Hiyas everyone........ I really have no idea why I have such a burning passion to write this fanfic..... Just please dont shoot me! I will update my others......soon.

I got insipred to write this after watching an amv for this couple.....and seeing just ONE picture in the slideshow! What is wrong with me!?

Chapter One- Rocky Start

Natalia crossed her ankles a third time and ran one hand through her hair in impatience. She had made sure to pass out all the fliers out in the street and gave her best friendly smile. For some reason, everyone flinched away from her and muttered a quick sorry before hurrying off down the street. But she did manage to forc- hand out some fliers before she needed to be back at the club.

'Where are they?'

Natalia looked up at the Sunflower clock on the wall and let out a huff of irratation. She was very down today because she found out her dear beloved brother, Ivan Braginski, was going to be a few days late in coming over to visit. Suddenly she heard a clatter of noise and someone running down the stairs.

"Sorry I'm late! Did I miss the tryouts already!?"

She blinked in suprise at a young man who had burst through the door. He had golden-yellow hair and behind glasses were bright-blue eyes that were lit up in excitment. In one hand he held a Starbucks coffe mug and in the other he clutched a blue and red backpack.

"Niet. But you are late." Natalia glared at the young man before remembering she should be nice. She attempted a smile but it looked like a grimance. She gestured to the chair in front of her.

"Oh! Sorry darlin!" The young man sat down quickly and started to twiddle his thumbs. He opened his mouth to say something, but Natalia cut him off.

"Name and Age?"

"Alfred F. Jones! I'm 19. How about you?" Alfred leaned forward in his seat and flashed a huge smile. Natalia felt her breath whoosh out and blush flare across her cheeks before she quickly calmed herself and remembered her brother.

"I do the asking of questions." She bit out. Alfred lost the smile and a look of shock and hurt flew across his face. Natalia felt her stomache tighten.

"My names Natalia Braginski." She looked down at her clipboard but peeked over it to see the boy regain his smile.

"See? That isn't so hard!"

"Reason for wanting to join Broken Love?"

Alfred shifted in his seat before looking straight into Natalia's eyes. "I just want to sing my heart and soul out to make people happy. Especially in these times. Nothing more to it, darlin."

Natalia raised an eyebrow. She was impressed. Most people who tried out for the band in the past made up all sorts of crap about how it was their life-long dream to sing or that they adored the band when in reality they had never been to one of their performances. She then got right down to it and asked all the stupid yet need-to-know questions such as 'Do you do drugs?' and 'Have you ever been convicted of a crime?'

Alfred flew through the questions with ease and the smile never left his face. It both annoyed and confused Natalia.

"So, did I pass the test, teacher?" Alfred chuckled at his little joke. Natalia glared back fiercly.

"Da. You may now sing a song you picked out. You do have a song picked out....?"

"Of course!" Alfred reached down and grabbed his backpack then shifted through it. Several minutes went by filled with mutterings from the man of 'That's not it' and 'I didn't know I still had my hamburger from two days ago in here!' till he finally let out a shout of glee.

"Found it!"

"Go on then...." Natalia tapped her foot and glanced at the clock.

"I chose the song 'On the Other Side of the Crash' by Thursday." Alfred jogged up on to the stage and placed himself in front of the microphone. He gave a small smile and clutched the sheet music in his hands tightly. Natalia smirked. So he was getting nervous? Alfred cleared his throat.

And then he started to sing.

'The lights go down, outside
Before our cars collide
So we silhouette ourselves
In forty shades of fire

Do you know where this is leading?
I'll meet you there
On the other side of the crash
On the other side of the glass'

A hand gripped Natalia's shoulder from behind and she stiffened before looking up. Violet eyes stared back at her and Natalia almost burst out a greeting but the person above her shook their head and brought a finger up to their lips. Natalia closed her mouth and looked back up at the singing boy. Her eyes grew wide and soon she was lost in his beautiful voice.

'All our friends are falling out,
Can't look us in the eye,
Or bear to hear that broken sound,
Happens when we're all alone, inside,
In the middle of the night
I hear your voice,
I feel ashamed every time you say,
"Car crash came and car crash went
So I went along with it"
Because the girl you love's not coming back
It'll never be the same

Don't look away
I need to know if this is real
Don't look away

And the hospital ward sleeps through the surgery
Hiding needles in the drawer for emergencies
While outside they wait in the pouring rain
On the other side of the glass

Don't look away
I need to know if this is real
Don't look away
I need to know when will this end?
Don't look away

Over and out of control
The I.V. drips the days drag on
Adjust the light switch in the hall
Maybe the x-ray screen keeps it from getting dark
But the bulb burns out when it gets too hot
Keep crashing this car, over and over,
Keep crashing this car, over and over,
Keep crashing this car, over and over,
Keep crashing this car till it spins
(Out of control) So hold me close or I might disappear this time
(Out of control) We fight currents in the water when we can't let go of the shore
We've lost control '

Alfred finished and opened his eyes. he was startled to find a new person behind Natalia, but didn't let that get to him so he flashed the man a smile.

"I....ah...." Natalia was left speechless.

"What my dear sister means to say, is that you were simply wonderful. I hope you will join our band, da?"

Alfred blushed from the praise and studied Natalia's brother. He had icy purple eyes and the same wheat-colored hair as his sister. He held a smile on his face that was starting to give the American the creeps.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Ivan Braginski, and I am the manager of this band." Ivan spoke with a heavy Russian accent. "It is a pleasure to meet you....ah?"

"Alfred F. Jones." Alfred raised an eyebrow. He would never have guessed the man was Russian. Then again....with that smile. Alfred gave a shudder.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Alfred. I hope we can become the best of friends."

Natalia gave a small gasp at the friendly welcome from her brother. How DARE this silly American get a smile from her brother! Just because he was a good singer! Natalia snapped her clipboard in half and growled at Alfred.

Alfred jumped, startled and took a step back. Ivan did not flinch at all, but instead gave a sigh.

"We are going to have problems, da sister?"

Natalia let out a shriek and got up and stomped out of the room.

That would be a yes.

Sooooo.....What do you guys think of my new fanfic so far? Since I love both, I'm gonna have everyone vote.

America/Belarus OR Russia/America?

Please Review! REVIEWS ARE LOVE! 3