Hello FanFiction. Oh how I've missed writing this couple and these characters. I've recently re-watched One Tree Hill, and I suddenly found myself inspired to write. So, after two plus years, the epilogue to Back to You is finally up. We last left of with Nathan proposing to Haley. She said yes. So, here is the wedding. Sort of. I've decided to take a little bit of a different approach. Make sure you read the last part :) I definitely have lots of throw backs to the early OTH seasons.

Previously in Back to You- Nathan and Haley, who have not spoken since graduation, are suddenly thrown back into each other's lives when their son, whom they gave up for adoption, comes looking for them in Tree Hill. After going through the emotional trauma of reuniting, Nathan and Haley begin to let their wounds from their past heal, all for the sake of their son. Haley's live-in boyfriend makes it a bit tough at first, but she soon realizes who it is she should be with. Just as Nathan and Haley find peace with their relationship, Jamie's Foster Parents try to get full custody of him. I won't spoil that, but in this chapter, he is an adult. He's actually attending Duke, just like Nathan did. Jamie finds himself back in Tree Hill for the marriage of his parents, but not without a little bit of drama. Pay attention to the dates. ;)



Friday, March 18, 2022

The baggage carousel seemed as if it were never ending, and time was not something Jamie had in excess. In fact, he was sure he was going to miss dinner. Of all the times in his life to be late, this was not the day.

Jamie had been lucky to make his plane in the first place, but that was what happened when someone gives Michael Bell too much responsibility. Jamie had been enjoying the white beaches of Miami with his best friend from high school the first part of his Spring Break, but now he was 800 miles north of South Beach. He had arrived to Tree Hill safely, but the same could not be said for his bag.

"Come on, come on," he said under his breath. Slowly the pool of nerves weighed heavily on his stomach. He checked his phone again for the time. It was nearly six o'clock.

The person on his right didn't have problems locating his bag and neither did the woman on his left. An elderly woman, who leaned on her cane for support, smiled at the young man. "Dontcha just hate these things? It's like when you play roulette, I suppose. One can only hope your number's called first." Jamie smiled at the woman politely. Her mid-western accent was thick, and the velcro tennis shoes placed her in her late seventies. He wasn't surprised when she squealed with excitement when her huge, floral patterned suitcase rounded the carousel. He pulled it from the belt for her, and she winked at him. "It'll come in time."

Jamie nodded. "I hope."

As the bags began making their second and third loop on the belt with no sign of Jamie's bag, he knew it had been lost. Panicked, Jamie reached for his phone. A bone-freezing chill ran though his body as he realized the severity of his situation. While it may have been a simple bag full of clothes, he needed the clothes now. He contemplated about the person to call, about who would be best suited to help him. Thumbing through his contacts, his first choice seemed like the one who'd be the best to help.

The dial tone buzzed in his ear before her voice echoed over the phone. "Hey, Jamie! You ready..."

"Brooke!" Jamie said with enthusiasm and concern all at once. "The airport lost my bag. What do I do? All of my good clothes are in there. My suit. My shoes..." In a fevered rush, Jamie spit out all of his concerns, barely taking a breath between sentences.

"Whoa, whoa." Brooke's voice immediately calmed the teenager. "Jamie. Calm down. Have you gone to report the bag's missing?"

"No." Jamie looked around. He saw the U.S Airway's logo overhead and started to run down the terminal. Like a fish upstream, Jamie struggled against the wave of arrivals and departures. He bumped and bounced off of strangers with deadly determination.

As Jamie forced his way through the crowd of people, Brooke now spoke with an anxious tone. "Go find someone at customer service. Tell them about your bag. You'll have to fill out a baggage form. Put my address as the address they can send it to." She paused as she collected her thoughts. "Okay. Do you have any clean clothes?"

"Uh, yeah. One pair of khaki shorts, a t-shirt, and some underwear," Jamie said as he thought about the contents of his backpack.

"Good. Smart boy. Listen, I know Lucas was supposed to pick you up, but I'll get you. We can swing by the shop and get you something for tonight."

"But what about tomorrow?" Jamie interrupted.

"We'll worry about that later." Brooke said, now her tone a bit flustered.

"Okay. Thanks, Aunt Brooke."

"Not a problem, Jamie. I'll see you soon."

As Jamie waited by the curb, he watched the people around him. A chain smoker, who inhaled the smoke of his third cigarette, paced the sidewalk. He seemed nervous. Jamie thought about it for a second. He didn't smoke, but the situation certainly seemed appropriate for a long drag, the smoke clouding his worries. But he didn't smoke, so he took a deep breath of the crisp March air.

