The Abused
Chapter Sixteen
For the longest time I just sat on the floor holding that small fragile body in my arms as he cried on my shoulder. I closed my eyes and ran my fingers through his hair golden locks, and for a moment I drifted off and just sat there with my eyes closed and my hands caressing his hair lovingly and longingly. I suddenly realized Naruto's hair was unbelievably soft that or I was just over exaggerating because I missed this part of him. I missed the conscious, happy, ramen eating, Usuratonkatchi who remembered, and loved me.
His voice ran in my ear like a beautiful melody. "Yeah?" I replied in a low whisper, as if any loud sounds would make this moment shatter into little shards.
He nuzzled my neck for a moment then clung tightly to me. His touch sent chills through my spine and bit by bit they brought me back to life once more and I felt the overwhelming weight fall off my shoulders as I surrendered to him. He leaned back, his fingers slowly sliding against my skin until he stopped and held my shoulders, "I feel like we haven't seen each other in years..." He paused. "It's all my fault... I knew that it was going to happen and... And I..." His eyes watered again as he looked to the floor.
I quickly cupped his face and lifted it so I could look into those Azure globes and used my thumb to wipe his tears away. "Don't apologize, I was the foolish one, I acted like a complete idiot and made you worry but now I will tell you, even though I should have sooner that, I knew. I knew you were going to fall. I saw it over and over in my dreams but I said nothing to you..." I pressed my forehead against his. "I'm sorry."
He pushed me away. "Did... I fall from the sky?" He said looking at me as if he had seen a ghost. His expression was a mix of shock and horror. Why is he asking me this? "Is that what you saw? Sasuke... Tell me." He shook my lightly. "Please!"
I sat there for a moment, silent. I leaned back and closed my eyes. "Yes. At first I was not sure what it was, but in my dream I chased it and the closer I got, the worse I felt. I saw wings, just tearing apart as you fell. There were feathers left behind in the sky as you came crashing down. I-I tried so hard to catch you but..." I paused and let out a heavy sigh as I remembered him laying on the ground with blood around him. "I failed every single time..." I felt Naruto's hands fall to the side, I opened my eyes and stared into his irises. "Naruto?"
Multiple times he opened and closed his mouth without a word spoken, he folded his arms across his chest and looked at me. "I had a dream like that... I tried to fly, and I was so sure I could climb to the heavens but before I could, I began to fall. I remember reaching out to the sky as it became further away and the ground got closer, white feathers tore from the raging winds. I never hit the ground though, I always fell into darkness... I could hear voices. One was you but there was someone else... He spoke to me all the time, his tiny hand would ruffle my hair and sing to me as I cried. He would assure me that I would see you once more and he always was the one to wake me up." He ran his fingers through his hair, as he tried to think. "His name was..."
"Sasuke! Naruto what's-" Itachi looked around the room completely mortified. "What happened here?!" He ran over to me. "Sasuke are you alright?" He automatically switched on mother hen mode and looked me over with worried eyes.
Ah... That's right. I forgot I was bleeding. I looked at Naruto who had also forgotten and began to panic and he continued to pull the glass out. "I'm sorry Itachi, I'll clean him up." His eyes didn't meet mine again though, he just focused on the wounds.
My brother walked over to Naruto. he was not a complete fool though he did act in such a way at times that you could forget. "Your memories are they back?" He asked placing his hand on his shoulder, apparently mother mode was still activated.
He nodded. "Yes..."
Itachi smiled as his eyes filled with relief. "Thank goodness, I thought you both were going to go mad if they didn't come back." He pulled Naruto into his arms and held him tightly. "Thank you for coming back to us..."
I watched the scene in silence, as tiny hands trembled and Naruto silently cried against Itachi's chest. "I'm... back..." He said between sniffles.
I brushed the glass out of my arm ignoring that it was tearing my flesh further. These wounds truly were no big deal, I've had much worse... I unconsciously cupped my eyes. Ah... Father... I stood up and looked at my brother and my beloved. I smiled and left the room, I knew Itachi had a few unsaid words that he needed to say so I'll let them be... I slowly walked down the stairs holding my chest I still feel... Uneasy... I looked up to see Raven laying on the couch with his back facing outwards and his face pressed into the cushion. He was... Sulking? I walked over to him and reached out to him but stopped. What if... He gets mad?
Crimson eyes met mine and he looked up at me and he rolled over on his back. "Idiot... You're covered in blood." He closed his eyes. "You look disgusting, go take a shower." He sat up and looked away. "I'm leaving."
I grabbed his arm. "His... Memories are back..." I looked up at him to see he was, angry? Why? What's wrong with him suddenly? Was it earlier?
Raven looked back at me. "Yeah, I know." His eyes were cold and empty, eyes he's never shown me... Why?
I tightly held his arm as he tried to leave. "Raven, what are you not telling me!?"
He yanked his arm away and pushed me down to the couch. "It's none of your concern, I'm no use anymore so just... Leave me be, I have things I need to do." With that he stormed out the door.
I was bewildered. I collected myself and ran after him. "Raven!" I ran outside but he wasn't there. He left me... I still need him. Without him I wouldn't have made it this far, without him I- I fell to the ground as my heart pulsed in my ears.
