Disclaimer: I own Maria, Christopher and the plot, that's it, everything else is not mine.

Birds of Prey X Batman


Bruce Wayne and Helena's twin sister, Maria Kyle are back in town, but Helena plans to remain a secret from her father. Maria and Helena's younger half brother, Damian Al Ghul, kidnaps Dinah in the attempt to gain Bruce's attention through Helena. Little does he know that their father is seemingly oblivious to Helena's existence and Helena strongly resents going to him for help. Damian X Dinah & Helena X Jese.

Chapter 1

To Helena, the day felt different the moment she woke up. Alfred hadn't come in that morning to make breakfast and a certain dark tension seemed to hang over the crime-ridden city she called home.

"Barbara?" Dinah asked, mucking with her hair as she got ready for school, "Where's Alfred?"

"I don't know," The red head shrugged, "He didn't come in this morning, he's probably still at the mansion. Maybe he's not feeling well, I'll call him later. So, Helena, any plans for today?"

"Naw," She shrugged, "I think I'll go bother Reese at work after my shift, he's bound to be doing something interesting."

"Alright, keep your coms link open incase I need you." Barbara instructed, "And don't make a nuisance of yourself."

"Yes Barbara, later Dinah…" She rolled her eyes, grabbing her coat and heading out into the blustery wind. The feeling of weirdness seemed to hang over her all day and with few daytime customers to distract her, she found her thoughts wondering to someone she hadn't thought of for more than two seconds since they'd parted. Her thoughts wandered back to the night her mother died, before her and Selena had gone to stroll the night in the city, there had been a row at the Kyle residence. Helena had always known that her mother and her non-identical twin sister, Maria, didn't get along very well and Maria had been pushing her mother to tell her who their father was. Maria had yelled that maybe she'd be better off living with our father and mother had yelled back that Bruce Wayne didn't even know the two girls existed. The yelling had gotten louder and turned into screaming before Maria had shrieked that she hated Selena and run from the apartment where they lived. Helena had taken Selena out to blow off some steam, but she'd been murdered not two blocks from where they lived, her last words being that she loved both of them and wanted Helena to look after Maria. Helena had gone home to a dark, cold, empty apartment that night and hadn't heard from Maria until two weeks later when the slightly older twin had written her to tell her that she was with their father, traveling and that she was okay, but hadn't told Bruce about Helena, not knowing if she wanted to make herself known. Helena couldn't bring herself to answer with anything other than a short note informing her sister of their mother's death and the fact that their father need never know she existed. All of the many letters that she had received since then had remained unopened and burned out of anger. She sighed as her shift ended and headed down to where Reese worked to see if he could take her mind off of the past.

"Helena!" He smiled as she came in, "What can I do for you?"

"I'm bored and need to take my mind off of something," she smirked, "Doing anything interesting?"

"I will be later tonight, if you want to stick around for that long." He smirked back as she nodded, "So what's on your mind?"

"Someone I haven't thought of for a very long time," She rolled her eyes, "All of a sudden they've decided to come back and inhabit my brain again."

He raised one eyebrow, "Going to tell me who this person is?"

"You're a cop, guess." She smirked again.

"An ex boyfriend?" He asked playfully.

"Oh, thank god, no." She held up her hands, "My dating experiences are not what you could classify as successful."

"I'll keep that in mind. Your mother?" He guessed.

"I think about my mother all the time, but you're close." She prompted.

"Your father?" He tried again.

"That would be a good guess," she smiled, "If Barbara ever stopped talking about him."

He paused, "Alright, I give up."

"That's okay," She flashed him a fake grinned, "I didn't expect you to get it… after all, Mom and Barb are the only ones who know that I have a sister. Well, dad knows about my sister, he just doesn't know about me as far as I know."

"Your sister?" He grinned back, "I'm intrigued."

"Sure, why not, lets talk about the good old days, when it was just the three of us," She started, "Me, Mom and Maria. Since Dr. Quinzel was such a bust, you can be my new shrink."

"Absolutely," He smiled softly, "Go on."

"Well, lets see," She thought, "Maria and I were non-identical twins… really non-identical, she was blonde with the biggest, prettiest blue eyes you've ever seen. She looked just like my mom and so naturally I look just like my dad, but inside, mom and I were exactly the same. Maria and Mom never got on well, but one night they had a particularly bad row, which ended in Maria screaming that she hated mom and running away. Mom was really upset, so I suggested we go for a walk. We hadn't walked two blocks when she was stabbed… no one even stopped to try and help her. She just died there, knowing that the last thing her daughter had said to her was that she hated her. I went home to an empty apartment that night… since Barb was in the hospital… and I didn't hear from Maria again until two weeks later, when I received a letter saying that she was with dad, traveling somewhere. She had no clue that anything had happened to mom and she told me she hadn't told dad about me, incase I wanted to stay anonymous, which was fine with me… as far as I know, he still doesn't know I exist. I wrote her once… a short note responding to the first letter, but I couldn't bring myself to even read any of the others she's sent… I had Alfred burn them without even telling me that they'd come. He burned the letters, but still tells me every time one arrives."

"Did you not get on with Maria, either?" Reese asked.

