SamPD: Well gents, sorry for the small delay. Had to deal with a troublesome reptile with a box, but other than that, everything is going to plan.

Terrance: Except your last chapter had there as their, as well as another useless addition, like your damned calander system, which is by al-

SamPD: Terrance? I am going to explain this to you in the most reasonable way possible. I HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR *BEEP* YOU WH- *Is smashed by a Sandshrew hurled by Terrance.*

Terrance: Hahaha! Serves ya right you brain dead moron! Revenge never tasted so sweet! That'll teach that barbarian a lesson not to mess with me. I mean, he sucks! He can't even get the dates right. If that isn't enough, that bloody bantha has gone and decided to start from the beginning! Should have thought of that earlier dumbass! I mean, his timeline and story-

Ruby: *Gets up from being hurled by Terrance, grumbling incoherently.* Ruby the Sandshrew here, sorry about the mess. *Looks at Terrance's ranting, then sweatdrops.* As his backup just incase anything happens to him, I will be serving in his place for today. The author of this story is currently in the process of sorting everything out, while not trying to kill the original spirit, whatever that is, of the story. Please keep in mind that this takes time, and the author apologies for both this and the delay. As for the calendar... Yeah, I agree with Terrance on that, so if you'll please be nice enough to send something better than this before he destroys the timeline.

Currently, after failing to come up with a calendar based on the moon cycles, he decided to have the calendar based on something more understandable and traditional, but I beg that you try and provide something superior. There is an example that has been provided, but due to plot, timeline inconsistencies and so on, it is currently in an unfinished prototype form, so apologizes on Sam's behalf. In the meanwhile, enjoy the chapter and ignore the date for the moment while I sort out Terrance before he wreaks the place. As quote: Without further ado, let's begin!

Date: HW (Human World) : Dec 5 ?

Guardian Time: 100 - Day 5 of the White Rain

… I honestly didn't know what just happened... I felt like a reality check was suddenly just slammed into me with a forced of a car, times x10. That was how my soul felt just right after what she just said. I just looked at her, dumbfounded, then quickly regaining my composure, praying to whatever deity that was out there to grace me with mercy, but then again, I probably did something to royally piss em off. Whatever it was, I had a different, more dire situation that I had my attention on.

"... Excuse me Bess, what are you implyi-"

She charged me... Charged... The shock I received from that alone left me just standing there like an idiot... "She charged me... I didn't know birds could charge... She didn't even give me the chance of finishing my sentence." Those were my immediate thoughts. But I soon had other things to think about. Right after bouncing me back on my tailfeathers, something from the rafters above swooped down with speed that I didn't have time to react to, pinning me down on the cold hard floor, clenching my neck in a death grip, which gave me trouble to even breath. A glimpse of who my captor was reveal a Great Gray.

Something that just unnerved me very much so.

"Ack, augh, Bess, what in the Hagsmire are you doing!" I choked out, struggling to get a breath in. "This is just for your own good Pas." She stated bluntly. "Like hell it is you afglarf." They then proceeded to take me down into the cave system, being dragged the whole way. Try as I might, I couldn't escape the death grip that the damn barbarian had on me. Glaring at him alone would have accomplished more. After sometime, we arrived in a room in part of the cave system that hasn't been explored yet. The Gray then tossed me into a corner of the room. The sudden landing jarred me, knocking the wind out of me for a moment. Whether Bess cared or not, she didn't show, whispering something to the Great Grey, who then proceeded to guard the only entrance into the room.

A glimpse of my surroundings revealed that, though the room was spacious, it was illuminated poorly by the Sun's rays, the windows were just big enough to let enough light in, but trying to get through them would require shrinking myself, not even a rat could crawl through them. Only some candles in a part of the room far from the corner I was thrown in was illuminated well enough. At that area, was a table that had a few objects on it. After a few seconds at peering at it, horror and despair welled up inside me. Those "objects" just happened to be some of my belongs that I managed to scrape in my time in this world, even my journal which I hidden so well. A glance around the room revealed Bess was nowhere to be seen, only the Grey stationed at the entrance.

My brain went into overdrive, trying to piece together what happened, why, how she found it, and so on and so forth. It was in a rushing frenzy to say the least. But nothing came to me, much to my ever adding misery as of recent. Things were about to get worse though. Much, much worse. After some time, the Grey turned around and muttered at what I could only assume was Bess with anyone's guess as to what it is. Then the bad moment came. First to enter was Bess, unsurprisingly, who took a position at the table. But who came next was the real breaking point for me. Slamming a battle claw into my chest would have been preferable at the time.