Shoving his hands into his pockets, Jamie felt the card the woman at U.S Airways had given him. She'd been nice enough, but she'd estimated that his bag would be in Tree Hill tomorrow morning or afternoon at the latest. At least he had his backpack. He clutched the straps around his shoulders.

A speeding and somewhat erratic car flew through the arrival lanes and stopped just shy of a pedestrian sidewalk. The windows were already rolled down, and Jamie grinned when he saw her bright smile. He knew that his aunt could certainly make an entrance.

"Jamie! Come on. We're already late." Brooke yelled through the window. She reached across the front seat and pushed open the passenger door. "Get in."

Jamie laughed as he ran to the door, catching it with his right hand and swinging it shut in one swift jerk. Brooke, still leaning across the seat, gave Jamie a giant hug and kissed the side of his head.

"Okay, mister. You and I are officially late. But better late than never," she smiled with raised brows. Brooke slammed the gear shift into drive and punched the gas pedal. Jamie secured his seatbelt and held on for dear life. He was sure they were about to break the sound barrier.

Tree Hill was truly a blur. Buildings morphed into one and trees turned into a dark horizon against the dusky sky. Jamie only knew they had reached downtown because of the river. It still looked the same. No speed could take away the view Market Street provided, and the Cape Fear was just as beautiful as ever with the sun settling behind its murky waters.

Bumping against the curb as she parked her car, Brooke directed Jamie. "Take your clothes off. We'll find something in the shop for tonight."

Jamie did as he was told and followed his aunt into her shop. Brooke never had tons of men's clothes, but she'd branched out to increase her market value. It had been a good idea. Forbes had named Brooke Davis Baker as one of the highest-grossing CEOs for the last fiscal year.

Brooke didn't even bother with the lights when they walked through the door. "Okay. I have some jeans. A blazer will look nice. A light colored shirt will do..."

As Brooke searched through the racks, Jamie stood half naked in the store. He'd thrown his shoes and socks aside, tossed his cargo shorts, and flung his t-shirt behind him. He stood modestly, clad only in his boxers and with a look of humility painted on his face. Brooke smiled as she walked closer to him.

"Honey, I do this for a living. You in your undies has no effect on me." She handed Jamie a shirt and pants. "But for what it's worth..." She looked at his broad shoulders and narrow hips. "You look just like your father."

Jamie released an uncomfortable laugh as he slipped each leg into the tight jeans. He wasn't used to tight jeans and struggled to button them. "Uh, Brooke..."

"Suck it in, Jamie. High fashion comes at a high cost."

He nodded and pulled the jeans together. As he buttoned up the white shirt and pulled the blazer over his shoulders, Jamie caught sight of himself in a mirror and smiled. He did look pretty good. The girls at Duke would certainly appreciate his new attire.

"What size shoe do you wear?" Brooke yelled from the back.


Jamie heard Brooke grunt and the sound of shuffling boxes. When she emerged from the back, he laughed with a shake of his head. Brooke gave him an I don't give a damn look and threw a box at him.

Jamie pushed back the tissue and shook his head. "Are these alligator? There's no way I'm going to wear them."

Brooke threw a hand in the air. "Look. It's all I have in your size. Take them or leave them."

Jamie seriously thought about going barefoot, but then he thought about his parents. They probably wouldn't appreciate it. "I'm never going to live this down."

Brooke grabbed a pair of dark socks. "You'll be the best dressed of 'em all, Jamie." Brooke backed away and marveled at her creation. She was pretty proud of herself. "And those ankle boots are in style. You can keep them. All the guys are wearing them nowadays."

Under his breath, Jamie commented about the fanciful shoes, but he had to be thankful. Brooke had just draped him in a six hundred dollar outfit for free. And she was certainly helping him through this crisis.

Brooke grabbed her keys and shuffled to the door. She was wearing some of the tallest high heels Jamie had ever seen in his life, and he wasn't even exactly sure if it was legal to drive in shoes like that, but Brooke Davis Baker had never really been the conventional type.

"Come on!" she said as she put the key into the lock. Jamie grabbed for his old clothes, but she waved him off. "Leave them. We can get them in the morning."

And just like that, Brooke and Jamie drove a few blocks past the bridge to the warehouse district. Everybody was probably waiting for them. He knew that his parents were probably worried, but surely someone had let them know about the situation. It wasn't everyday that they got to see him. But in a few short minutes, the family of three would be reunited.