"I loved my sister, I remember spending nights as a kid, lying awake in our big double bed that we shared, unable to sleep, trying to memorize every line on her face so I'd never forget." Her smile faded a little, "But, in a way… I could never help feeling that it was our fault that mom had died. And some how, it was more her fault than mine. She was the reason mom was upset, she was the reason we'd gone out that night and she was the one whisked off to live a fairy tale life with dad, not even knowing what we'd caused. And that the whole time we were out walking, mom was worried about her… she kept talking about finding Maria, even as she was dying, she made me promise to find her and take care of her… I couldn't even bring myself to write her a stupid letter."

"It's not your fault." Reese shook his head, "She's with your dad and she's in good hands. You can't be your sister's keeper for her whole life. Although I'll admit, not reading her letters or writing back was a little immature."

"It was." She agreed, "You know, something seems different today… like something has changed… anyways what are we working on tonight?"

"Well, I figured we'd do things your way tonight," He nodded, "McNally's out of town, so I figured you can ride shot-gun and we'll go looking for trouble."

"Well, I can't turn down a chance to ride shot-gun in a police car, can I?" She winked at him, "Let's go then."

They got in the car and started driving down the many streets of New Gotham. It was quiet for a little while before she asked, "So, what about you… any siblings?"

"Yeah, I uh, I have an older sister." He nodded, "Rachel, she lives in Metropolis now, she's an actress, calls herself Rachel Renee. I wasn't the only one who was ashamed to be a Hawk."

"Yeah?" She grinned, "I think I've heard of her." She glanced out the window just in time to see a man chase a young screaming blonde woman down an alleyway, "Reese! Over there!"

"I see them!" he nodded, slowing down the car. She was out almost before it stopped moving and dashing down the alleyway after them. Up ahead she saw the blonde woman trip and fall. The man made a move on her.

Helena launched herself at him, kicking him in the side of the head, causing him to stumble into a wall and fall down, "Back off Buddy, the lady's not interested."

Much to her disappointment, the man didn't get up again. Reese hand cuffed him and dragged him to the police car. The blond girl turned to Helena, "Thank you so much! I was so…" she paused, blinking her big blue eyes, "Helena?"

Helena looked at her in disbelief, "Maria? What…? How…? When…?"

"Um, well, what am I doing here? Uh, living." Maria started answering her sister's unfinished questions, "How did I get here? In a car. When did I get here? Late last night."

"Does this mean that HE is back?" Helena didn't even need to mention who HE was.

She nodded and frowned, "You didn't answer my letters. I wrote you every month and you never wrote back once."

Helena looked away, "Ria, I never even read your letters. I can understand if your mad at me."

Maria hugged her sister tightly, "Oh, Len, I've missed you so much… too much to be angry with you. How have you been?"

She shrugged and set off on her usual spiel, "Well I'm a bartender by day and a meta-human vigilanty by night."

"Meta-human, oh right, dad told me about that. He said that's why we can do all that weird stuff, like jump off buildings and land on our feet." She nodded, "But anyways, enough about work, how are you? What have I missed in seven years?"

"My life…? Well, you remember Barbara Gordon?" Maria nodded, "I lived with her for a while, now I live above the bar where I work… with my son, Christopher."

"You have a son!?!" the older twin squealed, "Are you married?"

The slightly younger girl cleared her throat, "Um, no, I'm not. I have a boyfriend, though… Reese."

"The cop?" Maria raised one eyebrow.

Her sister nodded, "The cop. Here, why don't we see if he'll give you a ride home, it's not safe out here you know."

"I know," She smirked as they headed to the car, "I'm a Gotham girl, too, remember."

"Reese." Helena smiled, "You remember, I actually just told you about my sister, Maria."

"Maria, nice to meet you." he smiled, shaking the blonde girl's hand, "Does this mean your father's back in town, too?"

"Yes, he is." Helena gritted her teeth together, "Anyways, would you mind giving Ria a ride back to the Mansion?"

"No problem," He held the door open for them, "Hop on in."

"Hey," she paused, "What did you do with the creeper guy?"

"Oh, McNally swung by and picked him up, took him to the station for me." He nodded.

"Oh, good." She nodded, sliding into the back next to her sister, "So, Ria, what have you been up to?"

"Well, dad and I traveled a lot," She bit her lip, "With his adopted kids. We spent a fair deal of time in Italy, Spain, France, Wales and Germany. Mostly it was just the kids and I… I think dad was sort of mourning mom. In his usual dark, brooding way."

"Yeah, from what I've heard from Alfred," Helena rolled her eyes, "That's what he's like normally, dark and brooding."

"Actually, Len," Ria smiled, "He has a fun side as well. When he wasn't mourning, he took us to theme parks and museums and we ate a lot of ice cream."

"Who would have thought?" Len laughed, "Batman with ice cream."


Dinah laughed, rolling her eyes at her friend, "Oh, come on, Gabby! You were so scared! You grabbed my hand and nearly broke my fingers when that zombie jumped out and grabbed that guy! It was hilarious!"

"It was not!" her friend protested, laughing as well, "I was peeing my pants!"

"Oh, damn." Dinah frowned, "I left my bag in the seats. I'll be right back."

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" Gabby asked from the door, glancing back at the dimly lit theater.

"No, it's fine." Dinah shook her head, jogging back into the dark room and grabbing her bag from the seats. Just as she turned to leave, someone grabbed her from behind, holding a sweet smelling, damp, rag over her face.

"Sorry about this." A cool, calculated voice said in her ear, "But it's necessary."

Her mind was screaming for her to fight harder as she struggled against his hold, but finally, her vision went dark.