Hey guys! Welcome to my new story! It's been a while since I started on a new project but, after a lot of thought and consideration, I'm really excited about this project. After finishing up my other story, "The Fate of One" (which, if you guys have time, should read and review) I realized that my passion for writing had stirred up again. With that being said, I promise I will finish this story in a timely manner (Unlike, "The Fate of One") and that is a promise I intend to keep! (Please believe me!) Anyways, like the description stated, this is a Takari fic and takes place after Season 2 of the Digimon series. The exact time isn't important; just know that the characters of this story are well into their own personal lives after the season's end. This story is a romantic and humorous (at least I hope so) one so for all of those who are looking for action and drama…I'm sorry. I don't want to give anything away (the description should let you know what the basis is) so I'll just go on with the story. Hope you all enjoy! Oh and please review! Your feedback is quite appreciated!


Day Seven

Matt Ishida sat on his couch, casually flipping through the various channels on TV. While he looked for something interesting to watch, the cool headed boy yawned at the current boredom of his day. It was a nice Sunday afternoon with the sun out shining brightly as kids his age were out mingling with their friends and spending the beautiful day in aimless fun. This may have seemed attractive to any other high school senior but for Matt, it was a joy that he did not share. A nice day for the blonde was simply staying home in solitude, being away from all the distractions of the outside world while he relaxed and enjoyed his day off by himself. He figured, he saw his peers for most of the week so a day or two alone was a comforting change in scenario from his usual life.

He picked up a glass of water he had poured himself and sipped on it nonchalantly. As he did so, however, his front door was barged open, causing much commotion throughout the peaceful apartment. The sudden uproar caused Matt to choke on his water.

"I'm here Matt! I ran all the way here from my apartment as soon as I got your call. I'm a little bit tired but once I catch my breath, I'll be ok." A panting and fast talking Tai shouted as he entered the apartment, face full of determination and anxiety. Before Matt could say anything, his best friend continued, "I have my Digivice already and my goggles on! I brought my backpack and filled it with water, food, and other supplies in case we might have to stay overnight at the Digital World." He clapped his hands in excitement. "I am ready, baby! Ready to take on whatever danger or evil comes our way!" He looked around the apartment before calming down a bit. "Where are the others?"

A startled Matt simply gave him a befuddled look. "Uh…Tai, what are you doing?"

"You said there was an emergency! And that you wanted me over at your apartment ASAP!"

"Uh…no, I didn't."

"Yes you did!" Tai yelled at him with excitement. Matt could literally see the adrenaline flowing through the brown haired boy's veins.

"Ok, Tai…first you need to calm down. Have some water." The blonde offered his cup to his friend. Tai rushed over to the couch, took the water, and gulped it down quickly. The Digidestined of Friendship watched in amazement at his speed.

"Ok, I drank the water. What's happening?"

"You're not calm…"

"I AM CALM." The goggle head boy exclaimed. "Now, tell me, what's going on?!"

Matt sighed. He knew it was a mistake to call his best friend. "Can you remember our conversation we had on the phone?"

"Yes, of course!"

"Are you sure?" Matt pressed on. Tai in turn gave him a confused look.

"Are you taking me for an idiot?"

"Not completely." The blonde muttered. "Ok, let me refresh your memory. This is how our conversation happened…"

"Hey, Matt. What's up?"

"Hey, Tai. Nothing much. Just at home, relaxing. What are you up to right now?"

"NOTHING." Tai exasperated. "I'm so bored. Want to hang out?" A hint of excitement trailed at the end of his question.

"Actually, I'm calling because I was wondering if you could come down to my apartment. Something came up and I think I'm going to need your help. It's not too urgent so if you have plans then it's cool. What do you think? Think you can come down?" A silence followed."Tai? Are you still there?"

"I'm sorry but the number you have called have either hung up or is out of service. Please try again." An automated voice replied.

Matt closed his cell phone, somewhat bewildered. "What the…Where did that guy go?"

The Digidestined of Courage gave the blonde a peculiar look. "Are you sure?"

"I'm positive."

