Allen nearly freaked out when he woke up with Kanda sleeping soundly next to him. It didn't take long for him to remember.

"Yu. Wake up." He whispered softly into her cat ears. She groggily opened her eyes.

"Morning." She grunted in response and got up from the bed. She began to stretch. Allen gazed warmly at her.

"What're you lookin at?" she glared.

"N-nothing." Allen blushed. "So I guess we got to tell everyone that you're okay now."

"No shit."

"Plus, we got to get you some suitable clothes." He added.

"Where do you suppose we find that?" she glared. Tiedoll had told her that Allen had no siblings.

"You'll see." He smiled and flung himself out of bed and got dressed. He snuck the cat girl out of his room and led her down the many hallways of the large castle in which he lived in.

Every time a maid or a servant would walk by or come their way, he would pull her into a random room. It wasn't long before he herded her into a giant closet-like room of some sorts. Except it was filled with woman's clothing.

"Moyashi, is there something you're not telling me?" she asked.

"Cross likes to have women over. Thus, he keeps spares of 'moe' clothes and others. Whatever moe means." Kanda just looked at him in confusion. "Pick one!" he smiled. It took a while before she could find something suitable. Most of the dresses had extremely short skirts or an excessive amount of cleavage. She found a black dress with white lace. Cross even kept woman's underwear in that closet. Kanda didn't know where or not to be shocked or disgusted.

"You look cute." Allen blushed.

"Che. Whatever."

"Here." He handed her a ribbon.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" she glared.

"To hide your ears. Here. Let me help." He gently took the ribbon that matched her dress and tied it to her head.

"It feels weird." She pouted.

"Well, we don't want anyone to see your ears." Allen led her from the closet to breakfast. When the two arrived, Cross, Tiedoll, and Kanda's 3 brothers were already there.

"Took you long enough, idiot nephew." Cross growled. "Then he noticed Kanda. "Who's this?" Before either of them could answer Tiedoll nearly burst at the seams with joy.

"YU-CHAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!!" He cheered. Sounding annoyingly like Lavi. Kanda groaned.

"Don't call me by my first name, Old man!" she practically hissed.

"Kanda?" What're you doing here?" Marie asked.

"Long story." Kanda sighed.

"This is your daughter?" Cross asked. Tiedoll nodded his head furiously in approval. He was so happy that he was crying tears of joy. Rather than tears of sadness. "Looks like the marriage is back on." Great. More work. Cross thought.

"Yay!" Allen cheered.

"I thought that you didn't want to get married." Cross said to Allen.

"That's what I thought. But then I met Yu!" he smiled.

"Kanda's got a boyfriend! Kanda's got a boyfriend!" Daisya teased. Chaoji the idiot laughed and sang along with his brother. Kanda attempted to pick up the plates and sharp utensils from the table and throw them. But Allen stopped her.

"Shut up!" she yelled at her brothers. That stopped them.

"Why don't you have your hair in a ponytail like you usually do?" Marie asked. He was very perceptive.

"I just felt like a change." She lied. Breakfast was nice and it wasn't long before the wedding came. Kanda had managed to keep her ears a secret. Only she and Allen knew. The two loved each other with all their hearts.

Sorry that it was so short. It's not that close to Peony in Love. It's a happier ending. But it had some attributes. Hope you all enjoyed it! ^^