Disclaimer: I own nothing that has anything to do with Veronica Mars or the characters, unless you count the DVDs. This is just for fun.

Thanks for the reviews!

Enjoy the (too short) final chapter!

Chapter 7

Of course Duncan let her in, his ex-girlfriend, his first love, Veronica, whom lived in the United States, whom he wasn't even sure was still alive had turned up on his doorstep. How could he not?

Of course Lily didn't know who Veronica was, Duncan only had one photo of the four of them, it was hidden in a false base of his dresser drawer, along with several other small mementos he'd kept, and Lily had only been days old when Veronica had helped flee the country with his daughter.

As they walked into the house, Duncan put his arm around his daughter, saying, "Lils, this is an old friend of mine, Veronica. Veronica, this is Lily."

"She's grown a bit."

"Just a bit, she's just started year one at school."

Veronica and Duncan continued polite conversation, ignoring the elephant in the room, the accident, but hours later after Lily had gone to bed, and Veronica and Duncan were relaxing on the back deck, drinks in hand, Duncan finally asked, "Do you want to talk about it?"

"The accident?"

"Yeah, what happened? I read a few of the news stories, but I don't really know."

"Okay... What do you want to know?"


"Everything, okay. Me and Logan, Wallace and Jackie, Mac, a couple of our friends from Hearst, we went to Vegas for the weekend, we'd been drinking, it was late, Logan fell asleep at the wheel, we hit a tree, the car rolled. I lived, they died. I was in a coma for nine weeks, rehab for six months, I had a fractured skull, some brain damage, a ruptured spleen, and a broken arm. I'm doing pretty well now though, at least I can speak now, and walk."

"Shit, so it was... it was bad?"

"Yeah, it was bad. But now you know, so can we just forget about it? How's Lily?"

Duncan chose not to push her, instead opting to answer her question about his young daughter, "She's really good, she loves her school, according to her she must have twenty best friends."

They spent the next two weeks hanging out, not as a couple, just as friends, and after the stress, the emotional pain that being in Neptune caused her, being in Australia with Duncan was blissful, and it made Veronica wonder whether she would use the plane ticket she had back to the states.

Maybe it would be for the better for her to remain in Australia.

Duncan wasn't so keen on the idea, but.

"These two months, I've been happy, really happy for the first time since before the accident, being here with you and Lily, it feels right, and I don't want to go back," Veronica told Duncan, looking down at her engagement ring, twisting it around as she spoke.

And as Duncan knew, once Veronica had made her mind up, there was no changing it. Within the month Veronica found a small cottage, overlooking the Australian coastline, in Huskisson, about half an hour from Duncan's.

She enrolled at the local tafe, studying photography, she was no longer interested in spending her days studying, she nearly died, and now she was determined to really live her life.

Veronica replaced her old life with a more casual, leisurely lifestyle, she only worked casually as disability payments covered her expenses for the most part. Now and then she would still work as a PI, she had gotten her licence just months after gaining permanent residency status, but her main line of work was photography, working as a photographer at functions and events.

All in all her life after moving to Australia would be a quiet one, she remained in close touch with Duncan, and they visited each other often, and fourteen years after the move, before Veronica moved on from Logan, and took off the engagement ring that she had worn since finding it again, she met someone.

That someone was Dan West, a local fish and chip shop owner, and though he would never replace Logan, he did make Veronica happy, and they were good together, and together they ran the shop, side-by-side for many years.

They had three children together, Amy, Joel, and Kate, born within two years of each other, they had definitely kept Veronica busy, but she wouldn't have had it any other way.

Her ring would sit for years in a small velvet box in the top drawer of her bedside, and from time to time she would get it out, just to remember Logan, to feel the connection with him again.

Veronica managed to keep going.

The End