Update: 04.27.2010 fixed a few mistakes I didn't know I had. I have this weird habit of not wanting to reread published stories, it feels strange. And as anyone who has read Being Brothers or added this to story alert knows, I am terrible at updating. But I swear I will add Peter's reaction and response to this. Someday. I want to think it over thoroughly before I write and publish new chapters.

Disclaimer: Of course I own Narnia! Which is why this story is here instead of in print and in a bookstore...

Dear Peter,

I know you're busy and we can hardly have a minute alone together for a decent conversation nowadays. And so when we do get that chance here is what not to ask of me:

Don't ask of me to eat peas. Peas are not native to Narnia and also too unnaturally round to be considered food.

Don't ask of me to wear frilled hats. It is unjust for anyone to be forced to do such a thing.

Don't ask of me to let you sleep in late. You know regular training is important.

Don't ask of me to leave you alone. I know you better than you know you yourself, Peter. When you're angry, I'd rather you vent it out on me than keep it bottled in. It will burst one day with disastrous consequences.

Speaking of which…

Don't ask of me to let you do anything rash: You will regret it later. And trust me on this brother, regret is the most painful emotion one can feel.

Don't ask of me to forgive you when you have wronged me, I already have.

Don't ask of me to carry your sword for you when you go into tournament. I will already be there by your side, as in all things.

Don't ask of me to abandon you on the battle field and save myself. Your duty is to protect the people; my duty is to protect you.

Don't ask of me to stay away from you in battle either. I knew what I was doing when I jumped in front of that arrow that time and given the chance I will do it again. Whether you like it or not.

Don't ask of me to let you go alone. If you must risk danger risk it with me by your side. Your brother.

And finally,

Don't ask of me to stop loving you.

No matter your faults, your mistakes and your shortcomings do not think you are unworthy of my love. You are only human after all. And if anything it's the other way around. You, my mentor, my friend, my King, and above all my brother deserve so much more than I could ever give.

I hope you'll keep this in mind, Peter

Your brother,


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