A/N: I can't believe it…I just finished writing the last of The Games We Play. It's done! I wrote three different versions before I was satisfied with it, so I do hope you'll like it. Enjoy reading the last of the story of Bella and Eddie. Love, A.
Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight, but parts of the plot are mine.
Warm, soft and comfy…this is something I can get used to. I thought as I slowly regained my senses while I was walking up, laying safely in Eddie's arms. He was still fast asleep and I placed a light kiss on his cheek before I started to untangle myself from him. He groaned loudly as he felt me slip away, and he pulled me closer to him in his sleep. I smiled down at him before lightly shaking him.
"Eddie, it's time to wake up." I whispered to him and I watched as he started to come around. "Good morning."
"Morning." He grumbled and I smiled yet again, Eddie wasn't a morning person, which I had noticed over the summer as we had taken every opportunity to share a bed.
"You wanna stay in bed while I shower?" I asked, knowing the words 'shower' and 'I' in the same sentence might be enough to wake him up.
Apparently not that day, because as I forced him to release me so I could stand up, he simply pulled the cover over his head and went back to sleep. It made me giggle quietly as I grabbed the outfit Alice had left on my chair before she had gone to bed the night before and I walked into the bathroom. Over the summer, Alice had taken to sleeping in Jasper's room while Eddie was staying over, and she had continued to do so after Jasper had left for college. She missed him, and it wasn't the easiest for her to see Eddie and me together. It got better if she stayed in Jasper's room, she felt closer to him when she did.
I exited the shower, drying my hair before I got dressed and put on my clothes – a blue summer dress with a white cardigan and a silver necklace. I was tempted to bring a glass of water with me to use to wake Eddie up, but I figured that it wasn't the best idea if I didn't want to wake up the same way soon, so I headed back out without it. I pulled back the cover from his face and covered it with small kisses instead, making Eddie smile and open his eyes.
"I have to say that I enjoy waking up this way a lot more that by my normal alarm clock." He said with a smirk and I rolled my eyes.
"Get your ass out of bed and get ready, I'll start the breakfast." I demanded and left the room after one last kiss.
As I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen I heard him getting up and moving around. I started the coffee machine, knowing it would wake him up for real and I made an easy breakfast consisting of cereal, fruit and toast. Cynthia came down as I was setting the table and helped me prepare the last few things before we started eating. Eddie still wasn't done, I loved the fact that he took longer to get ready than I did.
"Excited to start school?" I asked Cynthia with a smile as I started eating and she nodded rapidly.
"It's gonna be awesome!" She exclaimed and clapped her hands, just like her sister did when she was really happy about something. "I'm a big girl now."
"Yes, you are." I agreed and looked up as I heard footsteps in the stairs.
Eddie entered the kitchen, looking somewhat mere alive and his hair was perfectly styled to look like bed-hair. I snickered as I saw him, but took pity and handed him a cup of coffee.
"Hi, Eddie!" Cynthia squealed and waved at him, though all she got back was a small smile and a nod.
A few minutes, and a cup of coffee later, Eddie started eating some of the food on the table and started talking with Cynthia. We all looked up as Alice came into the kitchen, looking dead on her feet, and yet her outfit, hair and makeup was perfect – if you overlooked the circles under her tired eyes and the too sad smile on her face.
"Morning, sunshine." Eddie said to her, forgetting that he had looked very much the same ten minutes earlier.
He earned a glare from Alice, and she stole his second cup of coffee. Alice had been up since 4 o'clock so she would be able to talk to Jasper before we went to school. She wasn't in her best mood, but she got better once she had gotten some caffeine and something to eat. Also, once she got to do something the normal, the overexcited pixie came back.
"We're leaving in ten minutes." I reminded everyone before I went up the stairs to brush my teeth and get my bag. "We're dropping Cynthia off at the station first, so Dad can go with her on her first day of school."
Alice nodded and Eddie gave me a smile. Cynthia was so excited that she had trouble sitting still, so she shot up next to me instead of staying seated and followed me up. As I had everything, including Alice's bag and Eddie's wallet and such, I walked back down to pick a jacket and put on my black ballet flats.
"Cynthia and I are leaving now, whoever wants to come with us better get over here." I shouted as Cynthia joined me, having a tight hold on her new bag – a gift from her parents, seeing as they couldn't be home on her first day of school.
Both Eddie and Alice joined us, knowing very well that they would most likely not made it to school on time if they didn't leave with me.
"Shotgun!" Eddie called like some young kid and I giggled as he raced Cynthia to the door, letting her win but then helping her into the backseat.
As he did, Alice sneaked up behind him and stole the front seat, making me laugh loudly at Eddie's disappointed face as he realized what had happened.
"Evil girl!" He started as he got in next to Cynthia and Alice quickly turned up the music to drown out his whining.
Thirty minutes later we were seated in the auditorium, waiting for the principal to start his speech. We had been among the first to arrive, so we sat in the front road along with Chris, Kate, Angela, Jacob and Tia. Kate was busy texting, probably with Adam, who had started on a college in Seattle. Chris, Tia and Alice were discussing the beginning of school party that would take place at Eddie's, after the introduction in school. Eddie hadn't had to do anything, seeing as Alice never turned down an opportunity to plan a party. Angela was listening in and shook her head at them, most likely based on Chris ideas of a great theme. So far he had suggested a Mouline Rouge theme, an Indian theme and a vampire theme – when it was a pool party. Eddie was having fun messing up my hair, though I had stopped caring after the twelfth time. I looked up as our principal walked onto the small stage and he did his best to make everyone quiet down.
