A/N: If anyone catches any screw ups with the French accents, please tell me :)
Gabrielle sat up in her bed, her long silver hair flowing down her back, she was wearing a dirty white T-shirt, and ripped pajama pants. The outfit is really not what anyone would expect when they thought of a beautiful Veela girl, but her parents refused to pay for her and Fleur unless it was desperate, not because they were mean, but because since they were already spoiled by beauty, they didn't need to be spoiled by wealth too. She didn't care though, this was her private quarters on the Beauxbatons Carriage. She got up yawning and stretched, she walked across the cramped room to her brown wardrobe, which had a large, dirty square mirror perched on top of it. Her hair was in its usual perfect condition, and her face, without the careful makeup she liked to apply, had a much more natural and innocent look. Her eyes were big, bigger than her sisters and most other Veela, and they were cerulean blue, making her look, as her sister put it, adorable. But she did not want to look adorable, she wanted to be beautiful like her big sister was, and had always been.
Fleur had guys flocking her when she was Gabrielle's age, and even though Gabrielle did get her fair share of guys, it was nothing compared to what Fleur got. Even now, every guy can only focus on Fleur, never her. She stopped herself, she was being spoiled, she was part Veela and she knew she was beautiful, but she couldn't help but feel a little resentment towards Fleur. Gabrielle had only made contact with two guys over this entire trip, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, Ron hardly paid any attention to her at all as he was obsessed with Fleur, but Harry had saved her, and he even talked to her whenever he saw her. Her heart belonged to him, and it would always, but he would never accept it and she knew it. She was 8, he was 14, and to make matters worse, she had serious competition with a girl a year younger than Harry who was quite pretty, and to make matters even worse, this girl was Ron Weasley's sister, so Harry and her would be in very close contact. The only good thing was the he was oblivious to her, for now, so she just had to act… She would never be pleased with herself if she didn't, there would always be some 'what if I had done it' ringing through her head. She picked her brush, she had to make herself look better than she ever had before, if she were to-. She was cut off mid thought by a knock on the door.
"Come in!" she said brightly, thinking it was her sister.
The door opened. "Gabrielle?" said a voice all too familiar, but it did not belong to her Veela sister. Her heart both fell and fluttered at the same time. She turned around and her worst fears were confirmed, Harry Potter was standing in the doorway. Well maybe I don't look that bad, she thought hopefully, but that flicker of hope was squashed when she looked down and saw herself barefoot, wearing a stained T-shirt, with a huge soda stain imprinted across her chest, and her ripped up blue pants with rips in all the wrong places exposing her duck patterned underpants, she couldn't possibly look worse.
"Erm," he said awkwardly, "Is this a bad time?"
Gabrielle was petrified, she wished she could just disappear as she saw Harry's eyes sweep over her, thankfully, Harry took that as a yes and said, "Well… erm… bye?"
"Bye," Gabrielle muttered almost inaudibly, Harry walked out and the moment the door closed behind him, she stumbled backwards a few steps and fell onto her bed. After that, she thought, I will never leave the carriage again. He will probably tell everyone he knows and I will have to force myself into exile, wander the forbidden forest to live a meager, lonely life… She pondered that idea for a while until her sisters light voice woke her from her trance, "Gabby? Can I come in?" Fleur only called Gabrielle Gabby when she knew she was distressed.
The silence that answered was interrupted by the door opening. "Gabby, Harry told me that he cam-"
Gabrielle snorted.
"What?" Fleur said defensively.
"Of course he talks to you, like every other guy here, they ALWAYS talk to you, but never to me!" Gabrielle said still laying flat on her back on the bed.
"That is what this is about?" Fleur said laughing, "Oh Gabby, you are such a drama queen."
"NO I'M NOT!" shouted Gabrielle sitting up quickly.
"You get just as much attention as I did when I was younger, but you ignore it because it is from guys your age… Gabby, you're eight, 20 year old boys aren't going to be banging down your door."
Gabrielle looked offended and on the verge of saying something back, but her face dampened as she fell back onto her bed again.
A flicker of understanding passed through Fleur's eyes, and she sat down on the bed next to Gabrielle, "This is not about the other guys, this is about Harry isn't it?"
Gabrielle didn't respond.
"How cute!" said Fleur beaming, "But I don't think they have wedding dresses in your size," she poked Gabrielle in the stomach as she said this, causing Gabrielle to burst into a fit of giggles, but she quickly returned to her somber state and replied glumly, "But he would never have me, I am too young."
"Too young to get intimate," Fleur said causing Gabrielle to blush, "but Veela mature quickly, it is not uncommon for 12 year old Veela to get with 17 year old men, and anyways Gabby, I do not think the merpeople would have released you if Harry hadn't rescued you. He is the only guy I would be comfortable with you having, and I am sure Mama and Papa would agree."
"Why is that?"
"Because, you were not his to save, and he never even knew you or me, in fact, I was very rude to him at first, but he saved you anyways, risking his friend's safety, his personal standing, and his life. You are a charming girl Gabby, and if he got know you, I am sure he would love you more than any other guy would."
Gabrielle beamed and hugged her sister, "Thank you Fleur."
Fleur patted her on her head and said, "You are welcome, now get dressed, it is late enough already, you should have been up hours ago."
A/N: Review please!