"Huh…" Tai sat down next to his best friend. "So…there's no trouble in the Digital World?"

Matt shook his head.

"No…looming evil getting ready to destroy all forces of good and trying to conquest the world?"



"No, Tai," the cool boy interrupted. "There is nothing of that matter."

The crazy haired boy grew despondent. "Aw man…I thought we were going to save the Digital World again! I even put on my goggles!"

"Well…I'm sorry to disappoint you."

Tai sighed. "Ok, ok…" He looked up at his friend. "So, why did you call me over then?"

Matt tilted his head at his bedroom. Tai looked at the bedroom and then looked back at the blonde with a puzzled look. Then, a sudden realization hit him. He got up suddenly with his eyes big from his epiphany.


"Did I what?"

"Did you...Is there…IS THERE A GIRL IN THERE, MATT ISHIDA?!" Tai exclaimed in shock.

Matt's face exploded in complete confusion; he was completely lost as to what his friend was trying to say. "HUH?"

"OH MY GOD, MATT. THIS IS UNBELIEVABLE! All this time I thought you were shy with the ladies but this…" Tai's voice squeaked as the excitement continued to build. He continued in a frenetic pace. "Don't worry, Matt, I won't tell a soul! I promise! Well, of course, I'll have to tell the others about this; they have to know. I wonder how Sora will take this…Never mind! I have your back no matter what! Don't worry about a thing! If the girl tries to attack you or defame your reputation, I'll tell people how good of a guy you are and that everything you do, you do with good intentions! If she comes out and it's awkward, I'll break the awkwardness! By the way, congratulations, Matt. I never knew you had it in you. How did it happen by the way? Was it like one of those romantic scenes where both of you just knew it was the right moment? Or was she drunk? WAIT. DID YOU USE…? OH GOD, PLEASE TELL ME YOU USED--"

"TAI!" Matt yelled, stopping the fast talking boy before he continued. The blonde was blushing madly and completely in shock. "There isn't a girl in my room!" He hotly explained.

The goggle head friend in turn gave a perplexed look. "Huh? There isn't? Then why did you point at your room?"

"Because, TK is in there!"


Matt couldn't believe his best friend's lack of intuition. "NO. No one was ever in that situation! Get your head out of the gutter…"

"Then…I don't understand. What's so important that you wanted me to come over?"

"It's about TK. He's going through some hard times right now and I was hoping that you could help me talk to him."

"Oh…" Matt could tell some of Tai's original excitement died down a bit. "Well, that's easy. What's wrong with him?"

The blonde shook his head. "I don't know. I was hoping we could have him explain it to us."

"What's he doing in your room?"

"He just came down and told me he was going to sleep. Then, he went into my room and fell asleep on my bed."

"Oh…" Tai took a moment to process everything. "Well, why didn't you say so earlier?"

The fellow Digidestined gave him a look of disbelief. Realizing that it was futile to argue with Tai's dense head, he shook his head in defeat. "I don't know." He stated sarcastically.

"It's alright; I forgive you." With that, Tai slapped Matt across the back. "Shall we?"

"Yes. Lets." The blonde muttered. The two of them made their way to the bedroom and knocked on the closed door.

"TK?" There was no response. After a brief moment of silence, the blonde quietly opened the door. The two high school seniors made their way into the room only to see a sprawled younger boy on Matt's bed.

"TK? Tai's here to see you." TK's older brother stated. A groan escaped from TK in response.

"Hey TK!" Tai brightly added. "Matt told me you were down about something so he called me over here so that we can cheer you up!" A louder groan followed.

"Come on TK." Matt persisted. "I know something's been bothering you for a while now. You shouldn't keep it inside and sulk around like this." When there was no reply, he added, "You know, you're on my bed…Technically speaking, I could just kick you out…"

"Leave me alone." TK mumbled under the pillow.

"Now, TK, you know that I'm not going to leave you alone. If I need to, I will take extreme measures to get your cooperation." Again, there was no reply. Seeing this, Tai reached over across the bed and snatched the younger boy's hat. Immediately, TK got up.

"Hey! Give me back my hat!" He started wrestling with Tai who was waving around his hat in a taunting manner.