"Welcome, all new students, to Forks High, and to all of you who are coming back, welcome back for another exciting year here." He started and I suppressed a yawn, it was always the same speech. "I hope you all had a good summer and that you are looking forward to this new school year just as much as I and the rest of the teaches staff are. I do however want to remind you to refrain from breaking the school rules, as you will be punished. I will not tolerate any cheating, mobbing, stealing or vandalism."
I almost snorted out loud as he said the last two things, our school had nothing worth stealing and the closest students came to vandalism was messing up the janitor's closet while making out in it.
"Any breaking of the rules will lead to repercussions. Now, on to more pleasant matters." The principal said. "Help me welcome Coach Carr on stage, and give a large applause to our basketball team who won the district championship last year."
All the students broke out in a large applause and whistles as our coach walked onto the stage. Chris caught my eye, winked and puffed out his chest as they were all applauding him. I rolled my eyes and mouthed: "You wish" with a found smile.
"Thank you all for your continued support for both me and the team." Our coach started as the crowed quieted down. "I'm very proud over all of the members of the team that won us the championship, both those who are here today and those who have moved on to college. The main reason to why I'm standing before you today is to announce our new captain, seeing as last year's captain, Jasper Swan-Whitlock, has graduated."
Once again all the students started applauding and I glanced over at Alice, who was seated next to me. She was smiling and clapping along with everyone else but the smile didn't really reach her eyes, I knew she was missing Jasper just as much as I was right that minute.
"This year I had a hard time picking the new captain, seeing as there is quite a few people deserving the spot."
"It's going to be you." I whispered quietly to Eddie who was sitting with his arm thrown casually around my shoulders.
"It is as likely to be either you or Chris." Eddie replied with a gentle smile, a smile that was reserved only for me.
"Naw, you'll see." I stated – I was sure the spot was his.
"I decided to do a little different this year, and we won't only have a captain but also a co-captain. It will make sure that the captain won't have to deal with as much pressure, seeing as the work can be divided." The coach told us and I exchanged a glance with Chris before we turned back to hear who were going to be named. "So, without further ado, this year's captain is Edward Cullen and his co-captain will be Isabella Swan-Whitlock."
I felt a wide smile spread over my face and I turned to Eddie just in time to see his matching grin. I stood up and pulled him with me so we together made our way to the stage. We both shook hands with our coach and he gave me a wink, before gesturing us to say something to the rest of the students. I looked pointedly at Eddie, he rolled his eyes with an easy grin but stepped up to the microphone.
"Hello everyone, it's a great honor to stand here today, being your new captain. I know that I have large shoes to fill, trying to top the best captain this team has ever had, but I'm gonna try my best. Fortunately, I do have help consisting of Bella, the sister of our last captain, and I'm sure that we can together bring our school to victory a second time. Now, let's make this year a great one!" Eddie ended his short speech with a huge grin as the rest of the students cheered on.
Eddie pushed me towards the microphone and I took the chance to share with the students what Coach Carr and I had discussed over the summer.
"Hi, I can't really put in words how happy I am to be appointed co-captain, it is something I have never dared to dream about. I just want to tell you that I have during the summer worked out a training schedule to begin a second basketball team here, for girls only. I do hope all you girls will sign up, and there are no requirements on knowing anything in advance, seeing as it's only for fun." I told them, and I saw surprise on a lot of faces, as well as expectation. "And, like Eddie said, let this be a good year."
The applauded again and I dragged Eddie with me off the stage, where I was sure he would have stayed the rest of the day if I hadn't – he enjoyed being the centre of attention. Alice gave me large hug, squealing excitedly and I was shocked that she wasn't jumping up and down with all the energy she was radiating.
"Jazz says 'Congratulations' to both of you!" She exclaimed as we sat down and I smiled at her, she couldn't sit still.
Thankfully the principal said a few last things and then he let us go. Jasper and I got a lot of congratulations, from pretty much everyone in school, and I got some questions about the girls' basketball team as we headed towards the parking lot.
"This year is going to be so awesome!" Alice squealed as we got in the car to go to Eddie's house to finish the last of the preparations. "I can feel it!"
I simply laughed, shaking my head at the bubbly pixie and Eddie rolled his eyes.
"Has anyone ever told you how alike you and Tinkerbelle are?" Eddie asked with a smirk. "A Tinkerbelle on crack, that is."
I burst out laughing, both at the comment and at Alice's offended face. Alice turned towards the window with a loud huff, but not before I saw her small smile. I reached for Eddie's hand, settling to drive with just one, and as he took it I gave him a wide smile.
"It's going to be a pretty amazing year, isn't it Lover-Boy?" I asked with a smile.
"It is, Baby-Girl." Eddie replied, placing a soft kiss to the back of my hand before squeezing it tightly. "Since you're spending it with me."
I laughed loudly at his cocky attitude, which I then knew was just a façade he used to make me smile. I heard Alice snort from the backseat and Eddie flashed her a smile in the review mirror.
"You know what? It's going to be amazing, because we get to spend it together." I stated and glared at the pair of them, daring them to argue.
Alice smiled, somewhat sadly, and Eddie nodded in agreement. It was our last year in high school, the last year before we had to face the real world, and I was going to make the most of it.
A/N: So, there it is (cheesy ending and all)! I hope you enjoyed reading it and that you think it's a good ending to my story The Games We Play. I've had so much fun writing it, and I want to say (well scream really) THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the positive response and all the support I have gotten from all of you, my wonderful readers. To those who have stuck with me since the beginning (two years ago), I hope it was worth the wait! Thank you, thank you, thank you; for all the favorite stories, the story alerts, the reviews, etc. You all helped me finish what I started, and I have to say that I'm quite proud of what I have accomplished. Hopefully, you'll hear from me again soon (since my brain won't shut up) and I hope that you'll like whatever comes next. Once again, thank you! Love, A.