Golden Sky
**Dedicated to startscribbling12**
~Here's to some of my favorite summer memories~

The light of the setting sun flooded the small garden where a young girl wandered along a narrow pathway with a contented smile and an armful. She carried her favorite sketchbook with a teacup balanced atop with a small box of her favorite drawing utensils. Her bright blonde hair glowed under the light of the setting sun and her eyes practically cooled to the blue summer sky that hung above her. The warm summer breeze danced at the hem of her lemon yellow skirt, making it flutter as she scurried over the stone path in search of the perfect spot to begin working away. Her weary eyes searched beneath the umbrella shaped trees for a cool, shady place to settle. She decided a spot in the center of the garden's maze of greenery beneath a medium sized, paopu tree with big ripe fruit hanging heavily, pulling the branches down making it look like it was melting to the ground. Content with her place, she tested the temperature of the tea before setting it to her right and drawing utensils to her left and began scribbling away.

Not far off was a scraggly looking boy who was using what was left of his visible energy to drag himself down a path. His drooping lids flashed shockingly blue eyes while he pushed back his hair trying to spur some energy boost. The young man didn't notice the girl, who had seen him right away as he stumbled past her. She halted her drawing and tilted her head, hearing him mumble and sign heavily. He was broken, sad, exhausted from the cards life had dealt him but the moment he caught her eyes, his heart leaped into his throat and he halted himself before her.

"Hello?" she spoke softly, with an almost angelic quality

"Hi..." his voice was rough, ragged almost and she flinched from the volume of his voice and nearly knocked over her tea, "Did I scare you?"

"I just... you... I don't..." she stumbled over her words blushing.

"Ummm..." he scratched the back of his head, the girl was trying to form a coherent sentence and he could empathized, "The name's Roxas... Roxas Tsuki... yours?"

"N-Naminé... T-Taiyō," she choked out.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" he took a few tenative steps towards her, "I feel like I've seen you around."

"We go to Radiant Garden high school together?" her words ended with a light inflection, "You know Sora Okashii right?"

"Yeah... Why? You know him?"

"My best friend Kairi Tsuyoi? He's been chasing her since... forever?" her twinkle-like laughter reminded him of a cool breeze in the warmth of the setting sun

"Oh. I know who you're talking about. Feisty, redhead? Yay-high?" he held his hand up to is shoulder and she nodded with another snort of laughter, "She's gonna give in, Sora's crazy about her and even if she frightens the living daylights out of me I think they'll end up together."

"Me too" she laughed again but then her face bloomed with pink blush, "You look exhausted... w-would you like to...?"

"I would... yeah..." he was suddenly struck nervous, realizing that his heart had't yet dropped from his throat as he sat before her

"How come I've never seen you around here? I come out here all the time and this is the first I've seen you... or anyone come by this garden in a long time," she smiled softly making his own lips pull up at the edges.

"I was just wandering," he let his eyes drift away from her and down the path of trees, "I used to come here all the time with my family when I was a kid. It's been rough since my parents split so I haven't come by in a long time."

"Oh... I'm sorry, that must be tough..." Naminé nervously gripped her teacup and pulled her knees in close.

"It's okay... it was like two years ago," he shrugged and looked away, wistful and sad but she wasn't one to pry or push, "I don't think much of it."

For a moment they both sat silent, each taking in the other person. Naminé felt calm, even if he did make her jump with his hidden boisterousness, as she watched his spiky hair twinkle in the wind like a golden wheat field. Roxas kept his eyes away from her but noticed that his heart felt like it was racing just knowing she had her beautiful, sky blue eyes on him. His brain traced the mental image of her sitting beside him- a pretty, yellow skirt wrapped on her knees, white tank top that exposed her pale skin, a sketchbook sitting in her lap and a, now empty, teacup sitting on a semi clear box. He began smiling again but when he looked up to speak he realized that he didn't have anything intelligent to say.

"Cat got your tongue?" her smile didn't waver.

He laughed and rubbed his head again, flexing his arm unknowingly and making her blush, "Well... no I just think you're one of the prettiest people I've really talked to ever but I don't want to offend you so I'm trying to erm, well I guess I already said it so..."

"Oh!" her hand flew to her lips.

"I'm sorry!" he waved his hands to try to dissipate the thought, "You probably don't want to hear that from some random guy you go to school with and have never really spoken to. Besides you have to have a boyfriend or something, right?"

"What makes you think I have a boyfriend?" she was taken aback by the question and pushed through her embarrassment, "Why wouldn't I want to hear such... sweet things?"

"Well..." he rubbed his arm and again flexed muscles that she could tell made her more overcome with embarrassment, "You're a little out of my league in terms of how pretty you are. Besides I've seen a couple of guys float around you at school so I never gave it a second thought. Figured you had to be dating someone."

"Oh those guys are- well they're just my art friends," she smiled and looked away, "I don't have a boyfriend."

He released air he didn't realize he had been holding in and she laughed at him. He wanted to say something but his fluttering heart and crooked smile showed the relief he didn't know he felt just knowing this beautiful girl was sitting before him willingly. She tilted her head because he had again gone quiet and for no reason known to her, she wanted to hear his tenor voice again.

"I've always wanted someone like that... someone who would come out and just spend time with me, even in the quiet."

"Maybe..." she finally looked back to hear his answer, "I could be here, to be that person. If you'd like?"

"Oh but how could you even know if I was-" he shook his head and moved closer.

"I'll come here and wait for you for the rest of summer," he reached for her hand which caused her to rearrange herself to sit up on her knees while he flipped her palm to look at it, "And maybe you'll show up and maybe you won't but I'll just wait to see that beautiful smile again."

"Oh!" she watched as he raised another hand to trace the lines of her palm.

"And maybe I'll come here so often that you'll think of maybe letting me be your..." he didn't dare finish the thought but flipped her hand over so that he could hold it for a second before letting it fall to her side.

She pushed her hair from her face and a smile, bigger and brighter than any she had shown him before glowed from her face, "I'm not out of your league."

"What?" the response was not where he thought the conversation was going.

"You are handsome and sweet and I would like for you to be my..." she bit her lip and returned to her previous seated position off her knees, "...Garden companion."

"Oh well..." he scooted himself to her feet and winked, "I guess I'll have to hold you to that."

"Well I'll see you here at the same time tomorrow?" she began to close her sketchbook as she was going to get up and leave when the piece she had been doodling caught her eye.

"You will. Wait-," he opened to the page she had been working on.

It was a colorful drawing of a sun setting with warm orange and yellow light shining above the garden's trees fading into the stars and a large, round moon with detail in it's white surface. It reminded him of this moment of their meeting. A source of a light that has unknowns park and power that she was hiding with her last few moments of bold quest meeting another light that could only reflect the bright light he received but eagerly shown in the sky accompanied by twinkling stars.

"Amazing..." Roxas smiled and handed it back to her.

"Oh it's nothing special..." she blushed, not knowing that Roxas wasn't referring to just the drawing in her books.

A/N: Well that is what some could call a fabulous re-write/edit of one of my favorite stories that I've written with a new title and it's a little less on the nose (if you like Panic! At the Disco you'll get the OG reference). I have, for a long lonng looooooong, time wanted to start writing again and I think re-writing will be the first step to getting back into the swing of things.