There are the memories that take your stone, shattered, ripped out, at war heart, and piece them back together. They are the memories that heal you and during the best of times, overpower all the other memories. They are the ones that make you smile and for a moment, forget the shame, regret, heart ache, and hatred. They shine through your soul and show you the better parts of life. The parts of life that keep you grounded to the Earth and make you ask why you thought of leaving in the first place. They are the memories that come with happiness and reside as the vanguard in your heart and mind for a long time. The best time of your life. And when the time passes, and all the bad things show their ugly faces again, all you need to do is look at the ones who love you and who stood by you when you needed them the most. Whether they are friends of family, just remember that they will always be there for you, even if you don't want or think you need them.

There was Kara. Kara, Brass, Nick, Greg, Catherine, Warrick, Grissom, and even Hank…the dog. They were my friends and my family. They all stood by me when I needed them and showed me a good time when I was down. And even though we argued, fought, formed alliances, and went to war, we were always together. Because you can't be a family without a good fight. But, just like any group of friends, once the dispute was over, we always made up with a few beers and some great stories. I have friends, ones who stuck with me when I was at my worst. And I have a family too. Something I never thought I would ever have. But in the end, I created a family around me, people to pull at my leg when we went out and people who needed me as much as I needed them. It is with them that I have the best times of my life with. And it is them that I gave my heart to. I gave my heart to them, and slowly, they're all piecing it back together.

I walked through the halls, dragging my feet. It had been a long shift, and I was more than eager to go home to the two people I loved the most. I made my way to the car and drove. I drove home and was attacked by Hank. I still tried to change his name whenever Kara wasn't home and I wasn't in bed with Grissom. It hasn't worked…yet.

It was quiet. Too quiet. That was a first.


"Shh…" I heard being whispered. I turned my head to the hall. I saw Grissom. Who the hell could he have been shushing? Kara should still be at school.



He said Sara. Yes, it was my first name, but in the serious tone he said it in told me something was going on.

"We need to talk."

Talk? Didn't he say that when he found out about Kara? This can't be good.


He walked up to me, looked me straight in the eye.

"Sara, you know I love you, and I will love you forever."

Yes, I did know that.

"The first time I did this, I did it wrong. I loved you then, I just couldn't get myself to admit it."

…First time what? Admit what?

"Sara," he said, before kneeling on his knee.

OH MY FUCKING GOD! Was my first…coherent thought. Was he really proposing to me? Well, I do have to give him credit. This is better than the first time. The first time came with a custody battle. This one, this one came with love. And I was willing to accept that.

"Will you marry me?" he asked, pulling out a black velvet box, seemingly out of nowhere, and opening it, revealing a beautiful, sparkling diamond.

"Grissom…" I said seriously. After giving me a heart attack it was my turn. I took a long dramatic pause. When he looked like he was almost in a state of panic I finished my sentence. "Of course, I will marry you."

He looked relieved. I guess I really did have him scared. I helped him up and pulled him into a kiss. He slipped the ring onto my hand. It was then I heard an "Aww" from the hallway. I took Grissom's hand and led him to the hallway.

"Uhh…Sara, we can't…"

He probably thought I was dragging him to the bedroom, which I would gladly do later. I opened the door to the guest bedroom and was somehow showered with streamers.

"CONGRATULATIONS!!!" I heard shouted at me. It took me a second to realize it was the team plus Kara shouting. I smiled.

"Lemme see the ring." Catherine demanded, taking my hand before I could refuse.

"Geez, who knew Grissom, had such good taste?" Catherine said while admiring the ring. I pulled away and marched off to Greg.

"Give me."

"Give you what?" He asked, smiling innocently.

"I know you taped it, and I want it now."

"Not yet." He told me.

"Why not?"

"It's not finished uploading onto youtube yet."

Oh hell no. What happened to privacy? Well, two can play at that game Greggo.

"You really did that?"

"You bet." He smiled to me. Nick looked nervous.

I smiled. "Alright." I could tell it was not the reaction people expected, because the room turned silent. I left the room for a few minutes and came back with my laptop. I went onto the website and looked up the video. It was there.

"I think it's finished uploading." I told him.

Greg smiled wider. "No way to get it off now."

"Just like there's no way to take this off either." I tuned the screen for him to see.

His face turned to horror and embarrassment when he saw the video playing. It was the one of his date with the hobo. In the minute or so I was gone; I took the liberty to upload this video too. I wish I had a camera. I got my wish. I heard a click and saw a flash. When I turned around I saw my Kara holding the camera. She smiled, I smiled. I love my daughter.

Everybody laughed, as Greg begged me to remove the video. Everyone laughed even harder when I refused. Family and friends were good. They were good for you, being there when you needed them the most. And most importantly, they were good for creating memories with. Memories: something that will always be with you, and something that takes you through the good and the bad. But no matter how much you hate or love them at the moment, a memory will last forever, and in the long run, they create what and who you are.

A/N I said the end was soon, and I guess it really was soon. I hope you all enjoyed my little story. Thank you all, readers and reviewers. You guys all kept me writing and will keep me writing. THAT RIGHT!!! I'm going to start a new story soon, and I'm going to make it better than this one!!! But first, iI've got to figure out what my story is going to be :P Thanks again to all of you who left reviews and made my day...s.
