Part Eleven

Rating M. Not graphic; I tried for a balance between M and still be discrete.

Please see Author's Note at end of story.


"This, I know, Sam, will not hurt you," Optimus promised.

Sam stared up at the Prime, his mind refusing to completely process what Optimus was talking about. But his body understood, and Sam couldn't stop another moan of pleasure, not pain, as Optimus gently stroked his chest and then moved lower. He had to catch his breath when Optimus stopped and the finger returned to carefully touching his hair, soothing him.

"I would very much like to give you this, Sam," Optimus murmured. "I know what to do, and it will not hurt."

It was hard to breathe suddenly, and Sam gulped. "Do…what…exactly?" he asked, not sure what he wanted to hear.

Optimus smiled gently. "Touch only," he assured his consort. "It will not lead to Spark bonding, Sam, nor anything else. I would be delighted to in the future explore all the different ways I can give you pleasure, but tonight, only the most gentle of touches." He ran a finger down Sam's chest again, and this time Sam arched up willingly into the touch.

"Explore…different ways?" Sam's voice was almost strangled, but he couldn't stop himself from asking.

"Indeed," Optimus murmured.

"I've never….-I mean, with someone…" Sam fumbled, and Optimus nodded gravely.

"I would be honored, Sam, to share that with you."

Sam blinked, staring up at his mate. He didn't quite know what to think about it all, but one thought was unwavering.

He trusted Optimus. There was a satisfied hum of the Spark stirring, but this time his human body was in control and for the first time, it knew what it wanted.

Sam lifted one hand to touch Optimus' face, his small fingers tracing a metal plate. "I would…like that," he whispered. Optimus pressed his face against the human hand in silent acknowledgement.

It was so gentle, so careful, and yet more powerful than Sam could have imagined. Warm fingers held him, stroked him, teasing, tempting, until Sam cried out for more. He couldn't believe all the emotions running through him, and groaned loudly, subconsciously demanding more. Optimus obliged, ever so slowly rousing passions within his consort, watching carefully for each reaction. Everything was for Sam, and Optimus' took each cue from the human, never rushing him.

In the end, it was almost torment, and Sam found himself whimpering, begging for more. Even then, Optimus took his time, refusing to rush, and when Sam peaked the torment turned into something he had never though possible. Sam shuddered, gasping Optimus' name and he nearly passed out from the intense pleasure.

He felt Optimus carefully lift him again and cuddle him against his chest. Sam sighed, and pressed his face against the warm metal over the Spark chamber.

"Thank you," he whispered.

There was a soft chuckle, and Optimus hummed. "Thank you, Samuel, for your trust, and your love."



Samuel stood in the viewport of the Ark, watching Earth fade as the ship slowly moved away. He felt sad, excited, and scared all at the same time. It was the start of a new adventure and mission, and eager as he was, it was still so hard to grasp the concept that he was leaving Earth.

Some excited clicking drew his attention away from the view, and Sam smiled at seeing the group of sparklings, all of them fascinated and excited. Their creators were patiently answering the same questions over and over, and amused glances were exchanged between all the adults. The oldest of the sparklings toddled over to Sam and plunked down beside him.

"We're leaving," Gaia said excitedly. "Leaving, leaving, leaving!"

Sam laughed and patted her head. "Yep, we finally are," he agreed. "You better study hard on the trip because there will be a lot to do once we reach Cybertron."

Gaia clicked and whirled happily, terribly excited, but remembering her manners. The first lesson all the sparklings learned was that just because the Prince Consort was smaller than most of them, he was not a toy. It was not allowed to carry him around like a teddy bear, and one had to be very careful with him. Plus, one had to remember who he was, and show proper respect. Sam really didn't mind the times an overly excited sparkling had gotten carried away, but their Creators were always mortified at seeing their offspring using the Consort as a live dress up doll.

Sam smiled at Gaia and tickled her, making her squeal happily. He loved all the sparklings, but admitted there was a special place in his heart for Gaia. She was the first sparkling that had been created by he and Optimus using the AllSpark, and she was named after Earth in recognition of the planet that had returned life to the Autobots. The fact that she was Bumblebee's daughter made her extra special.

