AN: I love the Spork pairing so much! It's really (well, almost) what made me want to start writing fan-fiction. I've been reading a whole bunch of it lately, and I told myself I would write something today so I forced myself to follow through. This was inspired by the fact that I'm randomly super tired. I thought it might be cute to put Jim in the same situation. Hope you like it! Any critiques on character personality/setting/inaccuracy/etc. please comment.
Jim yawned sleepily and slumped further into the soft cushions of his captain's chair. The rest of the bridge crew was already gone. He'd been engrossed in a report when they'd reached space dock, and hadn't wanted to lose his concentration, so he'd dismissed the rest of the crew with a deft wave, mumbling something about catching up with them. It was almost an hour later, now, and he'd finished with the report long ago, but he was too tired to move. The past few weeks had been especially hectic, and the fatigue he'd been holding at bay had finally started to set in.
The heel of Jim's hand pressed hard against his cheek as he used it as a prop for his head. The soft glow of lights around him blurred together as his lids fluttered slowly downward, the weight of the day pulling them closed. In the back of his mind it occurred to him how embarrassing it would be if one of his crew members returned and found him asleep on the bridge, but he was just too tired to care.
A fog of sleep began to wrap around his mind and his perception of time slowed, one blink lasting one, two, three minutes. The warmth of the chair cushions, heated to his own body temperature, soothed his tense muscles.
From behind him he vaguely processed the sound of the bridge doors sliding open, the soft sound seeming to last an eternity, like the shifting of ocean waves across temperate beaches. A few moments later, muffled footsteps.
"Captain?" A quiet voice, lowered with concern.
Spock. Jim forgot to vocalize the thought in his sleep addled state, and after a few moments his first officer's voice came again, an undercurrent of affection running through it now as the Vulcan took in his obvious fatigue.
"Jim." Jim managed to reply with a soft, high pitched sort of humming sound that bordered on "Hmm", but sounded more like a sigh of contentment. He had begun to drift towards sleep once more when there came the quite rustle of fabric. Slowly, Spock slid his hands beneath Jim's sprawling legs and around his lower back. Jim shifted into the natural body heat the Vulcan emitted as Spock lifted him, pulling his relaxed body against his chest. Before the comfortable temperatures and the faint motion of Spock carrying him from the bridge completely lulled him into slumber, Jim raised his left hand, curling it gently against Spock's chest. Once again he voiced his contentment, purring a faint "Mmm" into Spock's shoulder, before finally drifting off to sleep.