"Max," Iggy stated snapping his fingers in front of my face.
"Sorry, "I said coming into focus.
It was a Sunday night which meant that my gang and I had a date with The Flock.
You see in our town there are about five major gangs; The Flock, The Warriors, Vipers, Bloods, and last but certainly not least my gang: The Eagles.
As in most cases, it was uncommon for girls to be gang leaders or in gangs at all. If they were they were probably 'the sluts,' as what I call them. Many at first didn't believe that I could possibly be a worthy street fighter for the position of a gang leader, but I proved myself worthy of that title when I outclassed six guys. I also find it sexist that girls aren't in gangs at all here. Guys and their stupid terestorone. Besides that I'm pretty happy with my title as a gang leader. However unlike other gang leaders, I have something to hide. My other life.
"Max we need to go over fighting tactics." Iggy sluggishly took out his cell phone out of his baggy jeans and in a quick second had the whole 'family' know who we were up against tonight and where we were going to meet. Sometimes I call my gang my family, because that's exactly what they are. We protect each other, we help each other, and sometimes tutor each other. One big happy family, and that's the way I like to keep it.
"Since we are going up against our worst enemy," Iggy smiled as we headed toward his garage," should we use our heavy duty equipment?"
"We are definitely not going to cheat! My gang will not cheat! If we are going to win we win fair." I punched Iggy in the shoulder for even thinking about it. Iggy chuckled and put in a 'secret' code in his keypad, and his garage opened revealing two motorcycles.
Cheating is definitely not okay and using "heavy duty equipment" that's out of the picture. I would have kicked Iggy out of the gang even though I knew he was joking. Something always stops me. He is 2nd in command and I love him like a sister. Also, I truthfully would feel lonely without him.
"Ouch Max, calm down I'm saving that arm for later," he winced rubbing his arm dramatically. I rolled my eyes and tossed him his purple helmet. I got onto my black motorcycle as Iggy got onto his own gray one. We shared a look before we zoomed out of his garage. Iggy almost forgot to close it, but I pushed the button on the electric opener/closer. It does come in handy. We began driving to our favorite gang meet up spot at the "Andreason's Bar & Club."
Not anyone one except Iggy truly knew everything about my other side. It only came out when I was at school or at home and it was used so that my fragile single mom wouldn't know I was in a gang. Or even worse that I was a gang leader. If she knew she would freak out, blame herself for my 'bad' choices, and maybe have a heart attack and die.
Everyone at school thought of me as a nice easy going girl who is fun to be around and is absolutely normal. You could say I am pretty popular, and even my "boyfriend" Sam makes me seem a little bit above normal, which is really the only thing he is useful for. I don't really love Sam and I know it's horrible for me to use him like that, but what can I do, I don't want anyone to find out.
You are probably wondering why no one at school has noticed any similarities between the leader of the Eagles and me; let's just tons of icky make up to cover my scars. Maybe a sophisticated hairdo, exceptionally different clothes and style. It's basically what I feel like changing, which is most of the time nothing, but hey, I can't go to school looking all roughed up.
"Today is like any other day," I looked around at the faces of each gang members. Many had noticeable scars on their faces, and were on the taller side of the height range. A couple of them made a promise never to cut their hair until our gang is feared by each and every junior gang in L.A. I'm not stupid enough to get involved with any legit gangs because of all the killings. Cover would be utterly blown.
"The Flock is just like any other gang we went up against," I sighed looking at Iggy tense up.
"We need to beat them this time, their leader, must fall to his knees and kiss the floor we walk on for we are the Eagles and this is our territory," I gave a quick fist pump like I saw so many times on T.V.
Everyone in the room began pounding on the tables and chanting; EAGLES! EAGLES! EAGLES!
I quieted them with the motion of my hand, but I had to say that put a smile on my face to see them this enthusiastic.
"Let's roll," I smirked.
It didn't take us long to get to chosen place for our fight. It was in a deserted alley far away from the police station and you can imagine why this was the best place for it. There were some passerby's, but none that looked like they would call the police if they heard us fighting.
The Flock was waiting for us there. Through my helmet I could see at least twelve guys huddling close together. I quickly calculated that in my head. I only brought ten people with me, so if they only have twelve people… I stopped myself from getting to into it, because if I start to get technical then my mind would be on it throughout the whole fight.
We finally reached the end of the alleyway and I pulled to a halt in front of our foes.
"Max, you finally joined us," snickered a menacing voice. Fang.
"Fang, it's been a long time," I played along taking off my helmet and placing it on my motorcycle.
"To long, I almost miss your company," he chuckled to himself as he stepped closer.
"Let's cut the crap and get this over with," I smiled pulling on my leather fingerless gloves.
Fang was what you probably called hot or gorgeous or even sexy, and all that. Girls probably die over his natural black hair and his emo look, but I for one thought it looked kind of plain. Even though he was taller than me at a standing 6' 2" he was nothing special.
I promptly jumped off my bike kicking the kick stand up. My gang followed suit, and we were ready to open a can of whop ass.
If you haven't noticed by now, Fang is the gang leader of The Flock.
Without warning Fang came speeding at me and threw a quick punch. I barely dodged it missing my face by an inch, and I reflexively threw a punch that was meant to go for his nose, but missed and hit him on the cheek. He inwardly grunted at me and back lashed me making me go off balance and knocking me off my feet. In the few seconds as I fell I quickly looked around my gang members all were one against one, only the more experienced fighters had two people on them. Good.
I skillfully snapped back up to my feet missing Fang's dropkick to my face by mere seconds. To counter his attack I wound back my fist and tried to drive it into his stomach. He unthinkingly caught my 'flaming bullet' and struggled to hold me back. I observed that his hand wasn't securely around my wrist, I somehow managed to get my arms around his head to put him in a headlock.
"Who's your momma," I teased putting more pressure on his head.
"You definitely aren't," he managed to choke out before he elbowed me on the side causing me to loosen my death grip on his head. He then swiped one of his feet making me double over, again. He suddenly was on top of me with a knife.
"Are you really going to cheat Fang," I look at him with hatred in my eyes as I tried to squirm free of his hold. Yes, I was a bit nervous, because who knew? Fang could be unstable and try to actually kill me.
"Nah, you kept your tag on your clothes and it was bugging me," he laughed and cut off the tag. I rolled my eyes. He thinks this is all just a joke.
I tried shoving him off but it didn't work. Oh great.
"Max give up you lost," he nodded looking around. All his men had my men in arm locks or other positions, save for Iggy who was running toward me until three of Fang's men got to him.
"I know life's not fair, but you have more men and women; well not women; then I do."
"So you give up?" he asked still on top of me with a lopsided grin.
"Do I have any other choice," I cursed. I hated surrendering. No, I dreaded it.
"Well…there is one thing," he smirked.
"Whatever it is as long as I don't have to surrender," I hated getting wrapped up on someone's finger, but we couldn't take another loss from The Flock.
"Hmm..Actually there is nothing," he said smiling slyly.