This is the start of the end of 'Under His Shelter'. Five months later to make one final update… Better than the last update on Chapter 5.

I hope you guys have enjoyed this story, as much as I have to type it out (a difficult thing to do with a mind full of ideas and starting to become a procrastinator with college homework and social life).

Please don't forget to review. PLUS read my conclusion at the very end of the story for s little sneak peek.

Summary: Until the rainstorm comes to an end, Hilary will have to stay in the home of Kai Hiwatari. How bad can it be?

Warnings: KaixHilary hints! KaixHilary moments! Humor may be tough to amuse you when you are dealing with me… Ha, ha, ha…

Rating: T for Teen

Genre: Friendship/Romance, with hints of humor.

Pairing(s): KaixHilary

Disclaimer: Athena Midnight, formerly known as StarlightAngel101 DOES NOT own Beyblade in any shape or form. The only things that I own is the plot -cause it's my idea-, and the name of the butler, in which he'll be called Edward.

Under His Shelter

Chapter Six: Beginning

"Yesterday's storm did give the people the scare of their lives in the Tokyo district, but the aftermath is not a server as expected by the Environment Network of Japan (1).

"It's true that it was the worst rainstorm for the district almost twenty years ago, and most of the residence have prepared themselves for the worst possible from the storm.

"From the result of the storm: There were a few injuries relating to the storm, but none too severe or life-threatening. There had been damages to homes, parks, and vehicles which are estimated to be $100,000 thus far. Almost 800 residence loss power due to the storm; however the morning after the storm moved further up north, most of these residences got their electricity back. The electrical company says that those without power will get it sometime in the afternoon.

"The good news is that the next week will be spectacular. Especially the next three days when we will see warm temperatures, lots of sunshine, and little to no cloud covering. This is a good opportunity to clean up, and to enjoy the great outdoors.

"This is Karen Avalar, Tokyo News, Bakuten City." (A/N: Apologize for any misspelling with the name of the city the Beyblade series takes place. Please inform me of the correct spelling of the name.)

Two Days Later

Hilary walked her way to Tyson's dojo, as the team was going to do some training. It would be double the effort since they didn't do anything yesterday when Kai didn't show up… Well both Kai and Hilary.

When Hilary woke up after the stormy night, she was by herself in Kai's room. She noted that she was the only one who slept in the covers, whereas Kai slept on top of the cover and it was kept.

By the time she went to the guestroom she was supposed to sleep in, she saw her clothes from yesterday clean, dry, and folded on the bed.

After getting dressed, she grabbed her shopping bag and headed downstairs to the kitchen to find breakfast was set. The butler told her that after she ate, he was going to drive her home. When Hilary asked about Kai's whereabouts, the butler only told her that he had gone jogging, and won't be back soon.

So Hilary could only request the butler to thank Kai for the hospitality, though it brought her disappointed she cannot say it personally… but what was she thinking?

It would have been awkward enough that she and Kai really liked each other, and that the kissed, and stayed in Kai's bedroom for the night… and thanked God it just didn't go further than a kiss. An amazing kiss-

Hilary shook the thought out, not wanting to think about it, when there's training to do.

Reaching the corner to where Tyson's home is, she could hear the sounds of Tyson's minor complaints from what looks like the warm-ups.

"Give me a break! How many more till I die from this?"

"Hey!" yelled Kenny, who is known as Chief to everyone. "You're the one to talk! At least you can do more than 10 sit-ups!" (A/N:…Sorry Kenny…typical stereotype with the nerds…)

She could hear the grunts and the struggle in the team.

"Quit yapping Granger," Kai's voice erupted, "You have more training to do before you're done with this!"

As Hilary, entered the yard of the dojo, she was greeted by Tyson's grandpa, who too was doing some warm-ups. But only for the kendo class that he was teaching today.

"Morning, home-girl(2)," Grandpa Granger greeted, "All set to help the team out?"

"Yes, Grandpa(3)," Hilary answered as she bowed from the waist, a customary greeting in the Japanese culture. She hurried around the back yard of Tyson's home, and as she did so, she caught a glimpse of the team working on the sit-ups.

Tyson and Kenny were struggling on theirs; their grunts and struggle to get up before falling back down to the ground.

