Chapter 1: Chance encounter

Anna had recently moved to Forks, and already Edward has heard a few choice thoughts about her distrust and dislike of his family and him specifically. He can't hear her very often, and is beginning to think he only hears her when she wants him to. Most of her thought are somewhere along the lines of 'vile, disgusting, filthy….', then she catches him looking in her direction and the thought just stops.

She has never looked at him with anything but hatred. Not fear, just loathing.

She had enrolled when she realized the Cullens all went there. She wanted to learn more about them, so she could destroy them when the time came. She hated to have them hunting on HER property, but she would have to bide her time, it was a strong coven. She was just beginning to learn their different strengths from catching stray thoughts and from quietly watching them hunt. She hated them all. She especially loathed Edward, mountain lions were her favorite creatures. They had the most interesting and beautifully feline thoughts and desires.

She had arrived at the school a little late that day, what did she care? When she saw Edward glaring at a strange, tall man who was parked at the edge of the lot, leaning against a motorcycle.

She knew what the Cullen's were. She was scared for this stranger. Edward looked like he wanted to kill him. And he could, she knew it.

She looked up at the tall man the vampire was glaring at. He's beautiful, she thought. Russet-skinned, muscular, with dark, short hair. Dressed in a simple, tight t-shirt and old jeans, leaning against a motorcycle. He seems cocky in the presence of the vampire, the killer. Anna is amazed. Doesn't he know what Edward really is? Bella knew, she was sure. She had heard it in her thoughts. Stupid girl, Anna thought.

By now, she had crossed the lot and all three of the combatants turned at her unexpected approach. She glared briefly at the vampire and the human, then turned to look at the brooding man beyond them.

Her eyes traveled up his well-muscled chest and locked with his dark, black eyes.

She froze. Her mind echoed with one word, one word all around her could hear. 'Chosen'. She closed the distance between her and her chosen in an instant. She placed her right hand over his heart and thought it again, this time just for him. 'Chosen'.

The dark man starred at her, looking only into her eyes, light brown with soft flecks of deep green. She was a slight thing, shorter than him by at least a foot and a half, with long, luxuriously thick copper hair that seemed bigger than she was, the way it fell around her shoulders and surrounded her face.

His mouth was slightly open, his thoughts suddenly only of her. She heard one word form in his mind, as clear as crystal. 'Imprint'

She also suddenly felt love, adoration and devotion radiate out from him right to her heart. She kept her hand on his heart and moved to take his right hand in her left one, placing it over her heart. 'Chosen' she said, thinking the word strongly again, so he would hear.

It had all happened in the blink of an eye. Edward stood by Bella's side, stunned by the thoughts he was hearing from both Anna and Jacob. Bella looked up at him. "Jacob just imprinted," he whispered to her. Bella's mouth gaped.

Suddenly, Anna remembered why she had felt the need to protect this stranger in the first place. She whirled around to face Edward again. 'I know what you are.' She said softly, but with malice behind every word. 'I don't know what quarrel you have with this man, but it is over.' 'If you so much as harm one hair on his head, I will destroy you and everything you ever loved.' She stepped closer to Edward, so close she was right against him. 'He is my chosen, ' she repeated.

Her eyes, a moment ago a gentle brown, turned a deep, dark green and there was a crash of thunder behind them. Edward backed up, dragging Bella with him and practically tripping her in the process. What manner of creature was this?

His eyes flashed and blackened as he glared back at her. The thunder boomed again, more loudly, closer. The wind picked up. Anna stepped closer to Edward again. 'Do you understand?' she asked, menace in her eyes. Edward looked over her head at Jacob. He did not understand what she was at all, but he did understand whatever she was, she had found her mate, and would kill to protect him. He looked back at her and nodded assent quickly. He had to get Bella out of there.

Jacob was beginning to shake from the confrontation between Edward and his imprint, and might phase at any moment. Anna's eyes were still dark green and the green was beginning to swirl in time with the increase in the speed of the wind.

He pulled Bella back again and turned and rushed her into the school building.

He knew she would be wanting some answers, but that would have to wait until later. Know he cared only for her safety, and, thought it was unusual for him, for his own.