I felt arms wrap around me and pull me close. "Sasuke... Why are you out here?" I felt a sting in my heart because for a moment I was disappointed it was Naruto. Eh...? What's wrong with me? I spun around and hugged him tightly. My head throbbed and I looked around. "W-what am I doing out here?"
Naruto tilted his head to the side. "S-Sasuke why are you crying?" He wiped the tears away and pouted. "Are you upset I remembered you?" He asked as his eyes watered.
"No I... Feel like I forgot something important... I just can't remember..." I wonder what it was... I looked up at the sky to see a bird. I shielded my eyes from the sun as I focused on it. "Ah, Naruto look! A raven!"
Naruto looked up then looked at me worried. "It's just an ugly bird Sasuke, are you sure you're feeling alright?"
I stared at it as it climbed the heavens. "I think... It's beautiful." I reached my hand towards it but knew deep in my heart, I could never reach it again. I stood up as it vanished into the endless blue a final tear falling from my eyes. "Goodbye..." I closed my eyes and smiled. I feel... Better...?
Naruto shook me. "Sasuke~! Let's go inside now!" He dragged me by the arm and pulled me into the house. "Let's go start over!"
I smiled. "Yeah."
Naruto and I don't really remember everything that happened before and after the accident, all I know is that I'm glad he's here. It's been seven years since Naruto regained his memories. Everyone has changed so much but we stayed the same, our love is as powerful as it was from the very start. Konan and Pein got married and Itachi has been, well he never changes. Tsunade and Shizune came out and told everyone that they were lovers two years ago and Sai is now Miku's er... I can't exactly say boyfriend it's more like pet... And... We got out of that hellhole, after I turned 18 I inherited all of the money my mother had left for me so me and Naruto traveled the world. Right now we are going somewhere special. I closed my eyes and smiled. I wonder what Naruto has planned...
Naruto untied the now tattered ribbon and used it to blindfold me. "I hope this surprise will make you happy Sasuke." He whispered as he guided me down a path.
I couldn't see nothing but I could hear twigs snapping under my feet and I could feel leaves brushing against my skin. Occasionally, Naruto would speak up and say 'duck' or 'step over this' but other then that it was utter silence. When we stopped I could hear seagulls. "Can I look yet?" I asked impatiently.
His hands pulled the ribbon and I found myself on a cliff overlooking the ocean. I stood there baffled. "Naruto th-this is...!" I looked at him to see him peeling off his clothes. "E-EH?! Right here?!"
Naruto let out an adorable fit of laughter. "No idiot we're going to jump in!" He pointed out at the sea. "Today... We're finally going to fly!"
My eyes widened and I stared at him. He's amazing... It's almost as if I could still see his wings, they've grown since we left that damned cage. I smiled and followed suit. We're free. I looked at him as we stood at the edge, heights mean nothing when he's by my side. No challenge would ever defeat me with him here. "Are you ready?"
He grabbed my hand, pulled me close and kissed me. "I've been ready my whole life Sasuke." I love him, there is not another being on this planet who I could give my heart to but this person, he's my light. He's guided me though so much. He saved me from my darkness.
I kissed his hand. "I love you..." I also wanted to say thank you, but I feel like my message got through without me having to say a word.
We looked out at the sea and ran off the cliff, our arms spread wide and as we fell a raven flew between us. My eyes blurred as I felt it, Naruto wasn't the only one who had wings... I had them too. I always had them... My heart seemed to skip a beat as this wonderful feeling filled me, it was like falling in love with Naruto all over again, terrifying yet... Wonderful. As we seemed to float in the sky I felt like I was finally free, there weren't any chains binding me to the ground anymore. My father, my fear, my ignorance and even my scars meant nothing they all washed away as we fell into the water.
As we resurface Naruto looked at me wide-eyed. "That's right... His name was Yukito..." Ah strange, I feel like I've heard that name before... Whatever, names mean nothing!
I laughed. "What are you talking about? Left's go again, alright?" I looked at the sky to see the raven that flew past us. "Naruto, look!" Is that... The same raven? No... That's ridiculous!
Naruto looked up at the sky and whispered something that sounded like "Thank you." but I wasn't sure. He looked at me. "Yes, let's go again."
Yes, our life is perfect. There are days when I stare up at the sky longingly and cry for a reason even I cannot understand but other then that life is wonderful. Every day seems to be a dream but I'm so glad he's by my side. No... There is no better man to stand by me then him. I was once abused and mistreated but he fixed these broken wings of mine and force me out of my cage into the endless blue sky and told me to have faith in my tiny wings and take flight.
After we jumped in multiple times and completely ran out of energy from jumping, swimming then climbing the cliff we laid on the grass together in each others arms. "Naruto, promise me when we are old men we'll come back and do this again..." I whispered.
