Title: Silence is Golden

Author: iloveprettysilverhair

Genre: General

Word Count: 200

Theme: Amber

Rating: PG

AU/Canon: Canon

The fire licked at the sky as Kagome stared out across the flames, meeting the deep amber gaze of their reluctant compatriot. She gulped when he did not look away, choosing instead to give her an assessing stare, ignoring the warning growls coming from Inuyasha. Kagome unconsciously licked her suddenly dry lips, but stopped quickly and blushed when she noticed Sesshoumaru's hooded gaze following the motion of her tongue.

She fanned herself and scooted away from the fire, trying to cool her heated skin. The demon lord smirked and Kagome's breath hitched. No one had ever looked at her the way he was, and she wondered what had brought it on.

"Knock it off you pervert!" Inuyasha yelled.

Sesshoumaru's eyes flicked to the half-breed and then back to Kagome, not put off in the least, and continued his perusal of the priestess. Her scent spiked deliciously when he watched her and he nearly closed his eyes at the fragrant aroma. Being with his brother's entourage wasn't all bad if he could tease the woman so. Other than slight embarrassment, she did not seem to mind his curious, but heated stares.

Inuyasha pouted and Miroku smiled knowingly as the silence continued.