T'Slash: Well I had no time what's so ever to work on stories this week because of school. So it might take me forever to update, so I apologize ahead of time, but you know how school is it sucks the fun out of everything.

Well this story is just too combat Tarsus and school by making me relax. You see the story behind this is my friend Terry and I one night over the summer just decided to destroy songs, well more like we remembered reading a Twilight story song thingy so we decided 'Hey why not do it to Star Trek' and then Terry and Banbi-V talked me into making it a story. So here we are!

Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek all I own is all those damn books those professors made me by that cost $200 or so.

Dedication: This is dedicated to Banbi-V and Terry for talking me into writing this story, thanks! This should prove a great stress reliever.

Yes this first song is Gotta be Somebody by Nickelback and I just fixed it up or butchered it depending on your opinion. I hope you enjoy my butchered version of the song. And I did not create the race I am using, the Arcadian's they were in Star Trek: IV The Voyage Home but not much is known about them so I'm taking some liberties. I didn't have enough energy to create a whole new race, sorry school killed me. Well I hope you enjoy the story.

Songs of a Drunk Captain

Chapter 1: Gotta Be Somebody

The U.S.S. Enterprise was sent to oversee that the Arcadian negotiations were progressing smoothly. The Arcadian race had just achieved interstellar travel and wished to join with the Federation so the U.S.S. Enterprise was sent to oversee the negotiations and secure the Arcadian's as an ally. The negotiations were progressing peacefully, no one had, as of yet, attempted to kill or capture Captain Kirk, much to the crews relief. This was looking to be an easy mission, the natives were fun loving, peaceful people, after the treaty was signed they had invited Captain Kirk and his commanding officers to partake in a party of thankfulness for the new treaty. Captain Kirk readily agreed ad he and his commanding officers beamed down to the planet.

Jim smiled as he glanced around the room, nursing a purple drink in his hands, drinks were being offered readily and his crew were smiling and laughing with the Arcadian's. In the back, nestled in the corner was a small stage where singing and dancing were being performed. Jim smiled as he saw some of his crew dancing with the natives.

"See Spock? I'm getting better at diplomacy," Jim said, smiling at his first officer as he drowned the drink.

"I did not doubt it, Captain. When one is required to use such a skill they are likely to acquire such a skill," Spock said calmly, his arms locked firmly behind his back. "If you will excuse me, Captain." Spock nodded at Jim and McCoy before making his way towards Uhura.

"I don't see what Uhura sees in that green blooded hobgoblin," McCoy said shaking his head sadly as he watched Uhura light up at Spock's presence.

"Not everyone has the…friendship…that you two have. Besides, he isn't as bad as you think, Bones. He's actually pretty fun to hang out with," Jim admitted, a faint blush on his face as he downed another purple drink, a faint buzz forming in the back of his head.

"Are we talking about the same pointy-eared bastard? Spock can't be fun; he doesn't know the meaning of the word fun," McCoy grumbled, glancing over at Jim. Damnit!! Don't tell me Jim actually loves Spock! McCoy thought, paling as he watched Jim watch Spock with longing in his eyes. Damn it!! He does!! "Jim?"

"What Bones?" Jim asked, never removing his eyes from Spock's form as he accepting another glass of the purple liquid.

"Jim do you love Spock?" Bones asked, cutting right to the chase, never removing his eyes from Jim's face.

"Wha?!?!" Jim yelled, turning to Bones, his eyes wide in shock. "Spock's my best friend, Bones. You know that. Besides I'm not the type of guy to get lucky enough to find his true love. I use all my luck just to stay alive." Jim sighed, lowering his eyes as he drowned the glass. "He's just my friend, Bones, that's it." The other Spock was wrong, I got the friendship that's all I need I don't need anything more.. This Spock is happy with Uhura, besides I don't believe in love. I'm James T. Kirk, I don't need love, Jim thought forcing a smile onto his face.

"Jim," Bones sighed, watching his friend's broken hearted face. He does love Spock, poor Bastard. He's sure got the short end of the stick.

"I don't believe in love, you know that Bones. I got my ship that's all I need," Jim smiled brightly, drowning another glass, the buzz becoming stronger.

"Captain Kirk," the Arcadian Ambassador called a gentle smile on her face as she approached the duo. She had a broad, enlarged head with two parallel lines of black hair on the right and left side of her head, none in the middle, her slim body was delicately covered in a light green robe. Her ears were large and pointed; her wide set eyes a bright green.

"What can I do for you, Ambassador Kareka?" Jim asked politely, a charming smile on his face.

"It is your turn to privilege us with a song from your…culture," Kareka said, a gentle smile on her faces as she reached for Jim's arm.

"What?!" Jim asked, turning to her shocked as McCoy started laughing.

"We have shared with you many songs from our culture, in order to secure the treaty you must also sing a song," Kareka explained, gently pulling Jim thought the crowed as he quickly swallowed three more drinks, this time a green, pink and blue one, before he has shoved onto stage and passed a microphone. Jim glanced pleadingly at McCoy who just smirked and pulled out a recording device.

"Ummm," Jim stuttered, glancing around the room at the eager expressions of the Arcadian's and his crew. "Glad you are all having a fun time and I have to say I am relieved that the negotiations went smoothly. Ambassador Kareka has just informed me that I have to sing a song….so here it goes I guess." Everyone turned to face Jim as he started the singing, tweaking the words of an ancient Earth song around, making it personal.

