This is the last chapter peeps! Thanks for the reviews! I really have enjoyed writing this and I will continue on my other fic. I have two more in the waiting, which are both B/V's.

But She Was Happy

A month after what happened to Pan and Krystal, Trunks asked for her hand in marriage. Pan was taken back by shock, but said yes. What she had thought was a romantic dinner and a night at a hotel room actually turned out to be her engagement night. She had been through it one before, but now she knew that she was confident enough and in love enough to say yes. She had asked Trunks why he had asked her after being with her for only a month when he had been with Krystal for three years and the answer was that it was definite true love.

Telling their parents was the most difficult part because they were nervous. They knew that everything was going to be alright but just telling them was making them have butterflies in their stomach. Trunks had invited the Sons over for dinner and that was when he told them the news. Their reactions were maddening. Bulma went to tears in Vegeta's arms, saying how grownup her boy was, this making Trunks blush. Videl was the same. Gohan congratulated Pan and Trunks and even Vegeta said that he was proud of his son. Everyone went to bed happy that night.

The wedding was set for two months time and that time arrived pretty fast. Trunks asked Goten to be his best man while Bra, Marron and Sasha were bridesmaids as proposed before with the wedding that went wrong. Atzirk came along too with his new girlfriend and Pan was happy for him. After a nice wedding and a reception at Capsule Corp., Pan and Trunks had their honeymoon in Hawaii and came back refreshed.

But they weren't the only ones who was happy. Bra and Goten did get laid that night and they did make it open to everyone who didn't know. Chi-Chi was happy for her son and only wished Goku was there as well to see how his children and grandchildren were doing.

Krystal was never seen again.

He slammed his locker shut after getting out his English work for his teacher, Ms. Prittchard. He hated her so much along with his twin sister and their friends.

Being 15 in highschool was tough, but at least he had the girls over him while his twin had the guys. They were part of a popular group. He flexed his muscles for a moment, they could be seen because he was wearing a sleeveless vest. As he walked down the crowded hall towards English, he bumped into his sister.

"Hey, sis. Got your homework?"

"Yeah. I'm glad that we were allowed to write one story between us and say half each in class," she said, pushing her blue hair behind her ear.

"Yeah, but I would have beaten you up if you had forgotten your part," he replied.

"Yeah right, Gochan. I would have got Grandpa onto you, he likes his granddaughter," she said, lifting her head up high and walking into the class. She sat next to her cousin, Skye.

Gochan sat next to his sister, even though she was annoying and hot- tempered like their Grandma.

"Kayah, stop blabbering on at Skye," said Gochan.

"Brother, get a life," she said before ruffling up his flame hair do. He growled at her.

Gochan had black hair that was short and completely upright like a flame. He had sharp features on his face that went well with his blue eyes. Kayah was different to her twin. She had light blue hair and black eyes.

Then, the teacher came in.

"Right silence."

They listened to her talking for a while before Kayah and Gochan were summoned up to tell their story. It was pretty long and they read it to the class. It was angst, like the teacher had wanted it to be. Skye clapped at the end along with the rest of the class.

"That was a good story, a little long, but excellent otherwise. You both have passed with an A," said the teacher and the twins high fived each other.

"One thing though, what is your story called?"

"But She Was Happy, aka: How Our Mum And Dad Got Together," they said in unison.

"Right, who's next?"

"Can I be?" asked Skye.

"And what is yours about?" asked Ms. Prittchard.

"How my Mum: Bra, and my Dad: Goten, got back together after a horrible argument," said Skye.

"Kids these days!"


I loved writing this story, especially as it was my first fanfic. I just want to say thanks to everyone who reviewed:


Another thing that I want to say, if you like reading b/v's and t/p's read these:

Bulma16: Mind Games

Pudgoose: Steal after my heart, will you?

ChibiChibi: Until we meet again

Saiyanpassion: ~All of her stories~

Jesa Jesai: Time enough to be with you

Fyre Farae: ~All of her stories~

My next story will either be a b/v on the film Gone In Sixty Seconds or a b/v that is based on the original timeline, but with exceptions. What should I do first? (AN: HELP, HELP! I CAN'T DECIDE!)

Thanks again.

Adios and ja ne,