Max was doing well, though he had a bit of difficulty as he kept going.

Ray and Kai were doing it so well and flawlessly, it was no surprise that these two did some extra training when they weren't training with the team.

"Keep at it guys," Kai said as he kept doing his sit-ups.

It wasn't long when Kai went back down, that his sight of vision has caught Hilary. But he quickly went back up, doing just a few more pushes before calling everyone to finish off.

Tyson, Kenny, and Max were relief to hear the completion of the sit-ups.

But it wasn't long before Kai called the next warm-up activity.

"Twenty laps around the block!"

There were quite a few groans of dislike before they grudgingly did as they were told. Each of them headed out of Tyson's dojo, and before Kai could go out…

"Kai, can I talk to you?"

Kai looked back at Hilary. Hilary knew she got Kai's attention, so she told him what's she's planning to do.

"I wanted to say thank you again for allowing me to stay at your place during that storm…" she said.

She wasn't sure if she would go any further about the kiss, and if there will be a connection between her and Kai… it's would sounded right to tell him-

"Is that all?"

That answered her question… in a cold way. The way it was answered, it was as if Kai was being bothered with nonsense…

It made Hilary sad, but she answered as strongly as if she was not bothered by his words.

"Yes…that's all."

And Kai left her to do his laps with the other team members. Hilary headed back inside, preparing refreshments for their break on training.

Half an Hour Later…

As the guys returned from jogging around the block, Hilary came out from the dojo with a tray. The tray had six glasses filled with lemonade, ice, and straws.

"I brought you guys something to drink," Hilary said as she placed the tray on the wooden walkway. "And I'll be right back with the fruits."

As she hurried back inside, the guys each got themselves a glass. Tyson and Kenny drank most of their lemonade, exhausted from the "torture" as they (well more like Tyson) would say about how Kai trains them as beybladers. Max and Ray savored their lemonade, taking small sips at the time. The sounds of 'Mmmm…' can be heard as they love the taste of the lemonade Hilary made.

Kai stared at his glass for some time, but not because he didn't like it…

He was thinking about the very short conversation between him and Hilary. Boy wasn't he an ass-*beep*-… All she wanted to do was thank him for staying at his place for the night even though the butler told him when he returned to the mansion after his jogging routine. But she also wanted to say something else, he could tell from her body language.

It must be what happened on that night. They knew they really like each other; after all they kissed, they talked, and slept in the same room (A/N: They did not have sex!). But that was two days ago, and it could be that Hilary wants to know where they stand… Are they still friends? Going to date or take their relationship up a notch? Or unofficially official as he heard some of the girls say in the high school?

He knows that he is on the same boat as Hilary… He wasn't certain either on where they stand, but one thing's for sure, he better apologize for the rudeness he acted toward Hilary. And he knew it was a low call.

His thoughts were broken as Hilary called out that the fruits were here, and she placed it next to the tray with the glasses of lemonade. Tyson knocked himself out with the fruits, and soon all but him and Hilary went to get some fruit to eat.

Kai drank his lemonade half-way before deciding to have the other half later. As he put his glass to where the refreshments were, he decided to talk to Hilary about it…

"Hey, Kai… How about bey-battling with me first?"

Kai turned to look at Ray who had his beyblade out to show Kai he was ready to give it a go. And from the looks of it, Ray did some adjustments with his Drigger blade to test it out. Kai glanced at Hilary, at the same moment she was looking at him, but she quickly turn her head away from him.

"Yeah, whatever…"

Some Time Later…

It ended in a draw between Kai and Ray, and Tyson and Max were going to bey-battle next.

As Tyson and Max got ready at the bey-dish, Ray went to Kenny to get an analysis on his Drigger blade, while Kai found a spot to sit and rest till it was his turn again to battle.

Kai got a good view with the surroundings. He could see the dish and he is ready to see Tyson's and Max's beyblade movements. He could see Ray still listening to the Chief's stats on his blade's movements and techniques. Eventually, he went to see where Hilary is, and saw her standing next to the tree planted in Tyson's backyard.

She was focused on the bey-dish waiting to see the next beyblade action.






