Chapter 23
Two months later
It doesn't take long for things to go back to normal, Yuri and wolframs relationship has blossomed to the point where they were both ready for the future. No more unanswered questions, no more doubts, no more unrequited love; it was just the two of them knowing exactly what they wanted from each other. The kingdom became happy and prosperous once again, especially with the upcoming wedding that they were planning for the afternoon.
Wolfram stands in front of the mirror frowning, he is wearing his mothers wedding dress which to him looked a lot like her regular dress only in white with a white lace veil "Tell me again why do I have to wear the dress?"
Lady Cecilia squeals and comes up behind him hugging him. With his long blond hair and greens eyes they looked identical to each other "but wolfy dear you look so beautiful in this. Plus the alterations have already been made. Besides Yuri looks better in a suit anyway".
"And I don't?" wolfram turns to her "I am a guy too despite looking like a male version of you ".
Lady Cecilia snuggles and hugs him tightly "oh please, you'd make me soooo happy if you'd wear it
Wolfram rolls his eyes but then looks at himself in the mirror "I guess this will do, it is a beautiful gown" he thought. He then turns to his mother "fine, I'll wear it".
Lady Cecilia jumps excitedly "yay, you'll look absolutely gorgeous". She unzips the dress and pulls it down off of him "by the way where is his majesty?"
Wolfram smiled while stepping out of the dress, he then reaches for his under garments "he went to go get his parents from Earth; Ulrike is helping him transport them here for the wedding".
Suddenly there was a knock on the door and both blonds turn to it "speaking of the devil" Wolfram thought knowing full well who is at the door.
Lady Celli pouts and frowns at the door "let me handle him, you get dressed". She steps out the door not allowing Yuri to come in "you know better than that your majesty, seeing the bride before the wedding is bad luck".
Yuri had Jennifer shibuya with him, who in fact also frowned and pouted at Yuri "you see sho-chan, I told you that going to see wolfy-chan before he is ready is simply bad luck".
Without letting Yuri talk Cheri-sama chimes in smiling suddenly at Jennifer "you must be his Majesty's mother, pleasure to meet you, my name is Lady Cecilia welcome to our kingdom".
Jennifer smiles back "thank you lady Cecilia, your kingdom is beautiful, it doesn't matter at all that your people don't have wings, everyone's been wonderful to us".
The bubbly ex-queen giggles "wings? Oh that's so funny; I never knew that's what others thought we would have". She then comes up with an idea "how would like to join me in getting wolfy ready? He has to wear his undergarments and then we put on his dress".
Yuri watches the two bubbly individuals before giving himself a chance to speak "oh I just wanted to tell him my parents are here".
Jennifer frowns at him and goes to stand next to Lady Celli "now sho-chan, listen to Lady Cecilia, the groom can not see the bride until the actual wedding ceremony".
Lady Celli then opens the door letting Jennifer in "that's right its bad luck; now go spend some time with the others until the ceremony begins". She then closes the door on Yuri shutting herself and Jennifer inside with wolfram.
Yuri stands there and blinks at the door, he then sighs "thank god we only have to do this once". He makes his way to the lounge where everyone else was waiting talking with each other.
The rest of the day went on without a single incident. By the evening, everyone had gathered at Shinou's temple. Shouri, Shoma and Murata stood on Yuri's side at the alter, Gwendale and Gunter stood on wolframs side. The doors of the temple opened suddenly and everyone there got to see wolfram in the beautiful white dress. Wolfram was being escorted to the alter by Conrad; his eyes were locked on Yuri's the entire time. He is being led down the aisle but he turns noticing that there was something or someone missing from the crowd of people standing in the temple. When he came upon the alter he smiles at Yuri who smiles back at him, they hold hands as Shinou himself starts the ceremony. Wolfram chances another glance at the crowd and suddenly smiles finding who he was looking for. Avery and Ember were standing on his side of the temple smiling and waving at him. Wolfram smiles at them and returns his attention back to Yuri as they finish the wedding ceremony.
After the Ceremony
The reception was held in the Garden amongst the flowers and the bright sun above. Everyone was laughing and talking amongst each other while wolfram and Yuri enjoy each others company a little while longer. Yuri excuses himself from wolfram for a moment to talk with his family, probably letting them know what their plans are after the reception, they didn't want to just disappear without saying anything to anyone.
Wolfram walks off to the side thinking about their honeymoon plans when he spotted Ember and Avery talking amongst one another. He walks up to them smiling "I didn't think you would show up".
Ember turns to him and nearly cries with joy "oh look at you, your beautiful". She hugs him tightly to her "I'm so proud of you, you followed your heart, just like we taught you to, my precious phoenix son". She holds him and cradles him in her arms, and he hugs back.
Avery smirks at the scene "geez Ember, you're such a mom".
Ember sticks her tongue out at him and lets go of wolfram "congratulations, I offer you both my most sincerest blessing, may you live a life of bliss and happiness". She kisses his forehead and hugs him again.
Wolfram smiles staring to get teary eyed himself "thank you Ember for everything", he hugs her back, then looks to Avery smiling "got something to say to me big guy".