Then three Barn owls entered, the first one... She seemed familiar, like I knew her from before as a young chick... No, she is in the safety of that family, no way she could be here. Then there was one who seemed to have a warming aura about him, his face of reassurance as he took a quick glance at me, then proceed to take a position with Bess at the table. Following him in tow was a slightly bigger Barn owl, who had a scar running above his left eye. His seemed to gaze at me in for a moment, the gazing unnerving me to my core, who then proceeded to take a seat next to the other counterpart. It took me a full five seconds before the scar registered something in my memory, jostling terror to rouse me up to full alertness. "I-.. It can't be! Oh good god, there are only two individuals that have that... That s-scar! What have I done to deserve this. I'm done for!" I thought miserably to myself, collapsing into the corner, my strength failing me for a mere moment before I regained my composure. "I... Must... Remain... Strong..." I whispered to myself, anything to calm the anxiety that was building up inside me. It didn't help though when I noticed the one with the scar was reading at my journal. I wished at that moment to faint right there on the spot to spare me this agony, if only for a short time. Then I noticed three other individuals that were already "seated" at the table, two smaller owls, an Elf owl who seem to be the inquisitive one, seemingly putting in other things into their conversation which had already started. A Burrowing owl sat there, who I guess was waiting for the right moment to add his input...

Perspective: 3rd Person

"And a spotted owl... Why is this one staring at me? Just stay calm, this is just... Oh just screw it, there isn't any use in denying it! It's the freakin Band here with Otulissa and Coryn! What the hell am I supposed to do? This could, no will screw up the storyline here, I just know it!" Terrance/Pas thought to himself, his mood glum as the night. He clutched his amulet for good measure, trying to comfort himself. Then something snapped within him, anger slowly building up inside him, eating away at his heart, soul and gizzard. "No... They are treating me like a damned prisoner! I haven't done a fareting thing to deserve this. Damnit! I am a weakling and foolish enough to think things would end up well here. Just another bloody fantasy, that it."

He thought to himself, rage trembling within, his composure waning a little, but holding steady. "No, they haven't show malice yet, they are good at heart, I have a chance, but they tossed me in here like... AUGH! My head... Why did this have to happen? Ugh... I just have to sit tight here, nothing else I could do at the moment to prevent the inevitable." Terrance concluded. He simply decided to observe the group discussing amongst themselves, wilfing a bit sometimes when the glanced in his direction. Deciding to preoccupy himself with something else in the meantime to avoid their gaze he formulated scenarios of what could happen, formulating an appropriate response, or so he hoped, to lessen any damage that could occur. However, due to that, he failed to notice that Gylfie who was observing him, dropped out of the conversation after being given the approval of Soren to approach him. She had plenty of things to worry about as she approached the rather unusually civilized crow who was huddled in a corner, seemingly to her deep in thought. "I just hope this ends well. Glaux, I should have told Twilight be gentle with him, not toss him across the room, even though he could be a slipgate." Sighing to herself, she approached the crow with caution, who still didn't notice her.

That changed when he glanced in her direction, his expression changed into horror as he cawed in alarm, backing away from Gyfie. To her relief however, he quickly regained his composure, sureing up himself, then stood firm as he stared at the little owl, his expression encrypted, though he seemed to grip the ground tighter with his talons. As she prepared to confront Pasllou, he made the first move.

"So what brings you here little one? I think the answer has already presented itself to me many times, but perhaps you could concluded my suspicions." This caught Gyfie off guard for a moment before she responded. "I would like to apologizes on Twilight's behalf. He is one of the more course of our group." She worded carefully.

He churred at this. "None taken mad'am." His expression darkened. "But I would advise you treat those you imprison with a bit more dignity, rather than toss them across the room like a barbarian."

His tone was harsh, his irritation was evident.

He felt unease from Gyfie and was quick to rectify it. "Ehehe, I hope I didn't sound threatening there, umm, I don't believe we have introduced ourselves." She eyed him carefully, he seemed to be hiding something, but what? "Gyfie Pas, Guardian of Ga'hoole." She responded. "Gyfie eh? A rather nice ring to it, it sounds of cunning but a kind spirit. But I assume that we aren't here for formalities correct?" His spoke in a cautioned tone, glancing at the others who went quiet, their stares unnerving him.

"If you are just going to sit there and stare at me, you may as well come over and introduce yourselves. I find it unnerving and rude to stare at someone who you just decided for no apparent reason decided to throw into a room and block the only entrance!" He hissed. "As for you Bess... Thank you for ramming me, it isn't as though you could have led me here peacefully." She grimaced, but she stood there silent, ever wary.

