Chapter 4

Eric sat in the waiting area outside where Calleigh was being assessed. He didn't want to sit still, but was unsure whether his legs were strong enough to hold him up. He was mentally exhausted and knew it was the start of a very long night.

He was reminded of the last time they visited here, which seemed too often, when Calleigh had entered a burning house to rescue the person she thought was still alive. Not only did she end up being haunted by that person, but also by the extra problems it had caused with her breathing.

He looked around for something to distract him, there were the three month old magazines with stories he had no interest in. He spotted the TV playing quitely in the corner, the sound turned down in respect. He decided to settle for that watching the pictures flick in front of his eyes, but no paying much attention.

"What is going on in there?" Eric thought aloud. He knew with the amound of injuries he had been able to see when he found her that it didn't look good. He didn't want to think what she had been through when he wasn't there to save her.

"Eric?" Alexx asked in astonishment as she saw him sat in the corridor and walked towards him after returning from her break. "What are you doing here?"

"Alexx! Thank God, someone who maybe able to find out what is going on!" Eric replied in a hurry as he stood up, slightly waivering as he did.

"What's happened Eric?" Alexx asked concerned etched in her voice. "Who's in there?" Although she didn't really need to ask, she had seen the closeness between Eric and Calleigh through the years. There was a closeness between the whole team, but she couldn't imagine his face of concern would be down to any of the others being injured.

"It's Calleigh, oh God Alex, she was attacked whilst I went for takeout." He replied as he fell back against the chair suddenly he was feeling dizzy from the lack of food and the events unfolding. "They are looking at her now, we arrived about 15 minutes ago."

"Oh baby I'm so sorry. I'm sure she will be fine, Calleigh's a strong woman. We will all be there to help her." Alexx replied as she sat down next to him.

"Horatio is at the house trying to find out what happened. She looked so terrible. I think she was stabbed and may have been ..." Eric replied with his head in his hands covering his eyes to cover the tears flowing and his voice quivering on the last word, not wanting to voice his fears.

"They will find what has happened. Calleigh is like a daugter to him." Alexx replied not wanting to think about what she had gone through either.

"I know, it's just so hard. I can't cope without her. She has been so strong for me and I feel so hopeless. Why does it always have to happen to her?" He asked turning his face questioning Alexx. Just then they heard a page call for her over the tannoy asking for her to go to the room they were stood outside

"Looks as though they need me in there. I'm sorry Eric to leave you like this, but you've got to believe me she will pull through this. I will get out here with any update as soon as I can. Stay strong, she will need you." Alexx soothed as she stood up and touched him on the shoulder then headed to the door of the room.

"Thanks Alexx. I will be there for her, now and always." He just hoped always didn't end sooner than he planned. "Always." He whispered and sent up a silent prayer.