I refuse to let go of the Alex/Mason relationship and the Justin/Juliet. Plus, this is Fan Fiction, so I can do whatever I want with the characters.
Disclaimer: I don't own Wizards of Waverly Place. If I did, Justin and Juliet would be together and so would Mason and Alex! Even if I had to replace the actress who played Juliet. She has her own show now! It's coming out in April, I believe…Good Luck, Charlie.
Oh, I'm babbling. Well, I'm done now. Read!
It had been two days since it happened.
Two days of agony, crying, silence.
Not just from me, either…from Justin, too. I could totally understand his feelings, though. He knew her longer than I knew…him. He loved her, and he couldn't have her…then he could, and he lost her. Then he found her, just to lose her again…
Referring to her as her was easier to say than saying her real name. Because the idea of both of them, alone, gone from us forever, was too much to handle- adding names to the deal would just be that much harder to accept it.
That night, the worst night of both of our lives, we came home in silence. We both retreated to our rooms and stayed there all night; and no one came in to ask us if we were okay, because our parents knew we weren't. I wasn't sure about Max, but Mom and Dad probably told him not to go near us.
Max got off easy. He was the one who wasn't hurt in all of this, who wouldn't be changed.
Justin and I would be. We didn't get off easy.
"Alex, Justin, time to get up," Mom called from the living room. Judging by her Alex-and-Justin tone, I guessed Harper was already awake. I turned over onto my stomach and buried my face in my pillow. No way could I go to school today. No way could I face…
Justin wasn't up yet, either? Justin was always up by, like, 6 a.m., every morning. Then again, I hadn't seen him for two days, as we'd both stayed in our rooms since it happened. He could have grown a beard and I wouldn't know.
"I can't go to school," I murmured into the yellow fabric surrounding my pillow. My eyes burned from the crying again last night, and images of my past nightmare filled my head.
"Yes, you can," Mom said sternly, her voice closer now. I looked up, surprised, to see her standing at the foot of my bed. "You have to."
"Mom, I…I…" I stopped. I didn't have a reason why I couldn't go. It wasn't like he would be there (of course not), or anyone would be talking about him. He didn't make many friends in the three months he attended school with me.
Mom turned around and nodded, then quietly made an exit. My eyes followed her out the door and my gaze caught Justin standing in my doorway, still in his pajamas.
"Justin," I whispered, hugging my knees to my chest. "I don't wanna go."
Justin took a step inside my room and frowned. "I don't want to go, either."
I sighed. "Do we have to?" I gave him a pleading look, but it wasn't like he could make school vanish. It would always be there, and we would always have to go. He nodded.
I shivered and released my knees. I used my arms to push myself up off the bed, and I stretched. I hadn't been out of bed for two days; it felt right, even if nothing else did.
I pulled out my wand from the drawer in my nightstand. I blew off some dust and recited, "I know right now I look a mess, but what I need is to get dressed."
In a flash, I was freshly showered, my hair was done, and I was fully clothed. One of the perks of being a wizard.
I looked over at Justin and cracked a half smile. "You look like you could use that spell, too," I whispered.
Justin smiled the same, sad smile back at me. Then he did something odd; he used the same spell I did, and within seconds he looked like someone who actually took the time to shower and get dressed, instead of moping around all day like we had.
"Nice shirt," I commented. "Where'd it come from?" Justin shrugged. "I'm not sure."
I laughed a forced laugh and slowly hobbled into the kitchen to make breakfast. I pulled a Pop Tart out of the cabinet and popped it out of the wrapper. Who needed a toaster? I looked around the kitchen for Harper, who was nowhere to be seen. Max bounded up the stairs wearing a blonde wig. I didn't even want to know.
"I'm making hot dogs for breakfast!" Max cried cheerfully. I choked on my Pop Tart at the word dog. Justin, who was pouring himself a bowl of cereal, cringed. "Um, I mean, hot cats. They're all the rage," Max tried awkwardly. It was nice of him to try and cover it up.
"Great," I said half-heartedly. I decided to change the subject. "Where's Harper?"
"Downstairs," Max answered, tossing a hot cat into the sink. I watched him as he attempted to boil it in hot sink water before asking, "Still? Why?"
"Don't know," Max was completely distracted now. "She's freaking out about something."
I groaned. "I'll go get the shoe," I sighed, then bounded down the stairs to find Harper, dressed in a dress made up of keyboard keys, holding a piece of paper and shivering.
"ALEX!" she shrieked, running up to me. She thrust the paper at me, eyes eager. "Read it."
I looked at the paper, almost crushing it in my hands. On the tiny sheet of white paper crumpled at the edges were- one, two, three four…seventeen- paw prints. Glancing closer at the paper, I realized they spelled out 'Alex'. In a messy form.
Tears formed in my eyes as I crumpled the paper in my hand. Of course he didn't forget. But how…?
"I found it on the floor with the window open," Harper informed me.
My mind swarmed with thoughts. How could he have opened the window? Did he still have a human mind? How could he have spelled my name in paw prints?
Did she help him?
What if they were together again now, him as a wolf and her as an old lady? It didn't seem logical (or right), but it was entirely possible.
I had to remember that he hadn't forgotten me. I smoothed out the 'note' and shoved it in my pocket. Today I would find out my answers.
I would find him.
People at school whispered and pointed as I strode through the halls. Harper made sure to casually stay away from me, to get away from the attention.
It was Nelly who finally asked, "Where's Mason?"
And I lost it. Right there. In front of everyone, right in the hallway. Justin was at my side instantly, pulling me away from the crowd and everyone whispering, "Alex Russo is crying."
I hadn't heard the name since I'd screamed it two- or was it three? - days ago; even my subconscious mind knew to stay away from it. But I couldn't stop everyone else from saying it and thinking it.
At first I didn't know where we were, but when I opened my eyes I was shocked to see we were home. But for once, I didn't ask questions. I just walked with Justin as he helped get me to the couch.
"Is it gonna go away?" I asked, wiping away more tears. I looked up hopefully at my brother, who appeared just as hopeful as I was.
"Eventually," he assured me. "Not soon, but eventually."
Eventually. Eventually was enough time to find him, and I would do just that.