"Not until you tell us what's going on!"

After a futile struggle of trying to get his hat back, the Digidestined of Hope gave up. He sighed loudly, realizing the situation he was in. "You guys are really not going to give up huh?"

"Nope." both of the older males replied in unison.

"Fine." With that, TK fell back into the bed, silent as he was before. Tai blinked a couple times, trying to comprehend what just happened.

"So…Does this mean you'll tell us?" The crazy haired boy asked.

"No." TK grunted.

Matt sighed at his younger brother's stubbornness. Tai, however, did not let the troubled blonde's actions derail him.

"Come on, TK. I'm sure Kari wouldn't want to see you like this." The Kamiya boy teased. He knew the younger boy had a crush on his sister and often times used it to poke fun at his friend. While never admitting it, Tai actually wanted Kari and TK to get together; he couldn't think of anyone else who would be better suited and would protect his younger sibling than the blonde before him.

A loud and elongated groan could be heard from TK. Both Matt and Tai gave each other a look; they knew they had just hit a soft spot. Being careful with the situation, Matt gently pushed on, "Did something happen with Kari?"

A pause followed. Finally, TK responded, "I don't want to talk about it."

"TK, I'm Kari's older brother. I can help you with whatever is going on!"

"Yeah, listen to Tai. We're both here to hear you out. Plus, I'm your older brother so it's my duty to make sure you're ok."

After a while, much to the two older boy's delight, TK slowly got up from the bed. Not wanting to rush the young boy, both of them waited patiently while he sat contemplating his situation.

"You guys really aren't going to give up, huh?" He finally asked.

Both of his seniors shook their head. Seeing their determination, TK let out a sigh. "Fine. I'll tell you." He scratched his head. "But first…give me my hat back."

Tai gave him a distrusting look. "You promise you'll tell us what's going on?"

"Yes, I will. I just want my hat back."

Matt couldn't help but chuckle at TK. His younger brother had just a childish obsession about his hat; it was comical to see a young teenager so worked up about something so simple. After a brief moment, Tai handed the precious hat back to its owner. Quickly snatching it back, TK placed it on his head with a relieved look on his face.

"Ok, I held my end of the bargain. Now, it's your turn." The Digidestined of Courage reminded him.

"I know, I know." TK sighed in submission. He made himself comfortable as he continued, "I don't know where to begin…Well, actually, there's a confession I have to make…" He paused as he bit his lower lip in hesitation. "Tai, Matt. I like Kari."

Of course both of the older boys knew this way before even TK himself knew it. Amongst the older Digidestined, everyone assumed that the two would end up together based on how much they hung out and how well they connected; it was simply of matter of time, for the others, before the two younger Digidestined would realize it as well. However, for the sake of secrecy, Matt and Tai gave a fake gasp at what TK had just admitted.

"No…" Matt exclaimed, trying his best to act surprised.

"I would have never guessed." Tai added.

Surprisingly, TK nodded, believing in the two's act. "It's true. And I'm sorry Tai. I was going to tell you before but I wasn't sure about it until recently."

"What made you realize it recently?" His older brother asked.

"I don't know…I guess a while ago, it just hit me. After that, I just thought about what to do in terms of my feelings and how I should act in front of her. I mean, I am her best friend, you know? And I realized that I wanted to express these feelings to her but the right opportunity never came up. And honestly, I was fine with that. I always thought that I had a lot of time and that I could slowly bring it up, eventually. But…" TK moaned once again. "I messed it up, ruined our friendship, and now have absolutely NO chance with her!" He plopped himself back on the bed.

"Wait, TK! How did you mess it up?" Matt inquired, curious as to where his story was going.

The younger Digidestined got up in a sulking manner. "Well, it all started about a week ago…"

Did you guys like it? I know it's a bit vague right now but it's only the opening chapter. Things will pick up and get more interesting as the story goes on. For those of you who have read my old works, this story will be written in a style similar to my "Welcome to The Unknown" story although the two are not connected. Please review! Your support and comments are taking very seriously! Thanks everyone!