Both Max and Tyson yelled as they released their beyblade onto the bey-dish. Tyson's Dragoon blade went into the attack, and is charging at Max's Draciel blade, which is spinning in the centre. Both blades made contact, but Max's blade was able to keep its position in the center.

As the bey-battle went on, Kai still glance at Hilary thinking whether or not he should tell her now he was sorry for being cold…

It was worth a shot.

So Kai got up from where he sat, and head towards Hilary. Hilary turned her head to see Kai walking towards her but she went back into watching the bey-battle.

As he approached her, he said, "Hilary, can I talk to you? It's about what happened a while ago…"


Everyone looked at Tyson, who was the one to cry out. Shock showed his face, as something had happened in the bey-dish.

Tyson and Max saw what has happened so no one else knew. For some reason as Tyson's blade was rebounded by Max's defense technique, his blade suddenly went out of control before regaining its balance. At first, he thought he was lucky that his blade didn't stop spinning. But when Tyson called out for Dragoon to attack, as the beyblade started to turn, it went out of control, and went out of the bey-dish.

The worst part was that the blade was going straight at Hilary, and Hilary was shocked about the beyblade going out that she didn't have time to move away. She was paralyzed from where she is standing.

"Hilary, look out!" Max yelled out too late.

Luckily, Kai pushed Hilary down – along with himself – to avoid getting hit by Tyson's beyblade. Kai wrapped his arm around Hilary's waist and brought her as close to him as possible.

Kai made sure that he would be the first to hit the ground by having his side of the body to brace the impact. As he hit the ground, he could begin feeling the pain on his elbow as it was hit and dragging on the grass and dirt. Kai made a sound from his throat to express the pain he felt.

Tyson's beyblade hit against the wall that surrounds the dojo before it too fell to the ground. It made a small hole on the ground before it stopped spinning.

It was a matter of seconds that everyone, but Kai, was in shock of what just happened…



"Are you guys alright?"

All of them called out as they hurried to their two friends.

Hilary now stunned to know Kai saved her once more… she looked at him as they pull away from each other slowly, and got themselves sitting/kneeling on the ground. She saw Kai in pain, but had a general idea as to why he would be in pain, until Kai with his hand put it on his elbow. When he touched his elbow, he hissed in pain as he then got up to his feet slowly.

"I am fine…" her voice trailed off, as she quickly got up and went to Kai. She pulled Kai's hand away from his elbow, and what she saw, she said, "But Kai isn't!"

Other than the residue of dirt and grass on his elbow, she could see small amounts of blood. His elbow was scraped bad.

"Tyson! Do you have a first-aid kit in your house?" Hilary asked, but it sounded more of a demand.

"Uh, yes… It should be in the bathroom cabinet below the sink," Tyson answered.


Hilary pulled Kai with her, as she and Kai went into the dojo.

"What just happened, Tyson?" Max said. "This isn't usual for your Dragoon to fly off from a turn. And you have the capability to control your beyblade most of the time… What even happened?"

"I don't know…" Tyson answered. He hurried to where his beyblade was. Picking it up, he quickly observes the blade, till the sound of shock came out of him.

"What is it?" asked the Chief. He went to Tyson's side, and as he too looked at his beyblade, he was stunned as well.

The tip of the Dragoon blade base for some reason was damaged. Half of the tip was missing…

"Tyson, don't worry… It can be fixed," Kenny said, as he took the blade from Tyson's hand, "It will take a few days, after I figure out how to prevent it from happening again."

"…It's just that if Kai wasn't there with Hilary, she could have been seriously injured," Tyson said.

"But it's a good thing he was there, despite being injured from helping her," Max said.

"So relax," Ray said as he joined in with the others.

'But what I know is that the incident may have brought something good to happen sooner or later,' Ray thought as he looked to the dojo and smiled. It would be about time that they would at least know about their feelings for one another…

Kai hissed once more, as the alcohol used for cleaning wound was applied on to his elbow with a medium-sized cotton ball.

When Kai and Hilary reached to the bathroom, it wasn't long to find the first-aid kit in the cabinet as Tyson told them where it was.

Hilary opened the kit and was glad that what she needed was all there. There was a bottle of the alcohol disinfection, cotton balls and pads, bandages, and anything that could fit in a kit for emergencies.

