Teufel1987 – I had reason for using tater tot, Captain Shoulah nailed it on the head in fact. Tot is used to refer to small things, but you bring up a good point in the fact I never thought about the origin of the food. And I knew Snape was breaking character a bit when I wrote that part, but I felt he was the most interesting character to use, and it was such a small break in character compared to some of the other things I've had to do.

SimFlyer – The thing is,Harry isn't a bad teacher. Gabrielle just didn't care one bit about what he was teaching her. As a result, she failed the exams.

Slytherin66 – Haha, don't worry, this is harry/gabrielle not gabrielle/malfoy. Im not going to change my mind halfway through the story haha.

Captain Shoulah – you bring up many good points and actually read my mind on several things, there were a couple things you may have looked to deeply at, but thanks a lot for the review, it was very interesting to read. It's great to know what you analyzed from the story! Thanks for the review

Penseln – Thanks for reviewing! Not going to say anything, because I don't want to spoil the plot. But like I said to Slytherin66, this is not Gabrielle/Malfoy.

Tashie – Thanks a bunch! I've been trying very hard with the characterization, glad to know it is good! But honestly, part of the reason I abandoned the story for a year was because the plot was kind of aimless to me… I've finally worked it all out in my head, I actually know how the story will end! But I'm glad it seems like there is a solid plot !

Alpha's Opinianated Law – Well haha, she might be 9, but she is Veela, which is kind of why I included the innuendos. I was trying to imply that a 9 year old Veela is more physically and mentally mature than a 9 year old human girl would be. Thanks for the review, glad you like it!

WhattheDevilisgoingonhere – I plan to! And thanks for the review!

Lessons with Snape were very tiring, Gabrielle was up late each night trying to finish the work he had assigned her. She barely had time to talk to Fleur, let alone see Harry. She had managed to talk to her sister once in the past few days, and that had been to tell her about the charm she had accidentally used on Ron and Harry. Fleur confirmed what Gabrielle had though, she was getting more mature. As pleased as she was to hear that, it was short lived when the toll of her lessons with Snape finally kicked in. In a couple of words, they were horrible and unrewarding, every few days she went down to his dark, depressing dungeon turning in the work she had been assigned. And every few days, Snape would hand her back what she had last turned in. They were never good, she was lucky to scrape grades above a 50% no matter how hard she tried. The weeks passed agonizingly slow, but finally she could see the light at the end of the road.

It was the morning of the 23rd of June, the day that Gabrielle was scheduled to take her final exams which were to be administered by Madame Maxime. She was both elated and terrified. Thrilled that finally, no more lessons, no more Snape, and the best part of all no more work! Not to mention, she might get a chance to talk to Harry before the Third Task, which was the next day. But as happy as she was, she dressed herself slowly, dreading the exam she was about to go take.

She walked out of the Beauxbaton carriage, squinting her eyes, the sun was just rising over the Forbidden Forest. She trudged to the castle, her feet getting heavier the closer she got to the school. Madame Maxime should be waiting just behind the doors to escort her to the empty classroom on the third floor where the exams would be given. The thought of a sheet of parchment covered in questions she couldn't recall filled her head. She tried to shake it out, but it kept coming back, she didn't want to think about what would happen if she failed the exams. Her parents were very strict when it came to grades, the good marks she made last year were only decent in their eyes. 'You could have done better if you worked a bit harder' they always said. She couldn't imagine how they would react if she brought home a failing grade, it would be the first time, Fleur had never failed.

Before she knew it, her hand was resting on the door to the school. Taking a deep breath, she pushed open the door to see the large form of Madame Maxime with a stack of papers in her hand. Gabrielle gave a small curtsy of respect and wordlessly, Madame Maxime beckoned her to follow. Gabrielle was led up to an empty classroom with only two desks in it that were facing each other. They both sat down, in silence, Madame Maxime handed her the exams.

Several hours later, Gabrielle left the classroom while Madame Maxime stayed behind to collect the papers. It could have been much worse, Gabrielle thought to herself. The exams weren't nearly as hard as Snape's lessons, leaving her with a sense of satisfaction.

"How'd you do?"

Gabrielle turned around and saw Harry walking towards her, alone. He gave her a small smile, but she could see his face was strained. The third task was really taking its toll, she wasn't surprised. The same was happening to Fleur, she was a lot more irritable and a few hairs on her head were even out of place.

Gabrielle shrugged, "I think I did alright, I don't think I failed."

"Well that's always good," Harry replied.

Gabrielle nodded, and after a small awkward silence, asked him "Are you ready for tomorrow?"

It was Harry's turn to shrug, "I'm not sure how to prepare, to be honest, Hermione has been helping me learn a bunch of spells, but that's about it. But I sure can't wait for this to be done with. I was just heading to the library to do some more studying with Hermione, actually."

"Oh," Gabrielle said sullenly, "Well… good luck tomorrow, Harry."

He smiled weakly, "Thanks."

He turned and started to walk away, and then Gabrielle blurted out, "Wait!"

Harry stopped, surprised, and turned around, "What is it?"

Gabrielle ran up to him threw her arms around him, tears in her eyes, "Please be careful!"

Harry awkwardly patted her on the back, "Don't worry, I'll be prepared."

After a few seconds, Gabrielle withdrew and looked up at Harry who clearly felt out of place, but he gave her a reassuring smile before leaving towards the library. Biting her lip, Gabrielle began to make her way towards the carriage. She had broken her word to Dumbledore again, but she couldn't help it.

