A/N: I know I haven't written in a reeeeeeeeeeeally long time and I feel horrible about it. However, I've had school work (which I explained in my end A/N in last chapter). Then life happened.

I had a stalker, first of all. The second one in as many years. Why I attract the weirdos, I'll never know.

Then I had a long drawn-out, pretty messy break-up. We both cried, which sucked. Also, what kind of guy tells you they love you when you're breaking up with them? It's like, "THIS IS HARD ENOUGH, YOU IDIOT!" So I cried. And he kinda cried. Not pleasant.

AND SO…. I will be removing this story for the time-being, fixing it, and hopefully reposting it, complete, sometime this summer. However, my summer is very short because I go to one of those competitive schools that don't want us to "lose our knowledge." Whatever. I'm hoping this will improve my writing and my peace of mind. Fingers crossed.

Sorry for this!

Wish my luck!