DISCLAIMER: I don't own Shugo Chara!

Day One

Something hit me hard. My ears heard a sort of screeching scream some minutes ago—cats don't care much about time. I was on my way to see my precious Strawberry (I have been in love with that nickname since I gave it to her years ago) down by the café we passed by one morning. She asked me:

"Could we go in there one day?" and she seemed so fascinated at the place. For crying out loud, it only served coffee! Why were people so interested in coffee? Nevertheless, I told her we would. And that's where we are today. I couldn't see my little Amu angry at me or not smile when I was around. That would just break my heart! A police car whizzed past me on the way to my destination and a quick thought ran through my mind.

Did the scream have something to do with the police car? I shook it away and continued on. I could hear others around me whisper to each other, asking the same thing: "I wonder what happened?" It was obvious that this would somehow get on the news one way or another as more and more people started to follow the band of cars on the way to the scene. An ambulance went by after a while and the sirens blared in the air. Those in the streets quickly moved out of the way and onto the curbs to gaze at the car that just drove by.

I was intrigued. What had happened? I quickly moved to an alleyway and took my phone out: of course I dialed Amu's number. She had to know what was going on in the neighborhood if she wasn't around. Girls, right? All the gossips…I digress. The tone of the rings were so monotonous as I anxiously waited for her to answer. A click soon rang through my ears, then voices all over. Where exactly was she? Was she already at the café? "Amu?" I asked.

I didn't hear her voice right away. I heard people screaming and talking about something, but I couldn't figure it out. "Amu?" I yelled this time. I heard some movements on the phone, followed by a muffled: "…Ikuto?" I sighed a breath of relief when I heard her voice. My heart always jumped when she said it, wherever we were at the time.

I smirked and started to climb the walls. Certain cats can do something like that, and I got a clear view of the city. I then yelled back: "Aw, is my Amu too busy to talk to me?" I started to jump towards the café while she was still on the phone with me. The noises in the background just bothered me to death, but she made it okay. Her voice was angelic, after all. I heard her again: "…Ikuto?" I stopped on a roof and listened to the noises again.

The sirens of the police cars were in the background, followed by: "Back up, back up!" Was she at the scene? Now I had to get to the café! She breathed into the phone's intercom and it almost felt like she was there with me. Oh, I wanted to see her! "Where are you?" I screamed. She quickly responded:

"The café…" I could barely make out her voice now. The police screamed in the background "Put the phones away, immediately!" Was he talking to my Amu like that? "…Ikuto." She finished. I hopped down in the alleyway next to the café and turned the corner. I wanted to surprise her, but…I didn't see her. In fact, there was no one in the café! They were all outside in the streets! The ambulance arrived and the paramedics piled out of the car. The police gave them some room and continued to yell at the crowd.

"Amu, you aren't in the café. Are you hiding?" I smiled and stood at the entrance. "…Ikuto." Why was she repeating my name? I was still on the line! I looked around at the crowd and found a bloodied car parked near a police car and the driver on the ground, crying his eyes out. Ah, someone was hit. "Yes, my Amu?"

She started to breathe heavily. Was she in the crowd? I shrugged and found no reason to not search, so I started to make my way through the sea of people. They all ranged: young, old, men, women… you name it, it was there. The noises on the phone seemed to be the same as the noises I was hearing. So she was close.

"I'll find you Amu, don't worry," I could feel her smile on the other end. I just knew, I guess. Cat's instinct? "Good…" I could hear the paramedics say something on the other end. Wow, she was really close to her! I started to make my way to the front then. "…Ikuto?" She asked one more time. I am still here, Amu! A pain in my heart slowly made its way into my body. What was going on? The paramedics told her: "You need to put the phone away." But she kept repeating my name: "Ikuto…Ikuto…Ikuto…" Was she horrified at the scene?

I pushed through a couple and finally made it to the front. I scanned the people standing there, with worried looks and looking at the group of paramedics huddled over a body. There was blood all over the place. Puddles of blood surrounded the paramedics and the body and I couldn't look there anymore. My heart was already hurting enough, for some reason. I searched the circle; she was nowhere to be found. The paramedics said again: "Please, give us the phone, miss" and I heard it on her line. The police were pushing people away and then I heard more of the paramedics.

"She's lost a ton of blood" and "cracked bones" were all I could make out, but I could hear everything perfectly on her line. "She's lost a ton of blood. Who knows how many cracked bones she has. Such a cute girl, too." I unconsciously pushed forward from the band of policemen and stood in the center. One of the paramedics turned to face me and I asked "Amu?" to her on the phone. The person moved their leg on the ground, just like…like she did yesterday when we were walking around town. No, please…

The paramedic rose from the ground, giving me some kind of a sign as to who it was. In the midst of the blood, there was a woman with pink nail-polish—the same as Amu's yesterday—and wearing a plaid pink and black dress—just like Amu's. I moved to the side to catch a glimpse of the girl. I held the phone to my ear to hear "Ikuto?" again. The girl's head was turned to the side, so I could see her face. All kinds of bruising and cuts went up and down her body, blood everywhere from head to toe. She was holding a phone to her ear. No…

She had pink hair. It was Amu. My eyes widened at the sight and she looked me in the eyes. Her arm started to move where it was almost like trying to grab my own hand. I just stood there in shock. Her phone started to move away from her ear and I wanted to mute everyone around me to hear her voice again. She said, "Ikuto…I…love…" and she closed her eyes. I knelt down and held her hand. A stretcher came from the ambulance from the previous paramedic.

I held on when they put her on the stretcher. I held on when they started to move her, much to the policemen wanting me to get away from her. I let go when she was placed in the ambulance. They all climbed in and hooked the machines into her body. Nothing mattered to me except for her, and nothing ran through my mind except for her. When I heard a machine hook up, a long pulse was heard. My heart ached. Soon after, the paramedics placed their fingers on her neck and started compressions. "I lost a pulse!"

Hm. I'm not used to writing a full-on story for Amu and Ikuto. I'm too used to oneshots! We'll see how this goes..

YES! I'm here with a chaptered story for Amu and Ikuto! It'll be about 30-35 chapters, ALL in Ikuto's view (unless otherwise noted) during those days. Each chapter will be a day, and each chapter will be about 1500 words. Nothing TOO hard, but..still. It'll be different for me to actually write something for them that isn't over with in just 2500 words xD

Quick facts!

-Ikuto is 23, Amu is 18. They aren't children anymore.
-Yes, Amu was hit by a car. Got a problem?
-How long have they been dating? I don't know. I'll get to that when more chapters are made.
-Obviously Amu will not die. Get over that one real fast.
-They aren't married.
-They're already in love, but..again, I'll get to that when more chapters are made.

Okay, now that THAT is over..

I don't think I have much else to say. Uh...what made me write this kind of a story? I don't know, just a passing thought when I was going to bed. Who knows if I'll even update again if you guys don't like this xD

Review! And please, comment or critique on whatever you read! 8) It'll make me write faster and love you~

Until next time!