http : / xxxfleur-delacourxxx. blogspot. com /

It had been years since I was stripped of my magic. I couldn't be trusted. I was not only a Death Eater, but I was the Dark Lady. I deserved getting my magic stripped. Granted, having magic was my everything.

My broken wand pieces were my favorite piece of a reminder of the war and the time afterwards.

Familiar arms went around my waist, another pair around my legs. I knelt down and picked up my daughter.

"Bella, we're going to the Channel. Do you want to come?" my husband whispered in my ear.

"Sure, only if we can bring this little stinker," I giggled, tickling my daughter's stomach.

"I think we can squeeze her in," Draco chuckled.

I looked across our manor's balcony and saw my eldest son and his girlfriend, Violetta, sitting on the grass.

I didn't tell the Order, but wandless magic and I were best friends. I may not have my wand, and I may have went against the pureblood laws when marrying Draco, but I did what I knew I wanted. I loved him and he loved me. That's all that mattered.

We never talked about me accepting the position as Dark Lady. We never talked about the war.

"Bring, Lecto to the foyer, darling," Draco murmured, kissing my shoulder before disappearing. I looked down at my little daughter. She was three years old and extremely intelligent. Alecto Narcissa Malfoy was my only daughter and my favorite, don't tell Scorpious.

My gaze traveled to Scorpious on the lawn. Violetta and him were making out heavily. You'd think after I told him fourteen years ago that he was not suppossed to kiss a girl in front of me he'd learn.

Scorpious was seventeen now and he was going to ask Violetta to marry him soon. I knew that much. He'd rather talk to Draco than I.

I changed Alecto into a pretty emerald day dress, brushing her blonde hair until it absolutely sheened, before carrying her down to the foyer.

"Leaving Scorp here?" I guessed.

"Him and Violet can have the house to themselves," he shrugged.

"Oh, you are such a guy!" I scolded, hitting his shoulder. He just laughed and grabbed my arm.

"Shall we?"

"We shall?"

Like I said, love was enough. And having Harry and Ginny Potter, as well as Hermione Weasley, well, that helped. The Dark would never control me again and I was staying on the light.

. . . Granted I believe I said that before. . .

This is it! Hope you enjoyed and sorry I haven't updated in forever. . . my bad:) Yes, they finally end up together, even though it went against Pureblood society. But, hey, you can't control who you love!