The clicks and squeals continued from the group of Sparklings, and Sam smiled as he looked them over. Over the past 100 years, he had been delighted to give life to nearly a dozen new little Autobots. There would have been more, but Optimus and Ratchet had felt that they should wait until they arrived on Cybertron. There was no way to know how much energy the AllSpark would require to restore the planet. Sam had long ago learned to trust their judgment in matters of monitoring the AllSpark energy, although he was free to grumble.

Over the century, Sam had discovered to his relief that bonding had become easier, just as the Ancient Primes had predicted. And he had been thrilled to learn that the AllSpark was summoned far easier than they had thought at first. It had taken nearly 50 years before Optimus and Ratchet had allowed a transfer to a sparkling protoform, but since then, they had been able to create a sparkling on a more or less regular schedule.

Of course, some things weren't on a schedule, at least not officially.

Sam had lost track some years ago and couldn't prove it, but he suspected that somewhere in his processors Optimus kept a tally of Spark bondings vs. human sex. Currently it seemed to be that for every one Spark bond, Optimus felt he owed Sam 20 human "nookie" sessions.

It had been more at first. After their first Spark bonding, Optimus had refused to allow another bonding for over a year, much to Sam's frustration. He had been nervous, and then relieved when the second bonding was over, and while it had strained him, it had not been as bad as before. Each time, it became a little bit easier. Each Spark bonding or transferring a spark to a protoform still sent Sam to bed for a few days, but it was more from exhaustion now, and not pain. He truly didn't mind.

Optimus hadn't viewed it that way. He was convinced that he owed Sam for the pain of the Spark bonding, and in addition to pampering and spoiling, he had decided to pay back in sex. Lots of it.

At first, Sam's young hormones had been raring to go and more than eager. But to his young adult male shock, he had found there was – believe it or not - a limit he could take. Ratchet had finally had a talk with the Prime, and basically told Optimus to go to sex addiction rehab and give Sam a break. After that, the couple had settled into a more comfortable sharing. There were plenty of sparks, AllSpark and human, and a very satisfied relationship.

Sam looked up as he sensed Optimus' approach and smiled at his bonded as the Prime entered the bridge of the ship. He strode over and lifted Sam up to his shoulder.

"Are you ready for this?" Optimus asked, watching Earth become smaller and smaller.

"Yes," Sam said confidentially. He smiled at the sparklings who were now vying for attention from the Prime and the Prince Consort. Optimus bent down to tickle a few, causing a roar of giggles.

"Primus, are we going to have to listen to that all the way to Cybertron?" Ironhide grumbled.

"Afraid so," Sam answered cheerfully.

The general muttered, but to his chagrin none of the sparklings were the least bit intimidated by him. In fact, several clung to his leg as he took something out of compartment.

"No, this is not a present for you," Ironhide told the disappointed children. "This is for Samuel." He presented Sam with a small box and Sam opened it. There was a chorus of ooh's and aah's from the sparklings as they clamored to see the shiny thing the Consort was holding.

"Another whistle?" Optimus frowned at Ironhide.

Ironhide shrugged. "Tradition," he said.

Sam laughed and held up the whistle. It was blue and white, the colors of Earth, and the chain was the deep colors of Cybertron's atmosphere. A perfect melding of the two planets.

"Thank you," he told Ironhide. "I was concerned I could only find a couple hundred of them to hide away on the ship." Ironhide muttered something, but there was a definite hint of a smile in his words. It was a long standing joke and tradition between them now. For every occasion that Ironhide - in his carefully concealed sentimental way - felt was important, he marked it by giving Sam a new dog whistle 'weapon'.

"I do hope you won't have cause to use that," Optimus said to Sam.

Sam reached out a hand and gently touched his bond mate's face. "Hopefully we will be too busy creating life," he agreed. A grin touched his eyes. "But no promises."

Optimus muttered something about crazy humans and dog whistles and why was he burdened with such a wonderful consort as their Sparks flared in recognition and excitement.

As Earth disappeared from view, everyone turned to start their new adventure.

The End

Author's Note: Thank you, everyone, for all the kind reviews and support! I could not have done it without my beta Graycalls.

There is a possibility of some "missing scenes" being added to the story. Since writing the first chapters, the plot bunnies have hopped up and suggested little additions here and there. I don't where they were at the time! Some might be a page long; some could almost be another chapter.

If you have a suggestion for a missing scene being added to this story line, I will glady read all suggestions. I can't promise anything, but there is always hope.