Instead of its typical Friday night crowd, live band, and smokey atmosphere abuzz with conversation, Tric was relatively empty. The dance floor had a giant, eight-person table in the middle, and a smaller round table was set aside for the kids. Some might call it an unofficial rehearsal dinner, but tonight was about the friends who'd been together since high school. Tomorrow other friends and extended family would watch Nathan and Haley exchange vows for the third time, but tonight was about celebrating the fact that they were all together again, permanently, in the home town that had defined the lives of each of them.

As Haley surveyed the room, she couldn't help but smile. As most of the kids took turns playing darts, Lucas and his youngest danced together. Harper's feet were planted on her father's feet as they circled the space around the bar. Haley's chest caught fire. She suddenly wondered what kind of father Nathan would have been to a daughter. Protective, sincere, perhaps.

"Hey, you," Peyton said, diminishing Haley's thoughts. "Brooke just texted. They're on their way. Something about clothes and shoes..." Peyton laughed as she put her arm around her friend.

Both of their eyes now traced the lines Lucas's feet made on the floor. Peyton's proudest moments came from her children, and she was thankful that Nathan and Haley were now able to feel that same feeling with Jamie back in their life, back in Tree Hill.

"Did she say what had happened?" Haley inquired, still experiencing the nerves of not knowing why her son was late.

Peyton shook her head. "Not really. I'm sure they'll tell us when they get here." A low gargle bellowed from Haley's stomach, and Peyton laughed. "What do you say we go ahead and sit down to eat?"

Haley smiled. "Yeah. Go round up the group. I'm going to run to the restroom really quick."

Haley's heels sang across the hardwood floors as she made her way to the other side of the room. Just before she opened the door to the ladies' room, the men's door pushed open. Nathan caught it before they could collide and apologized.

"Whoa. Sorry. I didn't know..."

Haley laughed as she put her hand on his chest, now both of them standing within inches of the other. Overcome with the intensity of their isolation, Haley's stomach flipped when her eyes met Nathan's smirk. The hall between the two bathrooms was dark, and the overhead light cast dark shadows over Nathan's face, but she could still make out his handsome features. With her eyes straining in the darkness, she smelled his cologne. He didn't wear it often, but the smell instinctively brought her face closer to his chest. Cinnamon and sandalwood teased her nose as she inhaled deeply.

"I'm starting to get nervous," she mumbled against his chest.

Nathan's body relaxed as he put his free arm around her shoulders. "About tomorrow?"

Haley looked up to him, now seeing the blue in his eyes. "No," she said confidently. "About tonight."

Nathan smiled as he looked deeply into her rich brown eyes. "What for? It's just dinner."

Haley buried her cheek into his chest and sighed. "No. Jamie. Him not being here."

Her worried expression was endearing to Nathan, and the care she expressed for their son was precious. He leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Hales, he's on his way." He ran his hand up her arm to her neck. "I bet he'll walk through the door any minute."

She placed her hand over his and sighed. "You're right."

Nathan smirked, and the light from overhead played with his smile. "Go wash up. Looks like everyone is headed to the table."

Haley felt a lump form in the back of her throat. As she pushed away from him to enter the ladies' room, she felt the tug of his weight against the hand she'd used to prop open the door. Nathan didn't have to pull her hard, but his intention was clear. Meeting her body as it came toward his, Nathan kissed her softly on the lips. Their fingers still interlocked, Haley pushed upward and balanced on one tiptoe, kissing him passionately and turning her lips into a smile. He laughed as he let go of her hand and headed to the table.

In the bathroom, Haley reapplied her lipstick, ran some cold water over her hands, and looked deeply into the mirror. Her dark hair fell loosely in waves and her cheekbones had been highlighted with blush. In the mirror, she saw the that the giddy nerves of a lovesick teenager were still alive and well. Nathan had always had that effect on her. Shaking her head, Haley took a deep breath and returned to the group outside, which had been perfect timing, really.

"Sorry, sorry," Brooke yelled. "We had to make a pit stop."

Jamie walked into the building just behind Brooke and smiled when everyone greeted him. Nathan rose from his chair and waited for the teenager to reach his side. "Jamie," Nathan smiled as he gave his son a hug, "I'm glad you're here. We were just sitting down to eat."

Jamie looked around the table and noticed an empty chair. "Where's Mom?"