He sat up and smiled. "I'm glad you mentioned that because I hope it becomes a tradition every year on this day." He pulled out a small box. "I-I know this seems weird but if you wear this then... Those crazy fan girls won't touch you..." He muttered blushing. He handed me the box and looked away. "I-it's not much but-"
My eyes widened as I opened it and I laughed. "Usuratonkatchi! If its from you then it's perfect!"I put on the silver ring band and grabbed his face and pressed my lips against his. "I love you Naruto Uzumaki." I whispered as I pulled him close. I flustered as I stared a the ring. This makes me his forever doesn't it? I looked at him. "Ah! I don't have one for you!"
He presented a chain with a ring on it. "I've secretly been wearing it for months I just didn't have the courage to give you your yet..." He held his up. "They both... Have wings carved into them... I thought it was perfect."
"It is..."
Naruto pushed me back against the grass and pinned my arms down. "You hair got longer, why won't you let me cut it?" He ask as he positioned himself on top of me.
I smiled. "I just wanted to see what it looked like." And it when I look in the mirror I feel like I'm looking at someone familiar...
He raised an eyebrow then looked away. "It pisses me off... And for some reason... It make me jealous..."
I touched his face. "Then I'll let you cut it okay?" I grabbed his hair and pulled him down and pressed or lips together. I felt his hand slid down my stomach and to my—oh my god. I gasped and pushed him away. "S-so this was your plans!"
Naruto smiled. "Ho-ho~ I've been discovered!" He smiled. "I can't help myself around you."
My arms fell as I surrendered to him as I always did... I smiled. "I can't say no can I?" In one swift motion I rolled over on top of him and pinned him down. "But I can turn the tables." I looked down at him and realized my hair really has gotten long. I probably look like a woman now. Jeez... I pulled up his shirt and licked his abs causing him to let out a tiny gasp. Honestly I'm not good at this, it's so embarrassing but for him I... I'll do anything. I pulled his pants open and kisses even lower stopping just about his member then working my way back to his nipples. He moaned and squirmed beneath me.
"S-Sasuke don't tease me like th—Ah!" He gasped and put his hand over his mouth. "Ahhh...Sasuke... Don't tease!"
I grinned and moved my way up his neck sucking on the thin skin. Then leaned in so I can whisper in his ear. "You started it Naruto." I licked his hear and he moaned. I slid my knee between his legs and rubbed it against his groin. Once again he purred with pleasure. I decided to stop teasing him and work my way down to his groin pausing to make him think I was teasing again then pulled his pants and boxers completely off. I flustered then grabbed his member and licked it from base to tip.
"Haa. Sasuke, more..."
I smiled satisfied, this isn't that hard after all. I sucked on the tip and he thrust his hips but I made sure I could properly tease him before engulfing it. As I began to suck on his already fully erect member he gasped and moaned continuously, his hips never stopped.
He suddenly grabbed my hair and pulled me away. "It' no good... I can't take it anymore Sasuke..." He managed to breathe out then pushed me onto the ground. "I'm going to put it in." He whispered.
I rolled over and tried to crawl away, he pulled off my pants and I continued to try to escape. "No Naruto it's not fair you always get to—Ah...Nnnn!" I looked back flustered as he thrust his fingers inside me. "N-Naruto... Ahh...!" I Pressed my face against the grass as tears fell from my eyes. "Y-you're so cruel..."
He smiled. "Ah, sorry Sasuke I can't help it." He leaned down and stuck his tongue inside me. Oh god it feels so weird...
My eyes widened. "I-idiot..! S-stop..." I moaned and covered my mouth. Ah, it's no use... I'm as bad as him, I just can't help myself, I was already completely erect. I looked back at him. "J-just do it already dammit." I whimpered as he continued to tease me. "C-come on Naruto... I'm at my limit already."
Naruto laughed. "Already? That was fast!" His hand grabbed my hips and he slid inside me.
I whimpered. It really is no use, he has made my body unbelievably lewd. Every touch I crave, I want everything.
His hand slid up my spine and he stopped and pulled out of me.
My eyes widened. "No don't stop..."
He sighed. "I can't do it I have to see your face after all..."
My eyes widened and I felt tears fall from my eyes. "Naruto..." I rolled over and grabbed his face, kissing him passionately.
He carefully made me lean back as he once again plunged into me.
I stared into his eyes as he thrust into me, his eyes were burning with desire. I feel complete when we are connected like this...
He grinned and lifted my legs thrusting into me, his thrusts seemed like they were in sync with the oceans waves. I cried out as I reached my limit and my own fluids covered my chest and stomach.
Naruto moaned and I felt his body tense up as he released his seed inside me.
I looked out at the sky as he pressed his forehead on my chest. Ah... I reached up to the sky. It was... That raven again... I stared at it as it hovered in the sky above us. A... Raven... For a moment I could see them... Those kind crimson eyes, eyes that once looked at me with hatred and a voice that once tortured me... Eyes I somehow forgotten. My eyes widened and I wrapped my arms around Naruto. That's right if it wasn't for that I would have- I felt my eyes water. "Thank you."
Naruto looked at me. "What? Did you say something?"
I smiled. "No it's nothing... I love you Naruto..."
He grinned. "I love you too..."
I'm back~ Though this is the end of the story I love it too much to just leave it, I'm going to add in Raven's story and cute little short stories... BECAUSE I CAN :D
Read and Review!