shouldn't have to deal with this stuff"

"but…" Maka still hesitated,

"He's a human isn't he? We aren't supposed to kill anyone unless they are a pre-kishin or a witch" Soul continued walking.

Throwing a last reproachful glance over her shoulder at the strange boy and the witch she ran to catch up.

"Ah, Maka, Soul there you are" said Kid as the two arrived at the meeting place. "I was just about to contact father"

Kid pointed both of his index and pinky fingers at the ground, where a cartoonlike skull appeared, followed by an apparition of a strange spiky figure

"Hello hello everybody" it said in a cheery, slightly idiotic voice, "I trust the mission went well?"

"Yes father the assigned targets were exterminated, however," Kid threw a reproachful glance at a certain blue haired meister, "a few managed to get away"

"Mhhm that's fine, Maka were you able to exterminate your target as well?" the apparition now turned to the girl.

"Hai shinigami-sama, but there were a few problems"

"Oh?" shinigami asked, as the others turned to look at Maka.


"His soul disappeared!" cut in an irate Soul, "and when we attacked the other witch, this

weirdo stopped us and said he was an exorcist!"

At the revelation, Shinigami-Sama seemed to freeze, then in a lower more serious voice he said, "Return to Shibusen as fast as you can, I want to speak with you when you arrive." With that the connection cut off.

"exorcists…" mused shinigami-sama.

Allen was surprised that they had given up so easily, but decided not to question it. Instead he turned to the trembling teen next to him,

"are you alright?" he asked kindly, the mask had finally moved from his face , showing a teen with snowy white hair and a bright red scar over his eye that led up to a red pentacle.

Harry just barely managed to nod.

As if he just remembered something, Allen started searching through the pockets on his uniform.

"Here, the old man told me to tell you to drink this," Allen handed Harry a glass vial filled with a grayish silvery liquid, a little darker than mercury. Harry stared at it for a second debating, and then decided to drink it. Almost instantly, his eyes glazed over and he fell into a peaceful dreamless sleep, free from psychotic murderers, scythe wielding girls and strange white haired exorcists.

Allen looked over the unconscious Harry worriedly then gave a start when he heard a loud CRACK. Allen got into a battle stance but relaxed when the same old man he had met briefly at headquarters walked towards them.

"Thank you for taking care of Harry, Allen" said Dumbledore, smiling slightly as he approached

"Sir, about the mission…."

"Voldemort has been defeated but he is still very much alive, and Harry Potter Is still In danger" stated Dumbledore

"So the mission still isn't over then." said Allen

"Im afraid not, but for now you may return to your headquarters, Harry should be safe, and I will send your superior an owl later in the summer with the details"

Allen, satisfied, called his ark and disappeared into the shining structure.

Harry woke up in the hospital wing of Hogwarts. where? how? he thought before he fell back as a wave of nausea struck him. Harry tried to remember what had happened, but there seemed to be a haze over his mind, he could remember up to where Voldemort appeared but anything after that was gone. Something seemed to tug at the edges of his mind, but as he desperately tried to remember it, it grew weaker and weaker, until it drifted off. Giving up on remembering, Harry took in his surroundings and realized where he was and what time it was, it was dark, and he instinctively knew it must be late at night. Harry laid his head back onto his pillow and fell back into a blissful slumber.

Pretty miraculous rescue eh? What? Its not like I could just kill Harry off right? At least not that easily *chuckles evilly* anyways YAY FOR DGM ^_^

So I just finished reading Katekyo Hitman Reborn, and God dammit it is awesome im debating whether to add it or not. Ive actually got some stuff planned out already. Anyways if ya think that I should add KHR then itll be the last one I add, otherwise DGM is the last, and the story can go on.

My stories are pretty character heavy so im sorry if you don't like that