This time I wonder if it feels like
To find my love in this life
The one I have dreamed of
But dreams just aren't enough
So I've be waiting for the real thing.
I knew it by the feeling.
The moment when we met

Played out like a scene straight off the silver screen
So I`ll be holdin' my breath
Right up to the end
Until that moment when
You realize you're the one I want to spend forever with

Jim sang, holding the microphone close slowly rocked back and forth, singing his wishes for the Arcadian's and his crew to hear. McCoy's jaw dropped hearing those words. What's wrong with Jim? He just said he didn't believe in love, McCoy thought watching his friend stumble on-stage.

"He's drunk, not totally wasted but still drunk," McCoy noticed, smirking at his friend's song, signaling Scotty over. This is a perfect opportunity to get revenge!! McCoy thought as Scotty joined him as they watched Jim continue to sing his greatest wish.

`Cause nobody wants to be the last one there.
'Cause everyone wants to know that someone cares.
Someone to love with my life in their hands.
You are the only one for me like that.

Jim sang his slightly unfocused eyes finding Spock and remaining fixed on him. Scotty traded an evil look with McCoy, silently agreeing to his plan. No harm would be done, Scotty thought, glancing up at his Captain. Mr. Sock and Admiral Pike are here, beside's these people no how ta hav fun! Scotty chuckled as Jim started dancing around on stage, much to the crew's enjoyment.

`Cause nobody wants to do it on their own
And everyone wants to know they're not alone.
There's somebody else that feels the same somewhere.
You're the only one for me out there.

Jim continued to sing, unaware of the audience he had. In Jim's mind he was alone, singing to a mirror as everyone walked around couples holding each other but a warm hand grab his and they started dancing, lose in each others eyes.

"This is better then I thought," McCoy laughed, watching as Jim continued singing as he slow danced around the stage.

"Ah hav ta agree with ya Leonard. Ther musta been somethin' in those drinks the Cap'n was drinkin earlier," Scotty laughed, as he continued to watch the captain dance with air, being sure to stay out of the way of McCoy's device, wanting a copy of the video for himself as well.

Tonight, out on the Observation Deck in the starlight
And dammit this feels too right
It's just like Déjà Vu
Me standin' here with you
So I'll be holdin`my own breath
Could this be the end?
Is it that moment when
You realize I want to spent forever with you?

Jim sung, turning to face the crowd once more, holding a hand close to his heart as his eyes roamed the crowd, his expression dropping as he say Uhura and Spock standing close together, Uhura holding onto Spock's arm. A small tear feel from his eyes as he continued to sing his hearts true desire.

'Cause nobody wants to be the last one there
'Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares.
Someone to love with my life in their hands.
You're the only one for me like that.

`Cause nobody wants to do it on their own
And everyone wants to know they´re not alone.
There's somebody else that feels the same somewhere
You're the only one for me out there.

Jim smiled, his earlier sadness forgotten as he was whisked back aboard the Enterprise those same warm hands holding him close, a promise to never leave him. The crew couldn't help but laugh as they saw their Captain hugging himself, a goofy grin on his face. McCoy nearly dropped the video decide, he was laughing so hard.

I didn't give up!
Lookin´ for that diamond in the rough
And he showed up
Make sure you´re holdin` on
'Cause he was the one, the one I have been waiting on

He's singing about Spock, McCoy realized in shock, instantly serious as he watched the utter joy spread across Jim's face as he mentioned the special one. Jimmy boy you aren't fooling me for a second. Don't believe in love my ass. You've been looking for love since you were born and you've finally found it.

The Cap'n must be talking 'bout the Enterprise, he relly does luv her. Jus like me, Scotty thought, laughing as he saw Jim start slow dancing across the stage again. Whatever he drank, Leonard and ah don hav ta do much he's already half gone.

'Cause nobody wants to be the last one there.
And everyone wants to feel like someone cares.
Someone to love with my life in their hands.
You're the only one for me

Nobody wants to do it on their own
And everyone wants to know they´re not alone.
Is there somebody else that feels the same somewhere?
You are the only one for me out there.

Nobody wants to be the last one there
'Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares.
Is there somebody else that feels the same somewhere?
You are the only one for me out there.

Jim finished, smiling as he heard the Arcadian's and his crew cheer for him, his head clearing slightly. That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, Jim thought, smiling as he handed the microphone over to another member of his crew who wanted to sing. Besides the Enterprise really is the only one out there that I need. Jim stumbled off the stage, drowning four more glasses before he reached Bones' side.

"Bonz! Soh how dida licke mi song?" Jim slurred, slinging his arm around his friends shoulders, ignoring McCoy's glare as he signaled the waiter to bring over another purple drink.

"Not bad Jimmy boy," McCoy growled, pushing Jim's arm off his shoulders. "Here drink this before you drink any more of that purple thing. We don't need you dying on us." Bones growled passing him a light green drink, smirking at Scotty as he did so.

"Thax Bonez!! Ih new u were ma besest frend for a reson!" Jim laughed, drowning the drink.

Now for the fun to start, McCoy thought, smirking inward as he gently petted his recording device, patiently waiting for the drink to take effect. This night won't be one to forget.

T'Slash: That was so much fun!!! Sorry I haven't updated Tarsus yet, I needed to un-stress myself I will try working on it Thursday or Friday.

Since school has started again don't expect updates for weeks at a time, I am trying to do homework early in order to write but that doesn't always work and I have to have all those bones in the skull and body memorized by Monday so I might be busy this weekend.

I hope you all enjoyed this; I can tell you I had fun writing it!! Please send me a review if you want me to continue I have a lineup of songs but I want to know if you all think I should continue it.

Live Long and Prosper.