The next day Gabrielle woke with a start, after having a nightmare where she had confided to Harry that she loved him. Harry had returned her love, and said they could get married once he finished the third task, but much to her horror. Harry died during the task. Tears pouring down her face, it took her a few seconds to realize that the third task hadn't happened yet. Harry was still alive, and still didn't love her she remember with a pang. The nightmare stuck in her mind as she got dressed, what if it actually happened? What if he really did die? She shuddered as more tears came to her face, she didn't even want to imagine it. All she knew is that no guy would ever be able to replace Harry in her heart.

Fleur had already left, several of the Beauxbaton kids were no waiting in the lounge of the carriage, getting ready to leave for the Quidditch field. Gabrielle joined them, and they left the carriage for the Quidditch field. She shrugged off any attempt to include her in conversation, preferring to let her imagination wander about Harry's fate, no matter how much it hurt her.

Gabrielle took a seat in the stands and after a few minutes of waiting, the rules of the task were explained. The four contestants would be traversing a maze to find the Triwizard Cup. And then her heart gave a lurch as Harry and Cedric entered the maze. Fleur and Victor soon to follow. Gabrielle shuddered, seeing Fleur walk into the maze just reminded her: Her sister was entering this same dangerous contest and she hadn't thought a thing about it. Gabrielle was disgusted with herself, all this time she had been worrying about Harry when her own sister, her sister who had always loved her and been there for her, was risking her life just as much. Tears started to form on her eyes, what if Fleur didn't make it? How could she live with herself? Gabrielle's head was spinning and she prayed that Fleur would be alright.

Time passed, apart from the small murmurings of people, the crowd was silent and tense. Finally, something happened, a flash of silvery blonde and she saw her sister get pulled out of the maze, bedraggled and faint. It was as if a heavy load had been lifted off her shoulders, Fleur was alright! The first thing she planned to do when this was over was apologize to her sister for her behavior. She saw Fleur get led to Madame Pomfrey's tent where she disappeared. The murmuring in the crowd grew louder at the event, and the tension in the air increased ten-fold. Everyone was thinking the same thing, one contestant down.

The second was soon to follow, everyone jumped as bright bolt shot into the sky from the maze and burst into hundreds of sparks. She saw several teachers then enter the maze, and several minutes later, they came out the limp form of Victor Krum. The crowd gasped as he was led to the healer tent. The loud voice of Ludo Bagman echoed through the tense air, "Do not worry everybody, Victor is alright, he is merely unconscious!"

An audible sigh of relief went through the crowd, but people still wondered, what got him? The crowd was now expecting the Triwizard Cup to appear with its finder, either Cedric or Harry, at any moment. But that moment never came, ten minutes passed, then thirty, and then finally, an hour after Krum was pulled from the maze, there was a loud pop and the gleam of the Triwizard Cup. Harry was holding the cup in his hand, Cedric was with him. The stand erupted into cheers and applause, Gabrielle joined them. Harry had made it! But the euphoria began to die down as Harry beckoned at Cedric, screaming something she couldn't hear, tears covered his face. And then she noticed, Cedric wasn't moving. A crowd of teachers surrounded Harry and then everything else was a blur. She remembered at one point, Fleur grabbed her arm, tears rolling down her face, and dragged her away. A moment later she was in Dumbledore's office, with the headmaster.

With Fleur and Gabrielle in his office, the headmaster explained what happened (not going to bother since I assume you guys have read the book). Cedric Diggory was dead, and Harry was almost killed by an imposter teacher. Dumbledore then informed the girls that he had just finished dealing with the imposter teacher, and now his order of business was sending Fleur and Gabrielle back home.

"Your father, being a high ranking French ministry official, found about this barely an hour after it happened, and he has called for the immediate return of both of you. I have arranged this portkey," Dumbledore said, beckoning to a dirty, damaged paper cup sitting on his desk, "to take you back to France."

He let the words sink in for a few seconds and then turned to Fleur, "May I please have a word with your sister in private?"

Fleur nodded and left the office, and Dumbledore turned his blue eyes to Gabrielle.

"Amidst all of this tragedy, I daresay I do have some good news," he pulled an envelope out of his robes, with 'Gabrielle Delacour Examination Results' emblazoned across it.

She had completely forgotten about the exams after all that had happened, she took it her hand trembling and opened it. Her eyes widened in shock at the scores on the paper, not only did she pass, but she excelled with flying colors. Even better than Fleur had done!

"I do apologize once more for making your life miserable by telling Severus to tutor you, but I felt that I had no choice," Dumbledore explained, "You were a huge distraction to Harry, even more so than you might have thought. He needed you out of his life so he could prepare for the task, had he been unable to, he might have also died. And yes, Severus may have been a hard teacher, but luckily for you, he was just a tutor. None of those grades you made with him will count, only the grades on that paper matter."

"Is that why he assigned so much homework?" Gabrielle asked?

Dumbledore nodded, "Once again, I am very sorry Ms. Delacour, but I felt it had to be done."

Gabrielle couldn't help but be furious with Dumbledore, now she was going back to France where she would never see Harry again! Her father would never let her go back to England with Lord Voldemort on the loose. She didn't explode like she wanted to, her parents would be very upset with her if she was disrespectful to an adult, instead she bit her tongue and nodded, but she could feel herself about to cry. Dumbledore called Fleur back in, and several minutes later, she was back in France, being welcome by the loving embrace of her father. Once she was in her room at home, she began to cry like she never had before, Harry was now hundreds of miles away, and she would never see him again.

Author's Note: This is NOT the end!