
I don't own Sonny With A Chance.

Enjoy ..


"I can't believe you, Chad!"

"Well, believe it, Monroe. It's the real deal; I am this great looking," Sonny rolled her eyes,"they never thought it would happen ... " Chad mumbled the last part.

"Really, Chad, really?"

"Really. I tried to tell them, but -"

Sonny rolled her eyes again.

She threw her arms up in the air. "You are the most self-absorbed, conceited-"

At this point they were both yelling at the same time, you couldn't hear what the other was saying.

"Annoying, clumsy-"





"Good! Good! Fine! Fine!" Tawni cut in, "Will you just stop already! You're ruining Tawni time!"

Sonny, once again, rolled her eyes.

"Come here," Tawni curled her finger, telling them to come closer.

Sonny came closer and Chad just rolled his eyes.

"Come here! Now!" Tawni was getting frustrated.

Sonny grabbed Chad so Tawni would calm down.

"Okay. Here!"

Tawni clasped handcuffs on both of their wrists. They were stuck with each other.

They were both too shocked to say anything. And Tawni just walked out of the dressing room.

"Tawni!" Sonny yelled.


"So .. ?" started Sonny.

"So .. ?"

"How are we gonna get out of this?!"

"You know, I'm right here."

"Be serious!"

Sonny sat on her couch, while dragging Chad with her. She groaned.

"It's not that bad, Princess."

"But I have a date in 3 hours!"

Sonny closed her eye's and rubbed her head in frustration, while Chad's eye's widened.

"Y- yeah? Join the club."

"Then how-"

"I'm an actor, not a locksmith. I read lines, not instructions. I don't know how to get it off."

Sonny eye's shock open in realization.

"Wait. That's it."

"What's it?"

Sonny ran off, bringing Chad with her.


"Please, Zora. You're my only hope to get rid of him,"

"Sonny, I tried. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm in the mood for a jelly and mayonaise sandwich," said Zora as she ran off.

Chad raised an eyebrow.

But the truth is Zora could have easily picked that lock. But she knew what Tawni was doing and wasn't gonna stop it.

"This is just great," she groned.

Sonny was beyond aggervated.


Sonny dragged Chad back to her dressing room.

"Chad .." Sonny said as sweetly as she could while batting her eyelashes.


Chad couldn't believe he was doing this. He was sitting at a table with Sonny Monroe. Selena Gomez (whom he had to call last minute because he, obviously, only said he had a date) And Nick Jonas. Still attached to Sonny. Him, sitting next to Sonny with Nick across from her and Selena across from him.

He sometimes wonder's how he gets into these predicaments. But there's a simple answer to that simple question. Sonny Monroe. The cause all his problems. And tonight was probably in the top 10. It wasn't helping that Nick and Selena broke up a few moths ago and haven't spoken since.

The only up side to this night was he "closed" his eye, looked "away", and "didn't" see anything when Sonny got changed.

"This isn't awkward," said Chad.

Sonny stepped on Chad's foot and smiled.

Nick was looking down at the awkward silence.

"So, um, Nick, how's your tour?"

Nick's eye's lit up when she mentioned his music and Selena remembered why she liked him so much.

"It's good. We're going to Wisconsin next," he smiled.

"Really? I'm from there," her eye's sparkled at the thought of Wisconsin.

Chad frowned.

They're getting along nicely.

"So, Selena .. "

Selena snapped out of her thoughts. Truthfully, she was jealous of Sonny. First Chad, now Nick? She used to like Chad. And in all honestly, she still liked Nick.

"So, Chad .. Okay, let's cut to the chase. Why did you ask me out tonight?"

"What do you mean?"

"The whole world knows you and Sonny are in love with each other."

"I don't like Sonny. Even if I did, don't you think you're being over dramatic? The whole world?"

"Yes, the whole world. Look in half the magazines in the world and you'll find an article about you two."

"Stupid wizard," muttered Sonny and Chad.

"Anyway," Sonny interrupted, "Selena, what's your number?"

"May I ask why?"

"I'll tell you if you give it to me."


"Okay," Sonny smiled.

"Why- " started Selena, but got cut off by her phone vibrating.

I'm so sorry!

Selena was confused.

For ..?

Going out with Nick. I had no idea you had feelings for him!

What are you talking about?

You don't have to lie. I'll never go out with him after today! I promise.

It's fine. Really, Sonny. I don't like him anymore.

No, you like him. I don't know him well enough to like him yet. I'll back off.

You don't have to. If there's anyone that should back off, it's me off Chad. You clearly like him.

What? I don't like Chad! Where'd you get that idea?!

Selena rolled her eyes. She wasn't even going to answer that.


Chad looked at his phone. It was only 8:23.

Chad groaned. He did not like this. He did not like watching Sonny flirt with another guy.


"You know, I'm not feeling very good. Can we call it a night, Chad?"

"Uhh, sure. Sorry, Selena."

"Oh! I'm so sorry! You guys can stay if you want? And, no offence Nick, but I don't think this is gonna work out." Sonny smiled at them.

"It's okay. I kinda have to agree," Nick said as he rubbed his neck.

"It's okay and, umm, I'll just go home .. " said Selena as she got up.

"No. Let's umm, catch up?" Nick grabbed her arm, looking hopeful.


Chad and Sonny left.


"What are you up to, Monroe?"

"Nothing. What could I possibly be up to?" Sonny said as innocently as she could and Chad rolled his eyes.

OMG! Sonny, thank you! I knew you were up to something. Me and Nick are back together! (:

Sonny smiled at the text.

Your welcome. :D

You have no idea how much this means to me. I hope everything works out with you and Chad.

Thanks, but I really don't like him.

Sure, Monroe.

"What are you all smiley for?"

"Nothing, Chad, nothing."

He rolled his eyes, "So, who's house are we staying at?"

Her eye's widened and her jaw dropped.


"Well, my mom would freak. So .. "

"Alright. We're gonna have to share a bed.."

They both blushed at the thought.

Sonny groaned.


Sonny came into Chad's room wearing nothing, but a tank top with shorts, dragging him with her. Normally, he wouldn't care. But the tank top was extremely short and low cut. It showed off her toned stomach and way too much cleavage for Chad to handle. Her shorts were also way to short. Chad was about to blow. He had to restrain himself from kissing her right then and there. It was hard enough to hold back when he saw her changing.

"What are you wearing?" snapped Chad.


"You can't wear that."

"Why not?!" demanded Sonny.


Sonny smirked. She started rubbing up and down his sides.

"Why? You like it?" she said batting her eyelashes.

He groaned, "No."

She started rubbing his nippled through his shirt,"You sure?"

"Yes. Now stop!" yelled Chad

Sonny smiled and laughed at her victory.

He laid on his bed, which made her fall on the bed, too, only she landed ontop of him.

He smirked, "You know, Sonny, I know it's hard to restrain yourself while you're around me, but please do try."

She rolled her eyes," Please. I fell."

He opened his mouth to say something, but got cut off, "Can we just go to bed?"

"It's 10."

"Goodnight!" she said as she shut the light off.


Sonny woke up, shivering.

12:00. I'm freezing.

She tried to fall back to sleep, but was too cold. She kept tossing and turning.

I'm cold, but I don't want to wake him.

What she didn't know is that he already was awake. His found her waist and brought her closer to him. She blushed and laid in his chest. They both smiled

Maybe this won't be so bad..

They both smiled.