Nathan looked over his shoulder and caught sight of her as she approached the table. "Jamie!" Haley held out her arms excitedly. Haley embraced her son with a warm hug. "I was getting worried." Stepping away from him after she hugged him, she then realized his outfit. "You look..."

"Wonderful," Brooke interrupted.

Jamie laughed. "I know. Different." Jamie looked at his shoes and felt the heat on his cheeks burn. "The airport lost my bag. Thankfully, Aunt Brooke had some stuff I could borrow."

Haley reached for the blazer and ran her hand down the lapel of his coat. "Well, I think you look mighty handsome." Her smile beamed as she sighed. "Let's sit."

They both turned to the table, and Haley sat next to Nathan, leaving an opening next to Lucas and herself. Lucas shook Jamie's hand as the boy sat, and then the conversation was directed about Jamie's first year at Duke.

As the group ate, Jamie explained that he was totally in love with college life. He loved the freedom he had. He loved his classes, and he enjoyed being in a fraternity. Naturally, Brooke asked him about his love life, but Jamie avoided the question. He didn't need everyone to know that he had a sort of, unofficial, not serious but serious girlfriend. It was still new, and they were taking it slowly. Even though he was hesitant to share information about her, Jamie was quick to declare that he had decided on a major.

Even though it seemed like it, not all of the table talk focused around Jamie. While everyone loved hearing about him and what was going on in his life, the night was a celebration of friendship. Most of the stories told around the table were about the group in high school. Nathan talked about the time he had stolen a school bus. Peyton talked about almost killing Lucas one time he'd been walking at night. Haley talked about the mini-golf course she and Lucas use to play atop of Karen's Cafe. Brooke, with some embarrassment, discussed her high school indiscretions, but explained how being friends with all of them helped her discover who Brooke Davis would end up becoming. Lucas shared stories about the River Court. He talked about the games won and lost, the life lessons.

There was a moment at the table when a reminiscent mood was felt by everyone. No one, not even the hopeless romantic that Lucas was, could have imagined that the whole crew would have been together like this, especially not for the marriage of Nathan and Haley.

As the catering crew removed the dinner plates and replaced them with dessert, Lucas excused himself from the table. No one really noticed until he came back with a box. Peyton made eyes at her husband, a look that she knew what he was about to do. Lucas set the box on his chair and grabbed for his glass to toast to the table.

"I, uh..." Lucas tried to start his speech eloquently and laughed as he fumbled for his words. "I thought this would be easy. I was going to stand in front of you all, the people I care about the most in the world, and say how happy I am." Lucas looked from Peyton to Brooke to Nathan and to Jamie. "But the irony is, I don't quite have the words." Lucas sighed as he put his glass down, now making eye contact with Haley. "So, as you may have expected, I wrote it all down."

Brooke noticed first. She grabbed Julian's hand as she saw Lucas pull what looked like a hardbound book from the box. Her jaw instantly became heavy. She thought he'd been working on a new book, but now she knew for sure.

Haley looked to Nathan, his expression telling her he didn't have a clue what his brother was up to. Her eyes shot to Peyton who wore a smirk on her face. Of course she knew what it was. But Haley, still confused, sighed as Lucas began to speak again.

"Twenty some odd years ago, all of us were brought together by chance, fate, basketball or whatever you want to call it."

Brooke joked, "I think it was Dan Scott's doing that really brought us together."

Lucas grinned. "True. But I honestly believe there's so much more to it. We were all meant to be friends, that music and basketball and everything brought us together for a reason. For the majority of high school, we were so happy. Even if we were battling non-existent parents, psycho-stalkers, the fashion industry, record labels, heart conditions, or basketball dreams, we somehow made it through. Some of us a little better than others, but we still made it, because true friendships last lifetimes." Lucas sighed as he looked at the book in his hand. "But then it all changed. Our paths began to move away from each other. And we lost sight of what we once had."

Lucas turned the book over in his hand and ran his hand along the spine, studying the front cover. He inhaled deeply and looked at Haley in the eyes. "Some of us ran away from what we knew we wanted. From what we knew we needed." Lucas's eyes shifted to Nathan's. "Some of us hid in the shadows of regret, the shadow of denial. I myself was in denial. I thought we'd all still be great friends after hight school, that one day it would be just like the old days. But it was never the same. We were never the same."

