Thanks so MUCH for those awesome reviews. You guys just don't know how good it makes me feel when I check my inbox and see people have reviewed. Some one noticed the slight resemblance the last chapter had with a scene from Ice Princess. I was watching the movie at the time while typing this. So I just had to use it!

Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, they more like own me.


Gabriella was examining herself in the long mirror in Troy's room. She was holding up her shirt staring at her stomach in disbelief. She finally had her baby bump.

She had been living with the Bolton's for about a month now. Everything was going smooth, but she still hadn't spoken a word to her mother since she moved out. Lucille Bolton was much more supporting than her own mother, Lucille was actually excited to have her first grandchild. Coach Bolton…well he was very disappointed that Troy's basketball future has been thrown away. But they assured him that it wasn't the end. Yes it would be a little harder, but they weren't going to throw away their educations.

Gabriella was still looking at her new shape, when Troy walked up behind her. He put his arms across her stomach and she looked up at him.

"Is it really noticeable?" She asked him

"Not really, you can barely see it in that loose shirt." Troy said

"It's still hard to believe that I have a tiny human inside of me" Gabriella said, she had finally grasped the idea of being a parent, and all that would come with it.

"Yeah" Said Troy thinking almost the exact same thing

"Look at the time Troy, we are almost late for school" Gabriella said, breaking the moment.

Their fellow classmates were also supporting about the baby. There were a few people who gave them a little trouble, spreading rumors and saying rude things. But most students wouldn't dare mess with East High's King Troy Bolton.

Gabriella on the other hand had many comments thrown at her, she had received numerous letters in her locker saying things like "Slut" or "How does it feel to ruins Troy's future". There were also many rumors going around about how it wasn't troy's baby and that she got pregnant intentionally. She soon learned to ignore the stupid rumors and the ignorant people who spread them.


Sharpay was just finishing getting ready for school, when Ryan knocked on her door.

"Hey Shar, you about ready?" He asked

"Um, yeah. Just let me go use the restroom really quick" She said

When she entered her bathroom, the first thing she did was pull out the scale. Sharpay depended on that little scale to tell her the truth, everyone called her "thin" and "petite", but her pink specially ordered scale would tell her the truth.

She stepped on it, 89 pounds. This was four pounds from last week. Sharpay had been losing weight rapidly. She knew this wasn't what normal people would call "healthy", but it had been working.

"O.K Ry, I'm ready" She said stepping out of the bathroom.


"Gaby!" Taylor called out. The two had their overdramatic reunion in the hallway, hugging like that hadn't seen each other in years, when it reality it was just last night.

"I see you have put on a little extra weight" Taylor pointed out. Gabriella smacked her arm.

"Tay!" Gabriella said, trying to sound offended. "Troy told me no one would notice."

"I was just kidding; No one is going to notice unless they are like staring at your stomach." Taylor said reassuringly.

"Gabs and Tay!" Sharpay called joining the other two girls.

"Hey Shar" They both said.

"So how are you doing little mommy?" Sharpay asked Gabriella

"Good, if you overlook the fact that I haven't spoken to the woman who calls herself my mother in a month" Gabriella said

"I'm sorry Gabs, but you don't need her in your life if she is just going to be so negative" Sharpay said

"I know, it's just that she was the only person I had in my life. And she just abandoned me when I needed her. I mean Troy's parents are great and everything, but my mother was the only real family I had left." Gabriella said tears threatening to spill over at any time.

"Aww gabs" Taylor said. Her and Sharpay hooked their arms into Gabriella's "You'll always have us"

"Thanks guys" Gabriella said

"So what's been up with you Tay?" Sharpay asked

"Oh you know the usual drama with Chad, we are arguing all the time. I picked up his phone when it was ringing yesterday, and he just about chewed my head off." Taylor said

"What do you think is up with him?" Gabriella asked

"I honestly have no clue" Taylor said


School had gone by fairly quickly for Chad. He had plans to stop by Troy's house after school for Basketball. After picking up his little sister and dropping her off at home, he went to straight to Troy's house.

"How's it going man" Troy said, giving his best friend dap when he entered his backyard

"It's all good. Ready to get your ass kicked?" Chad asked him

Troy looked around "Kobe Bryant isn't here, so I think you are the one that's going to get their ass kicked today"

"Then let's do this" Chad said.

After a long and sweaty game of basketball, the boys decided to finally take a break.

"So how's Gabriella and the kid?" Chad asked

"They're good, she going into her third month now." Troy said

"So, she has like three month left right?" Chad said

"No, doofus. Get your math right, it's more like six months" Troy said


"So everything going good with Taylor?" Troy asked

"I guess, I mean I know I love her and everything but…" Chad said

"But what?"

"Look dude, you better not say a word to Gabriella about this."

"I won't, just tell me what's up"

"Well I'm kind of seeing someone on the side" Chad said

"You're what!" Troy just about jumped out of his seat "How can you be cheating on Taylor, dude?"

"I don't know, at first it was just a little thing I had going on with Jennifer, but now it has turned out to be a full blown affair" Chad said

"You know the smart thing to do would be to end it dude" Troy said

"I know, and I plan on ending it soon." Chad said "I really do care for Taylor, and I hate that I'm doing this to her."

"Does she even suspect anything?" Troy asked

"Not a thing." Chad replied

See Chad isn't that much of an asshole. I hope you like this chapter, I know there wasn't much Troyella, but since I dedicated the entire last chapter to them, I wanted to give the other characters a little bit of writing time.

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