Kai sat on the edge of the bathtub, while Hilary sat on the toilet with the lid closed.

She had not wasted anytime preparing to disinfect the wound on Kai's elbow before covering it in a bandage.

"I'm almost done…" After cleaning the wound, Hilary put the bottle (after closing it) back into the kit and brought out the bandages.


Kai looked at Hilary as she prepared to wrap the bandage around his elbow.

"Thank you…"

"…You're welcome…" Kai responded. Even from his cold action before the incident, she was true to her nature. Kind and always setting aside things when there is something important to do… He felt didn't deserve her thanks after what he said to her before the incident… He must say it now!

"Hilary, I am sorry…" Kai said.

Hilary paused herself from wrapping his elbow. She looked up to him mildly shock to hear him apologize.


"I was a jerk for saying that to you, when you just wanted to thank me for the hospitality," Kai explained. "I am truly sorry for that… And I know you wanted to say something else too…"

Hilary couldn't pull herself to say what she wanted to talk to Kai about. So she quickly finished off the wrapping on his elbow.

"I wanted to ask about the night in your room…" Hilary trailed off.

She hurried to put the bandage back into the kit, and putting the first aid kit back into the cabinet.

"…I just…I just… Don't know what to say about it," Hilary said, "Where do we stand after that? I wasn't sure if were still friends… or more than friends. I know we've kiss that's for sure, but that night I got to know you more, than knowing not much about you in more than two years…"

Soon Kai's hand taken hold of her own, and he gently squeezed her hand.

"That's what I was thinking too," he answered. "I wasn't certain where our relationship is either. I was afraid that it would be very awkward after we kissed, because we have been friends…"

And considering what happened… from the past and now… he really cared for her.

"I believe I have an idea where I stand between us… but I want you to be there with me. I was a jerk to you, and I am sorry… Will you forgive me and be where I want us to stand?"

Kai leaned towards Hilary, cupping both sides of her face and leaning in to kiss her lips softly. She was stunned but quickly recovered as she felt relief about what they talked. With both of her hands on his chest and grasping a bit of his black jacket, she pulled him close to her.

It only lasted for a moment before they pulled back. Hilary blushed as she slightly regains her breath. Kai too recover to his normal breathing pattern.

"…I would like that," Hilary answered, "And I forgive you."

Both Kai and Hilary smiled finally understanding where they stand.

They were friends for two years… and now… it was the beginning of their new relationship.


(1) I made it up.

(2) Tyson's grandpa does say "home-girl" to Hilary in Episode 8 of the Beyblade V-Force series. This was when she had the training schedule to help them control their beyblades with the magnetic core (I think that was the issue with their beyblade at the time).

(3) Same thing happened in Episode 8 of the Beyblade V-Force series. Here, Hilary was allowed to call Tyson's grandpa…'Grandpa' near the end of the episode.

Wow… I finally finished another multi-chapter story. I hope you guys enjoyed it. At least this update was done in about five months….compared to the NINE MONTH UPDATE on the last chapter. I am glad that the timing was shorter for those who can't wait for that long.

But I planned to write some more stories…but I NEED YOUR HELP!

Okay, I planned to write a rated-M, KaixHilary story and I got an overall idea to the story, so I am hoping to post it here in .

HOWEVER I am stuck between two ideas that are similar to each other in terms of plot, but they are different! I want you to help me by voting which idea is better, plus I would like to hear some ideas or suggestions to get me into thinking what I should write as I go along.

Here are the ideas:

1) Kai is a vampire, and he and another vampire are kind of "fighting" over Hilary. This takes place at a "vacation town" in the summer. Where there are many tourists, there are vampires that like a population of meals to drink from with conditions to keep their species secret.

2) Kai, Hilary, and the gang are humans. There is a vampire that moves into the city, and he believes that Hilary is his lost love. While the vampire tries to persuade Hilary that she is his soul-mate, Kai wants Hilary to know that he cares for her. With two boys to win over Hilary's love, there is a secret to what happened to the vampire's previous lover.

So help me decide which of these ideas should be the next fic after the rated-M one, and add in any ideas that you would like to see.

Until then, I will begin writing out the KaixHilary, M fic, and thank you for the support!

Peace Out,

Athena Midnight