Avery smiles back, but it was a mixture of happiness and sadness, he wasn't sure if he would ever see the blond again "yeah, I'll miss you Barbie". It was the most honest thing he could ever allow himself to express to the blond; he hugs wolfram close to him tightly feeling the sadness creep up on him "wow parting truly is such sweet sorrow". He felt like he didn't want to let go of the blond but knew he had to and for once he had absolutely nothing to say. He also kisses wolfram on the forehead transferring his blessings to the blond.
Finally wolfram separates from Avery "I'll miss you too Avery, I'll miss you both", he says his goodbyes to them and goes back to where Yuri was. Together the two lead everyone to the fountain at the courtyard of the temple. He stands up on the edge of the temple fountain along with Yuri and turns his back to everyone. He then tosses his bouquet behind him peaking over his shoulder to see who would grab it. The flowers land right on top of Gunter who blushed furiously, Gwendal looks over at him also. They lock eyes with each other and then suddenly turn away from one another blushing. Wolfram and everyone else there chuckles at the scene. He then turns to where Yuri is, looking down into the water "where are we going by the way?"
Yuri also looks down and smiles "well ever been to Paris?"
Wolfram chuckles "how very cliché of you". He then takes Yuri's hand "but romantic. Let's do it".
Yuri smiles and takes his hand; he then takes the first jump, leading wolfram in with him. The two jump into the fountain and disappear into the water on their honeymoon.
Back at the Phoenix queens dimension palace the next day
Since wolfram's wedding, Avery has been wandering around the palace bored and moping. He sits on his couch switching channels looking for something to watch, he promised Ember he wouldn't watch wolfram's honeymoon and not interfere. So he was adhering to the promise, "bummer, I guess I miss Barbie more then I thought".
Ember walks in looking a bit worried "Avery, did you check on our new guest?" The guest she was referring to had been found about a week ago in the middle of a desert with nothing in site. She rescued him, cleaned him up and replaced his tattered clothing with all new ones. She was tending to him ever since she found him. Avery couldn't care less about the stranger, hadn't even met him or seen what he has looked like, all he knew was that this guy was no wolfram. Ember realized Avery wasn't even listening and taps him on the head to get his attention "Hello?"
Avery sighs and looks up at him "no, I didn't check on the little sand troll, what's with you and picking up strays anyway?"
Ember looks back at him and smiles "are you pouting over the stray that got away?"
Avery sighs and sits back in the couch "he didn't get away; I merely decided to let him go". He then frowns to himself "who am I kidding? I lost him to king dorkus maximus. Where will I ever find another blond as cute as wolfy and as smart?" he thought as he got up from the couch "fine, I'll go see how the little shrimp is doing".
Ember follows him to the room where their newest guest is currently sleeping "oh Avery trust me you'll perk up in a bit".
Avery reaches the room and opens it, he suddenly stops in his tracks seeing a blond head poking out of the blanket "can't be" he thinks as he nears the bed. Ember waits at the door watching Avery close in on the occupant on the bed. Avery slowly removes the covers from the head, but he notices this beautiful blond wasn't wolfram after all. The blond boy slowly opens his eyes sensing someone is watching him, he slowly looks up at Avery and the two lock eyes with one another for a while. Avery smiles and sits on the bed and smiles at the blond "hey sexy, what's your name?"
The blond blinks up at him for a moment and blushes, he had never been called sexy before, he then jolts upward just remembering something "the mission, I have to get back to them".
Avery and ember look at him a bit taken back by the sudden motion "mission? What mission".
The blond tries to get up from the bed but Avery stops him "please I have to get back to the others ".
Avery looks at him lovingly and gently pushes him back on the bed "calm down doll face, everything's going to be alright. By the way my name is Avery, but feel free to call me big daddy".
The blond's whole face turned red "I most certainly will not".
Ember walks up to the bed chuckles "I am Ember, and what shall we call you? You sound Arabic, am I correct?"
The blond gives Avery a wary look as if to make sure the man didn't try anything "I am pilot 04".
Avery smiles at him "hey hun, your amongst friends now, there's no need for code names here, you can trust us".
The blond looks into his eyes and was relieved to not find any sinister intent in them "my name is Quatre, Quatre reberba winner". He made eye contact with Avery and finally smiled at him once he was sure the taller man was safe to be around "and it is a pleasure to meet you Avery and Ember".
Avery smiles back charismatically, "god I love blonds" he thought as he took Quatre by the hand ready to lead him from the room "how about I take you on a tour of the castle? Then we will see what happens from there". He leads Quatre out of bed and towards the door by the hand.
While Avery makes himself the escort of their unwilling guest, Ember shakes her head and sighs "here we go again". He shrugs her shoulders and walks out to join them.
Authors end note : well that's it everyone, thank you all for your support and your reviews, I might make a part two to this but I am not sure of what it will be about. I'm just glad I didn't abandon this project. Oh and for those of you who don't know who Quatre Reberba Winner is, he is a character from Gundam Wing, also another one of my favorite blond characters in anime. I thought he'd make a cute cameo appearance, since Avery liked blonds so much.