Comfort Zone


In my defence, I was half asleep and the mental image of them snuggling came into my head. Then it wouldn't leave me alone. I had to write the scene down but I tried to add some flesh around it as well. It's short. Yeah, so what? Sue me if you want.


Comfort Zone

There was something comforting in waking up each morning and finding out that he was still alive. There was also something incredibly soothing about finding one's lover comfortably cuddled against your body. It was nice to see that he could bring such joy to the younger man before him. It made him feel as though he wasn't as worthless as he sometimes (not often) thought he was. The greatest feeling in the world for him was to know that the bundle of blankets lying next to him loved him despite his rambunctious attitude.

When Prussia was feeling overly cocky, he liked to think that he hadn't faded away because he was meant to fill Canada's life with awesomness. When he was feeling melancholic (which, again, did not happen often), he believed that he had been given this second chance at life so that Canada could make him feel loved again.

It was comforting to see a pair of bright violet eyes look at him every morning with such joy and not disdain. For him, it was wonderfully soothing to feel the younger man's body pressed against him as he gave him a warm hug at random moments of the day simply because he felt like it.

It also brought him comfort to find his companion after a particularly long day. It was nice to be able to simply sit on the bed and watch Matthew sleep peacefully at his side.

If Gilbert was trying to be honest with himself, he would have to admit that he didn't know why his relationship with Matthew worked, but somehow it did. They just clicked.

Gilbert liked to think that Matthew was very much his comfort zone because when someone could just lie next to another person in complete silence and still be understood, there was something incredibly comforting in the notion of it. And it was also good to know that he was loved by that person and that he loved them back just as much.


I said it was short… sorry? I'll write more for this pairing, but this little thing would not stop bothering me. Reviews make me happy.

Reviews, no matter how short, even if they are anonymous, mean a lot to me and let me know that my writing brings emotions to you readers out there. I see you, the ones who only favourite, the ones who add me to alert, don't think I don't. Even if it's just an exclamation point, it warms my heart.

Started writing: January 14th 2010, 10:27pm

Finished writing: January 14th 2010, 11:16pm

Started typing: January 17th 2010, 12:10pm

Finished typing: January 17th 2010, 12:20pm