"We have reasons to believe that you may infact be a slipgate for the Pure Ones." Gyfie stated. He suddenly closed the gap between him and Gyfie, the others rushing to her defense in alarm. His aura darkened, sorrow and rage were in complete effect. "Me? A slipgate for scum like them! HOW DARE YOU ACCUSING ME OF SPYING! You insolent bat brained idiot!" His tone harsh and loud. He stood face to face with the little Elf owl, who wilfed at his sudden outburst. "I will have you know, I would not shed blood unless it is required to either live or protect myself. I have seen their brutal ways. Their so called "Purity" is nothing short of stupidity or desperation. You wanna know what they did to those of a family of Barn owls that kindly took me in? They slaughter them all, save for one of the hatchlings that was only a week old at even let me name her Cheri. They were the only family that ever accepted me, and it would have stayed that way... Until they came. I could still see how their battle claws tore their wings off, then just to satisfiy their bloodlust, they had them torched by flames. I could still hear their screams, the agony. I couldn't do anything to save them! As if that weren't bad enough, their little Cheri became gravely ill.

Thankfully by that time, the other families in that area were starting to trust me... They... They trusted me finally. But at the cost of the only family before that killed in the worst of ways? I had to take vengeance against them. A family of grass owls were kind enough to take her in, saying that I should stay and care for the chick. But have you ever heard of a crow tutoring a Barn owl? I wouldn't be able to do that, they could. I could still hear little Cheri begging me to stay with her."

Pas was on the verge of breaking, collapsing against the wall of the room.

But those Pure Ones signed their deaths when they decided to ruin my life, little Cheri's, and her family. I will never forgive them for that. I searched for them and found them, or rather found me... The ones who murdered the family. I got at least one of them before they tore me apart... This is what I got for my troubles." He sobbed, revealing deep jagged scar running across his left wing, leaving flesh where feathers once were. "Something that isn't a lie... Oh Cheri..."

"Wait, you said her name was Cheri? The unknown Barn Owl asked."

The others looked at each other, they seemed to know this individual.

Clutching his amulet, he slowly stood and face the unknown Barn owl.

"Yes, she even called me her uncle... Something worth living and dying for. Wait, is she dead! Has something happened to her? Your expressions tell me something has, what happened?

The Barn owl stepped forward.

"Uncle, it's me, Cheri." Pas just stood there, his eyes wide, then he collapsed from pure shock, almost fainting. "Ch-Cheri?"

The Barn owl preened the wreak of a crow, she even seem to smile, even though she only a beak. "Yes uncle, i'm here." Pas fainted...


Groaning, SamPD slowly rose as he dusted himself off.

Looking around, he saw that Terrance and Ruby were at the bar, conversing with each other when they noticed him awoken.

"Oh jeez, let me guess, you are just gonna hurl Ruby right back at me, correct?" He asked. "Actually, no..." Terrance stated.

SamPD blinked. "Okay, I must be dreaming or high, because I could just swear you aren't ranting right now, throwing things at m-

Ruby step down from the chair she was sitting on, handing him a drink. "You aren't dreaming Einstein. He actually thinks you improved. You own me 300 bucks by the way. Here is to prove it." With that, she whacked him with her tail. "OKAYOKAY! I GET IT!"

He yelled, handing her the $300. But he chuckled. "Well Terrance, at least you won't clobber me anymore, plus you won't be receiving a nasty suprise that I was about to inflict on you."

Both Ruby and Terrance looked each other and

sweatdropped. "Ehehe, Chief? What did you mean by that?"

Ruby asked, concern obvious in her voice, after all, he was known for being absolutely nasty. That was when he was in a good mood.

"Oh nothing to worry about, you two go along now, play at the arcade or something, I need to fix this mess you caused, he gestured, the room almost and absolute wreak.

"Okaaay..." They both said, walking out the door.

"Hehe, don't worry folks, they will both feel pain.

As for Ruby, perhaps a cameo for a new story? We'll see.

And I apologize for plot inconsistencies and so forth.

I know the story is riddled with them.

I will eventually rewrite them, but for now, things will stay as they are.

This is SamPD out. Oh, get that OC in or I kill the story...

GOT YA, HAHAHA! You should have seen your face chap!

Suddenly, both Terrance and Ruby ran straight back inside, gasping for breath. SamPD turned Pale. "Please don't tell me it is the fans."

He moaned. They just nodded.

"Augh, looks like it is time for the Annihilator."

He stated in an evil tone.

"Chief, what is that?" Terrance asked.

"You'll see in the next chapter, meantime, time for a killing sphree!"

*A starfighter suddenly appears and SamPD jumps into it, flying into the air and bombing the fans below, running in terror from it, with one attempting to take it down with a Stinger missle, only to be blasted into anti matter.