Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

"What the hell's going on out there?" Kiba muttered as half the cafeteria spilled out into the hall to see what the screaming was about.

"Looks like it came from the girl's room." Naruto mentioned as he stood on a chair.

Shikamaru scoffed, "Some girl probably freaked out over a spider." He made a move to go sit down again. I wondered if maybe it had anything to do with-

"It's Ai!" Naruto exclaimed, "Geez! Somebody messed her up good... Damn." He hissed through his teeth and shook his head. Several other students started whispering loudly. "Looks like a fight went down."

"Man, Ai is tore up."

"Wow, who did it? What happened?"

I couldn't see anything, I made a move to stand on my chair too when Naruto gasped and nearly fell from his.

"It's Sasuke! Sasuke and Sakura!" He immediately jumped off the chair and dove through the crowd, shoving people as he needed to. Kiba and Ino quickly followed suit. Shino also disappeared into the crowd.

"Aw, man. What?" Shikamaru looked at Chouji, "Should we go try to see what's up?"

Chouji looked almost torn between his lunch and his friends. He frowned. "It's probably just a false alarm."

"I can go see what happened," the two looked curiously at me, "stay here and enjoy lunch. I'll be right back." Shikamaru nodded, a small smirk on his face. "Be careful."

I wasn't sure what he meant by that until I actually started to push my way through the crowd. So many kids were still standing, ignoring the shouting narcs to go back to lunch, I couldn't even tell if Sasuke and Sakura were still in the hall. I was lucky enough to find a path were students had eventually taken their seats again. I skipped the last few feet and saw Kakashi-sensei with his arm around Sakura, guiding her in the direction of the office, I assumed. Naruto, Kiba, and Ino were standing next to Sasuke talking.

"How bad was it then?" Naruto was asking. Sasuke shook his head.

"See for yourself." He pointed in the direction of the girl's bathroom. Ino moved to hold the door open as we all peered inside. There wasn't nearly as much blood as I expected there to be honestly, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Kiba turned to me, "Hinata, what happened with Shika and Cho?"

"I told them to stay back and hold the fort." Kiba smiled and ruffled my hair a little. He didn't say anything else but turned his attention back to Naruto and Sasuke who were talking again.

Naruto was speaking, "What did Kakashi say to you?"

Sasuke shrugged and tried to look indifferent, "He said they would call me into the office later for 'questioning'. Me and anyone else who was apart of it."

"So pretty much just you and those girls, right? Ino asked.

Sasuke shook his head, "Not quite. Hinata Hyuuga will be called into questioning also."

"What! Why?" Kiba immediately jumped on him.

"Yeah! Hinata was with us!" Naruto too.

Sasuke shrugged again, "Well a student said they saw her talking to Sakura before she went into the bathroom, which was only a few minuted before the fight. It could have somehow been a setup."

"Oh shut up, Sasuke. You know Hinata isn't that kind of person." Ino admonished, flipping her hair. Most of the students had gone back to lunch. Sasuke seemed more than a little annoyed that Ino would say that to him. He frowned, "Look, you asked me what Kakashi said and I told you. Get over it." He began walking away and Naruto called out to him.

"Well, thanks anyway, Sasuke!" He sighed and began walking back to the table. Kiba, Ino and I looked at each other before following him.

"Sounds like you're in a hot mess, Hinata." Ino mentioned, giving me a sympathetic look. "That sucks. Do you think they'll call your dad?" I shrugged. I hoped they wouldn't bother. In the past when things like these would happen, (cases where they would have to call home, and normally because I was sick, not because of a fight), and they tried to call home, my father wouldn't answer because of work. And later in the evening he would call the school upset that they had bothered calling at all. I was old enough to take care of myself, he told them. "Next time just let her sign herself out and go home. If it's that bad, send Neji home with her." I sighed.

"Hey, buck up kiddo. It wasn't your fault. You were just an innocent bystander in this case." Kiba put an arm around my shoulder and Ino grabbed my hand, "Yeah! They'll probably just ask a few questions and that's it! It's not like you know anything about the fight, right?" I nodded and felt relieved as we sat down at the table. Naruto hadn't said anything for a long time.

"What were you talking to Sakura about before?" He asked. The table grew quiet and background noise seemed to die down although students hadn't stopped talking. I looked at Naruto but he was facing the table in front of him. "Hinata. I asked, what were you talking to Sakura about?"

My mouth twitched into a frown. "Nothing. We bumped into each other and that was it. She didn't say anything to me." His eyes seemed to drop even further and I wondered why it seemed so important to him. I chanced a look at Ino and she was almost glaring at him, or rather the same place he was staring at. "I need to go." Ino stood up and left, not even taking her trash. Naruto sighed deeply and his head drooped. "Me too." He gathered his and Ino's litter and walked away.

Shikamaru stared after them both, sighed, and scratched his head before asking, "So, what happened?"

Kiba went on to explain everything as I went to take a bite of my chicken strips which had now gone cold. I put the food back down.

I had lost my appetite.

Author's Note: Short chapter, I know, but at least it's something! Uh, heh, heeeeeyy guys? Long-ass-time-no-see... I'll try to get more writing in for you guys okay? And for myself. Hope you enjoyed. Now I just have to find the motivation and the inspiration for my other stories. D; Wish me luck.