Lucas put his hand on Jamie's shoulder. "There's this saying that 'people always leave,' and I began to believe it until this one came along." Lucas glanced at his wife, "The day Jamie came to Tree Hill changed everything. And that's when I knew we'd get it all back. All of us could be together again." Lucas looked to Nathan and Haley. "We're family, and I can't imagine how we could have lived the rest of our lives without the two of you, together. So tonight, as we toast to the marriage of Nathan and Haley, let's be grateful. Let's be grateful for friends, for family, for this place we call home."

Lucas opened the book and turned to the dedication, his eyes scanning the words. To Jamie. For inspiring them to come back. Thank you.

"My publisher always told me that the best stories- the stories that move people- are the stories that we know, the stories we live. So I started writing this about two years ago. And I had to take some creative liberties, but this is it. Our story. Nathan and Haley's story."

Lucas handed Haley, Nathan, and Jamie a copy of his newest book. "This I'm giving to you as a wedding present." He looked to the others sitting around the table, "But you are all getting one tonight, too, because I thought that this would be the most appropriate time. So here you go," he said, handing everyone a copy.

Brooke couldn't stop the tears as she read the dedication. It was so true. Jamie had inspired them. He'd inspired them all. She looked to Julian, who was contemplating a movie version of the story, and disrupted his thoughts. "I know what you're thinking, but tonight, can we just have this? Julian, who knew that this story was too transcendent a story to tell on screen, agreed. He kissed her temple and nodded.

Haley read the dedication and turned to the first chapter. She wanted so badly to read it all, in that very moment, but she would have to wait. She turned to Lucas and silently thanked him. Her words were caught in the heavy lump she felt clog her throat. Nathan felt the same lump in his own throat and reacher for her hand. His right hand graced the ring on her left hand and he smiled.

"I love you, Haley James," he said, a desperate longing burning behind his eyes.

Haley squeezed his hand. "I love you, Nathan." She put her hand on his head and pulled his face close to hers. "Always and forever," she said kissing him. She pulled away from him so she could see the light reflect in his eyes. "And I can't wait to marry you."


August 2022

Lucas looked into the mirror and straightened his tie. He always got so nervous when he had to do readings from his book. Book signings were the easy part, but making himself so vulnerable in front of strangers always made his stomach tie itself in knots. Tonight would be a little bit different. Tonight, the first night of the book tour, started in a very familiar place. He glanced to the stage and smiled. He was about to take the stage of Tree Hill High's auditorium.

When the principal introduced him, cheers and applause filled the big room. Lucas walked to his spot behind the podium and thanked the crowd for the warm welcome. He immediately looked to the people in the front row. They were all there. Peyton and the kids. Brooke and Julian and the twins. Nathan and Haley. Jamie had gone back to Duke for the start of his Sophomore year, but Lucas knew his nephew would be there in spirit.

"I'd like to thank you all for coming out tonight. It's a tremendous honor to have such support from you all. It means so much."

Lucas picked up the book that rested on the podium. He reached for his glasses as he read the dedication.

"Before I begin my reading, I'd just like to let you all know that this story is very much like my first novel. And as you know, Tree Hill was a major character in that book. It's no different in this book. So, let me first say thank you to you all for creating such a wonderful town, a wonderful community. I should also preface by saying that this is a love story. But it's also a story about coming of age, even though I'm a middle-aged man. It only takes one person to change your perspective, to change your mind. And that's what this story is about."

Lucas flipped to the last chapter. "Instead of reading from the first chapter like I usually do, I'd like to read from the end."

I blink, and for the first time in years, we are right back where we started. This moment as transparent as the night we met to play basketball, but instead of rivals, today we stand as brothers. Nathan and I stand on the slab of cement next to the Cape Fear that once defined our relationship, that separated us and then united us. While the River Court had always been my sanctuary, it's Nathan's now. It Haley's.

I look to the man next to me and to the crowd in my horizon. Faces of the people I love, of the people who love Nathan and Haley, stare at us as we stand on the makeshift alter. The gray concrete is covered with white chairs and separated by a center aisle. A calm breeze blows the salty sea air to the South, and the clouds roll gently through the air. Tranquil and serene, there has never been a better place to have a wedding. When the minister takes his place next to Nathan, that's when I see them.

Peyton walks down the aisle first, and the only thing I can think about is our first time here, nearly in the exact same spots. She is as radiant as ever. Her blonde, tangled mess of hair and her haunting hazel eyes enchant me. She winks at me just as she stands next to Nathan. His nerves begin to show as Brooke makes her way down the aisle. He can see Haley now. I can see her.

Everyone stands once Haley crosses the threshold of the aisle. Jamie, so strong looking and courageous, escorts her with a tender grip. He has so much of Haley in him and so much of Nathan. I admire his strength as they walk toward us. Because of his determination, his unrelenting and resolute conviction to find his parents, we're all back together. I look to Nathan as they get closer, and his chest begins to rise and fall with a faster pace.

The minister asks who gives this woman away and Jamie responds, "I do, as her son, give her away to be with this man." He smiles at his father and untangles his and Haley's arms. He kisses her unveiled cheek and takes his place next to me.

I know that they've written their own vows, and I know that when speaking from the heart, there is an unmistakable truth that shines with emphatic brilliance. And that very light shines within Nathan and Haley now. Just as it's always shined.

"Hi." She says, stepping to take his hand.

Breathless and taken aback by her beauty, Nathan smiles. "Hi."

The minister reads from the good book in his hands and asks the pair to exchange vows.

Nathan reaches for his, but he doesn't read from the words he has prepared. Everyone knows he's waited almost twenty years to say these words to Haley again. "Today, I've asked all of our family and friends to gather to watch us exchange vows. And as I thought about the words to say to you, Haley, I knew that there would never be enough time to say it all." Nathan looks to me and smiles. His hands trembles as he holds her hands and looked deeper into her eyes. "I was once told that the strongest of hearts are the hearts that can bend because they won't ever be broken. But I've had my heart broken, and I'm a better man for it. When we break, we learn to put ourselves back together again, but it takes time and learning. And learning to do something can be a struggle. And the struggle is a part of love. And I want to struggle with you, Haley James. I want to experience every part of life with you. All of it. So today, I vow to be with you through the good times and bad, through the fights and the misunderstandings, through triumph and happiness. I don't know who said that strong hearts bend, because they've clearly never had their heart belong to someone like you. I've said it before and I'll say it for the rest of my life, that I, Nathan Scott, vow to love you, always and forever."

Nathan slips her ring on her finger; it's the same one he'd given her so long ago.

Haley's chin quivers, and I can see the tears sitting on the edge of her eyes. She bites her lip and steadies her breathing with a deep sigh. "Today is the day I'm choosing to be honest with myself, because I've not been honest with myself for a very long time. And honesty needs bravery, but you make me brave. As I stand here, ready to marry you, Nathan, for the third time, I think about the road we've take to get to this place. The road that's been so hurtful and long. So desperate and lonely. I can choose to blame our circumstances on fate or bad luck or bad decisions. Or I can choose to live the rest of my life knowing that I've got love in my heart. Things aren't always going to be fair or honest or true. That's just the way it is. But I can live happily, peacefully, knowing that I've chosen you. I will always choose you, Nathan. I'll always love you. So I vow today to stand by you, to understand you, to appreciate and thank you. I vow to be everything you need just as you've been everything I need. I, Haley James, vow to love you until the end of time. Always and forever.

Peyton carefully gives Haley Nathan's ring, and she slides it up his finger. I can't even hear the minister as he mumbles the last of his words, because once he declares them man and wife, the crowd erupts into an applause magnified by the water. It bounces down the cape and off the brick-faced buildings of Tree Hill. And suddenly, I see Nathan and Haley kissing. Really kissing. They kiss like no one is watching them even though all eyes are focused on the newly married pair.

It is at this moment that I realize that all of it, everything, has been leading up to this. Not just Nathan and Haley's wedding, but everything. Our lives. I look around and see my city for the beauty that it is. I see the people who have instrumentally shaped my life and the man I have become. And I am thankful. I'm thankful for Peyton. I'm thankful for Brooke. I'm thankful for Nathan. I'm thankful for Haley. I'm particularly thankful for Jamie.

I see now that Tree Hill isn't just a place somewhere in the world- it's my place. It's our place. Maybe it's a lot like your world, maybe it's nothing like it. But if you look closer, you might see someone like you. Someone trying to find their way. Someone trying to find their place. Someone trying to find their home. I hope you can find it. I hope you can find your place in the world just as we've found ours.

I see that happiness and magic are real, personified by the people you surround yourself with, by the people you choose to love and who choose to love you.

So if ever you feel like you may have lost it, lost someone or something, chase after it. Search for it with every ounce of passion you have. Don't stop, because you never know when those people will find their way back to you.


Thank you all for supporting this story. I'm so proud that I've finished it. And in large, your reviews, suggestions, praise, and critiques have always helped me stay motivated to write.

-HarleyQuinn23 (Kathryn)